The Dark Shadow

I've quit.

I dislike this "I have a spy in your government" idea, so I'm going to pour more
attention into Apocalyptic Night and Sokaro.

Sorry everyone, especially you, Jess.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Jess watches Esponer leave the office.
An officer comes in.
"Jess, renegades are attacking!"
"Commander, food supplies are running low on station Pybin, and the Zidagar are blockading!"
Jess wonders if she could pretend to faint. But she's in command now. Bugger.
"Right, send 15 Igaras to deal with the renegades (I don't exactly know what they are, but I'm going to assume they're faster, stronger Igazras), and send an escort of 20 Igazras with the food freighters. Begin work immediately outfitting 100 new Igaras with Search and Whatevers."

Encrypted message to Nova: I want to join you and the Voinians. Send as many ships as you want to Igadzra in one day. Tell your Voinian allies to launch an attack on the Eastern UE systems, while we attack the rest.

I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.

The Igara is larger and slower than the Igazra.

It carries 6 Igadzra Aradas, use a Neutron Blaster (takes down a Zidara in two
shots, uses up 100 fuel units per use, has 30 or so jumps fuel - 3000 units)

Great webboard:


Posted by Nova6:
Revoked. You can't decode a message with a Encryption level 10.

I revoke that piece of crap statement. Any message can be decoded, as long as you have the right equipment, which my ship has, and that equipment has been for sale for who knows how long.


After landing in the Xarnes Spaceport, ESPilot goes to see Nova6 to discuss a plan. Again, and Azdgari guard halts him, and ESPilot, tired of this, draws his blaster and shoots a hole in the guards stomach the size of a baseball. He then proceeds to Nova6's office to discuss the plan.

ESPilot says "Greetings, mighty Emporor. I have noted that the Igadzra leader has resigned, and his place is filled in by a less efficient, reckless leader." He continues on "I believe this would be the correct time to launch a strategical heavy assault on the fringe and outer core worlds of the Igadzra." With that, he waits for a reply.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

Hey, can I join? I know its a bit of the way in, but I can read the background info. Please? I want to be an independant, with a Miranu gunship called the S.S. Sapphire Falcon. It'll be quite a lot more powerful than a normal gunship, and I have 6 Azdgari warships escorts and 2 Miranu hevy freighters.

Post -

Sapphire stood at the bridge of the Sapphire Falcon, which was entering the Zachit
system. "Move to a stop," Sapphire commanded. "Land at Outpost Zachit." The
Sapphire Falcon and it's small fleet landed, and Sapphire looked around for the
leader of the Zachit.

"Excuse me," Sapphire asked a Zachit member. "Where can I find the leader of the
Zachit? I wish to see if I can perform any jobs for him." Sapphire is quickly
directed to UE Crusader's office.

(This message has been edited by Sapphire (edited 04-16-2001).)

Jess, still waiting for a reply from Nova, ponders the situation. If she attempts this assault on the UE, the Zidagar may well attack while the homeworlds are 'unprotected'. Treachery from the Azdgari is, of course, inevitable. Her mouth twists in a sardonic smile. Predictable. That was the main weakness of the Strands. The Zidagar and their obsession with the belief that a homeworld is everything. The Azdgari, always act now, think later. She wondered what they thought about the Igadzra. If only the strands could unite, they could easily conquer the galaxy. But we'll never get on. We've grown too different. There can only be one winner.She orders increased ship production in the Mark system.

I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.

ESPilot, not finding Nova6 in his office, goes back out to the shipyard. He asks an Azdgari where the research and development labs are, and heads off to them. Inside, he looks around at various blueprints and projects. Looking around, he spots the Phase-Neutron blueprint, grabs it, and hightails it back to the S.S. Honor blade, blowing past security guards before they even know what happened, and immediately takes off followed by his fleet. He goes into hyperspace, arrives in a system, and immediately goes into hyperspace again. He does this until he reaches Zidagar where he presents the blueprints to Samurai, eagerly awaiting her reply to the Phase-Neutron cannon/turret Blueprint.....

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-16-2001).)

4.75m, gb .1m/d

I'm attacking a Miranu fuzzbag plant on Mira.

The plant is located on the outskirts of a large city, and is easily located by the tall, aesthetically designed hills nearby in which the skinned corpses of countless fuzzes are buried. At the large sliding doors, the plant manager was trying vainly to argue with the growing mob.

"I demand, no, I ORDER youto disperse!"
(Several) "End the Fuzz trade!"
(One) "We aren't breaking any laws!"
"Who's in control of this ruckus! I insist on speaking to him immediately!"
(Many) "End the Fuzz trade!"
(Several) "Society for the Protection of the Lovable Fuzz!"
(One, yelling) "Entropy! He's not here yet."

Suddenly, a low rumble is heard. A thunderstorm is brewing, and a slight rain is already falling. It will soon turn to a downpour.

On the horizon, three dots can be vaguely seen. The protesters begin chanting "Stop The Fuzz trade! Save the Urslan Fuzz!"

