Freeport Bar

"That's a secret, so it is, mate. And it wouldn't be a secret if I don toldja, now wud it. Tell yer what, couldja play with Polly for a bit while I regenerates me balls?"

Polly pecks Knifeblade nick sharply on the back of the neck.

"Har har! gotta watch out fer polly, she's tough, that one is..."

I'm right.
(url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

Walks in, puts mines everywhere and sits down. Mines disappear.
Words are warped, mine are. Speak in straight senences I can not. Messed me up, EV3 log did. hgggrrraa.

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile way and you have their shoes.

"Oedipus is the one with the pink dress." SilverDragon explained. "It suits him,
doesn't it?" he grins.

"And, no, there are no rules that drinks must be payed for. I'm here to mind the
bar, not to make money. If my friend has a problem, I'll give him a few million
to shut him up."

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Rima looks at the robot Dragon."I don't see why you don't get a real one.There's many of them around."A golden fire-lizard flies in,scratches the robot and suddenly disappears with a rush of cold air.Rima looks at the spot whare she was."She went between.Isn't she a nice Fire-lizard?"She orders a drink.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Nick whirls around after the parrot pecked him and says"Polly wana cracker?"and tosses one up inthe air,and Polly catches it in her beak.Nick says"Yep.'Twouldnt be a secret if'ns ya told me how.But then agin, I realready know how ya do it.If you can remember me from way back then I'll betcha can remember how we was always plunderin' the poor trader ships from under the UE's noses, till that time we did get caught and had to go our own ways. An' I ended up becomin a Captain of Freeport, whilst you stayed a lone wolf thief.Tell me bucko, how's things been in that hell they call the underworld of space?"and sips his drink loudly.

I have a gold and black uniform with a badge shaped like a machette and a badge shaped like freeport

Mmmm, everybody has them, don't they.
Jess's firelizard comes out of between. It's Octarine coloured.
"It's an experiment," she says to their confused faces.
The thing trys to savage a vending machine, then drops dead on the floor.
"Another experiment gone wrong."

You know, you're the only other people I've met who even know who Anne McCaffrey is?
Then again, I do live in Derbyshire.....
Did anyone else get their SAT timetables today? :frown:

If a tree falls in the forest when nobody's around, WHAT COLOUR IS THAT TREE?

OOC: I WILL read Ann McCaffrey soon. Really!

SilverDragon sends Dragoona off to Jess's firelizard.

Dragoona whizzes around it, and then the Octarien firelizard comes back to life.

"It's very well programmed." SilverDragon explained.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Wow, how do you make it do that? I can't even make mine carry post!
OOC: You should read Anne McCaffrey, she's good. I don't suppose you've ever read Tigana? Is it too much to ask?

If a tree falls in the forest when nobody's around, WHAT COLOUR IS THAT TREE?

An Emalghion with 1 arm(happy?) walks in and orders an Emalghion water.

He eyes the fire lizards thoughtfully, and pulls out some fireflies. He shooes them in the direction of the lizards, and they eat them. He sees that everyone is confused. "Just an experiment," he says. "I guess fire lizards eat fire flies."

The dragon awaits no whims but his own...
Doom, gloom, and things that go boom!!
Die Voinan Die!!!!!!!

Rima takes out some herdbeast and feeds it to her fire-lizard named Silna.Silna eats the chunk of herdbeast and looks for more.Rima turns to Silver Dragon"You wouldn't happen to have any herdbeast meat would you?"

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

SilverDragon nods, and pulls out a huge piece of the meat. "This enough?" he asks

He looks at Jess. "Tigana? I'll read it. I promise. Give me 7 days to find it and
read it."

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Rima looks at the meat trying to reason if it is enough.Silna solves the problem by savagely ripping out chunks and chewing on them."I'd say quite enough."Rima put's a 400cr chip on the counter.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Draco smiles at the interesting fire lizards. However, in his Crescent Warship he has a stronger beast.

"Would anybody like to see my vampire asteroid? No? :frown: Why not? Oh well, how about hearing the story about how I captured it?"

The dragon awaits no whims but his own...
Doom, gloom, and things that go boom!!
(url="http://"")Everyone but the black guy are Voinan's(/url) 🙂

(This message has been edited by draco_2488 (edited 04-24-2001).)

Phoenix walks in and orders water.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

A very large Crescent Warship docks at the station, and a Mucular strandless alien comes into the bar.
"You can be calling me REDchigh up in here. How'dya like my ship? it's one of a kind. bribed a couple of Rock engineers to make it from four regular Crescent Warships."

REDchigh asks Esponer "Whats the strongest drink ya got? Im in a bad mood..." and REDchigh rolls his neutron pistol around in his hand.....

Starkiller slips back in with a communicator.

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. " - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower

A quarter rolls in the ridiculous bar and rolls over to the orange cone thing in the corner everyone forgot about. " So, doin anything tonight?" He asks the cone.

OOC( Whatever the hell that stands for): Its not any wierder than the rest of the crap I just read 🙂

"Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
-Some old wise fellow

Phoenix sips his water and watches the other members thoughtfully.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

"Draco, since nothing else is happening, I suppose I'll listen to your story"

Phoenix lounges back in his chair.

"That is called a droid decoy. This is called a trap. And I'm calling you dead"

Overrider720 walks in and see's Draco about to tell the story so he shoves an anti-target mine on his tongue which insinerates it and kicks back and orders a Fruit/Vegi shake of course with Sallian Brandy on the side

All quite on the western front.
But not for long...