Igadrzra help please!!!1

i have got to the point where yoou have to kill this A.S.S. F-something guy but i cant find him. and when i do find him he is really hard to beat. what an i supposed to do. any halep would be great thanx.


you look in the lower igazdra space. what ship do you have.


So you've just been given a plasma siphon for your troubles? And you're hunting an Azdgari Warship.. the only problem would probably be your ship, because you generally have to take out the Azdaras before working on the warship. If you are lucky there will be other Igadzra ships in the system where you find the A.S.S. whatever, and they can help out a lot - just keep trying. At least you've found the ship, that's really the hardest part :).

For this mission you really need a fast ship that can just keep out of the azdaras range long enough to use the plasma siphon and blast em, try an arada with swivel phase cannons...

"Some say when they lose they will have another try, I say I'll have another drink..."

(This message has been edited by Feast (edited 04-14-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Feast (edited 04-14-2001).)

It is possible to complete the mission in an upgraded CW or a Lazira, but go for the Arada. If my memory doesn't give me fake information the ship should be in a system about 2-3 jumps south of Igadzra.

I have no signature

i have a CW ship with every upgrade i can find. i think i will try it with that ship a few times to see if i can do it. but if all else fails i will get a new ship. thanx for your help.


Go to Paaren Station and get Dospect Armor. It provides good protection against phase weapons. Hope this helps...


What are you people moaning about? That mission, HARD?

I did it in my Crescent Fighter without breaking sweat!

PS: I admit it, it did require quite a bit if patience.

Great webboard: (url="http://"http://pub18.ezboard.com/baradapilotsboard")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

lol! 😄 A.S.S! hahahahahaha!!! woooo! <cough> <gag> <choke> hahaha!!!! 😄


i just got their missions too! and i cannot find that crappy ship! i guess i need to keep trying.

Ultimate Rebel-Rebel General leading the Confederates' Demise

Its in the Racet system, I think either that or somewhere dang close, if you cant find it in that area just abort the mission and get it again and it will probly be there cause it might have been a glitch :D: :eek:

its not kids in the backseat that cause accidents, its accidents in the backseat that cause kids. y'all come in here and check this out before I flush it. computers let us do stupid things faster.