The three dots grow larger, and as the rain increades and the sky grows dark the ships reveal themselves as a battered Miranu Frieghter, a Miranu Courier, and Entropy's Lazira. The Lazira settles down on the hoverfloat lot, protesters parting to give it room. Entropy walks out. As the protesters cheer, he walks up to the plant manager and quitly asks if he can talk with him on the ship.

(Aboard ship)
Manager: "Your protesters are unlawfully failing to disperse! I demand that you order them to leave immediately!"
Entropy: "They are breaking no laws, local, planetary, or imperial. It would only become unlawful if they entered the factory."
Manager: "Can't you see how bad this is for business? Fifteen of my employees have already resigned! If anything else happens, I might have to close the factory up!"
Entropy: "That would be excellant. I will see to it that some..."
Manager (breaking in): "No! No! Look, what if I py you? Can you make them leave? We have to maintain a profit margin, and my employees can't work with all this disturbance...
Entorpy: "Attempting to bribe an official? You are on CSLF territory, I may remind you. Nonetheless,you will find that it is also illegal under Miranu law, Subclause 15... but you will not be interested. In two hours the crowd will disperse, the ships will leave, and II will make sure that the authorities are notified of your lawlessness. Meanwhile, there is work to be done. GUARDS! Take him away!

Two security afficers wearing badges depicting fuzzes rolling across the urslan deserts seize the manager and drag him off.

Then, after the cheering crowd is notified of the events onship (drawing an even louder cheer when the manager is taken out the airlock by the guards,) the Lazira rises up, and several hatches open on the bottom, revealing specialsed cutting arrays. As the crowd flows into the factory, leaving conveyor belts broken and jammed in their wake and the giant skinning knives snapped off, while the crowd rescues fuzzes from the motorized belts, the Lazira hovers over the rear of the factory and slices one of the holding pens open. The Miranu courier lands in position with the cargo doors open, and trained personelle guide the frightened, malnourished fuzzes into the cargo bay, where food, water, and nesting areas are provided for the journey back to Ursla. As the last fuzz rolls through the doors, they close behind it and the Lazira slices the next of the nine remaining holding pens open, and the process is repeadted. The bays are filled only halfway to maximum fuzz capacity- they usually double in number by the time the ship reaches Ursla. After the courier is full, it lifts off gently so not to scare the already frightened fuzzes, and the Freighter moves into position. The three ships take off and fly away into the storm clouds, and as thunder begins to arc across the sky the protesters quietly disperse and go back to their waiting hovercars and homes, leving only the cuffed figure of the plant manager with a holotablet containing a video of his attempted bribery loaded on it when the police arrive.

They had to break the law to do it, of course, but it was worth it.

(Lies are in your head.)

Titan sends a fleet to the hatuli system to capture it. The fleet includes: 1 shadow cruiser, 10 creacent warships, 10 turncoats, 20 Helians, 15 aradas.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

Do to the rescent Developments (The fact that my Igadzra ALLIES betrayed me, and that my favorite mod resigned) I hereby open the following comm link:
<Messege to: The Igadzra-Voinian-Adzgari Alliance>
{No enc}
I hereby surrender 3/4 of my space to the Voinians, andmost of my ships/weopons to you. I beg that you will have mercy. To prove my sincerity, i will surrender all of my fleet, Except two cruisers, 20 destroyers, and 8 Carriers, strictly for the renegade problem. The only systems i will keep are Huron, Helios, Omm, Paaren station and Parren (planet), Also, please give me time to retreat a majority of my civilains out of Earth and the surrounding space. I hope that our govts can live in harmony side-by-side. If my demands are not to your requests, we can decide.>
(End Message)

and REDchigh waits patiently for word from the Voinians...

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.


Originally posted by Jess:
"Right, send 15 Igaras to deal with the renegades (I don't exactly know what they are, but I'm going to assume they're faster, stronger Igazras), and send an escort of 20 Igazras with the food freighters. Begin work immediately outfitting 100 new Igaras with Search and Whatevers."

Ugh, I already said that Igaras are revoked! You don't have any.


Originally posted by ESPilot:
I revoke that piece of crap statement. Any message can be decoded, as long as you have the right equipment, which my ship has, and that equipment has been for sale for who knows how long.

The reason I made it encryption level 10 is because I didn't want ANYONE to decode it! :mad:


Originally posted by ESPilot:
ESPilot, not finding Nova6 in his office, goes back out to the shipyard. He asks an Azdgari where the research and development labs are, and heads off to them. Inside, he looks around at various blueprints and projects. Looking around, he spots the Phase-Neutron blueprint, grabs it, and hightails it back to the S.S. Honor blade, blowing past security guards before they even know what happened, and immediately takes off followed by his fleet. He goes into hyperspace, arrives in a system, and immediately goes into hyperspace again. He does this until he reaches Zidagar where he presents the blueprints to Samurai, eagerly awaiting her reply to the Phase-Neutron cannon/turret Blueprint.....

Revoked. First of all, I would not leave Phase-Neutron cannon/turret Blueprints laying around. Seconed, I am in office! I just was busy! I can't be here 24-hours a day! :mad:


Originally posted by Sapphire:
Hey, can I join?

Sure. Welcome to the story! 🙂 Have fun!

<Message to Jess>
<Ok, I accpet. The ships are on their way! And may we both live in peace! :)>
<End Message>

<Message to Carnoatur>
<I need you to attack the eastern UE systems. The Igadzra are allying with us and they need you to do that right away!>
<End Message>

The Azdgari are withdrawing from Igadzra captured space and giving it back to them.


Long live the Rebellion!
(url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

Redchigh, I think the renagades should get part of UE space, we are at war with you.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

Nova, you've got to stop that.

You decided you had spies in my government, so you could just happen to
hear what my courier was saying, which so happened to be the first in a large
amount of lies that would lead to my resignation (betraying Jess and then having
her overthrow me).

You complain when people FAIRLY build ships, decode messages EASIER to decode
then mine, or FAIRLY build ships, all because YOU want to win.

Look at Reign of Chaos. I made it, but I didn't win. You, however, seem to be
in this just to win.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff


Originally posted by Titan:
**Redchigh, I think the renagades should get part of UE space, we are at war with you.

<Private message to: Titan>
Why are you at war with the UE?
I know you ARE, but why? Land? Money? Tyranny?
Anyof those, and since i surrendered, they aren't valid anymore!
In the intro, it says that the renegades are mad because:
1. theyare ruled by a "Distant earth government" I am no longer a major govt, so i hereby grant you independance.
2. "they pay taxes to support a war that means nothing to them" Well. No more war with the voinians! so there!
3. Um... I'd say because they are ruled without a representative. read the answer to #1!

any other reasons?! I'll fix them. I traded my pride for my people's lives. Can't ya live with that? I think that all humans should've united against the comman foe, Voinians, but its too late for that, isn't it?!

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

Message to Nova6: The reenagdes would like to be allies with you, we will hekp you destroy the UE and anyother enemies you have. end of message

Nova6, Igaras should be allowed, they just have to cost a ton of money.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller


You decided you had spies in my government,

I just decided I don't like that idea anyway.


so you could just happen to hear what my courier was saying,

Spies are supposed to hear things like that, besides, I could of heard it at Earth.


which so happened to be the first in a large amount of lies that would lead to my resignation

Name three.


(betraying Jess and then having
her overthrow me).

If it wasn't true, then why did you act so defencive about it?


You complain when people FAIRLY build ships,

You never even researched or even made plans for the Igara!


decode messages EASIER to decode then mine,

Whch messages?


or FAIRLY build ships, all because YOU want to win.

Nope, that's not it at all.


Look at Reign of Chaos. I made it, but I didn't win. You, however, seem to be
in this just to win.

Nope. Wrong again.

Long live the Rebellion!
(url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 04-16-2001).)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Nova, you've got to stop that.

You decided you had spies in my government, so you could just happen to
hear what my courier was saying, which so happened to be the first in a large
amount of lies that would lead to my resignation (betraying Jess and then having
her overthrow me).

You complain when people FAIRLY build ships, decode messages EASIER to decode
then mine, or FAIRLY build ships, all because YOU want to win.

Look at Reign of Chaos. I made it, but I didn't win. You, however, seem to be
in this just to win.


I'm glad somebody has the same opinion as me.

BTW Nova6, if I'm correct, at the start of this you said:


1. You may control only your own character.
2. No total destruction.
3. Your posts may only account for one weeks time and one day's action.
4. No undefeatable protections.
5. Lifepads (small shield protection modules) may be used while aboard one's own or affiliated structure, and warsuit (suits with life support and shielding) may be used given time to put one on before going onto a hostile structure.
6. Thread Moderators may revoke your posts at any time if they do not follow these rules.
7. Anything acquired or developed must be noted. Background developments are allowed only by moderators.(/B

For one thing, the posts you revoked DID NOT bend or break any of these rules, and I don't think it would be proper moderating to revoke posts that are FINE and aren't BREAKING THE DAMN RULES.

CONTINUATION (after backtracking a little bit):

After landing in the Xarnes Spaceport, ESPilot goes to see Nova6 to discuss a plan. Again, and Azdgari guard halts him, and ESPilot, tired of this, draws his blaster and shoots a hole in the guards stomach the size of a baseball. He then proceeds to Nova6's office to discuss the plan.

ESPilot says "Greetings, mighty Emporor. I have noted that the Igadzra leader has resigned, and his place is filled in by a less efficient, reckless leader." He continues on "I believe this would be the correct time to launch a strategical heavy assault on the fringe and outer core worlds of the Igadzra." With that, he waits for a reply.
' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-16-2001).)

SilverDragon, Nova6 is right, you can't just say Esponuer builds a super cruiser, you to do research.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

Message to Titan: We welcome an alliance with your people. May we live in peace!


Nova6, Igaras should be allowed, they just have to cost a ton of money.

Ok. All Igara posts that were revoked are now un-revoked.

Long live the Rebellion!
(url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

Igaras cost 30million to produce, and other than having two docks latched at
the sides they are pretty much the same as Igazras but weaker.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff