The Dark Shadow


Originally posted by ESPilot:
For one thing, the posts you revoked DID NOT bend or break any of these rules, and I don't think it would be proper moderating to revoke posts that are FINE and aren't BREAKING THE DAMN RULES.

I also have to revoke posts that are un-realistic and imposible!

Long live the Rebellion!
(url="http://"")Visit my cool EV website!(/url)

I also revoke Jess's post that said she sent 15 Igara to destroy the rengades, because if each Igara costs 30M, then the total amount of money it would cost to build 15 Igaras is 450M.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

No actually it only costs 15 million to built an Igara.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

I must admit I disagree with that part.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

225M is still alot of money.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

ESPilot now walks off to his ship from the Azdgari HQ knowing that his plan would be completely revoked because of the new Igadzra/Azdgari alliance. His ship takes off, and he heads for Igadzra.

On Igadzra, he goes to the Igadzra HQ, and is, once again, halted by a guard, whom he promptly deals a solid left hook to the face knocking him out. He proceeds to Jess's office, where he says to Jess "I would like permission to have one of the blueprints for your Igadzra Beam." He says "Of course, if you refuse....." he pulls out a small remote and presses a button, when a mechanic voice says 'All BlackMarket MI-24 'Tomato' Shield Generators on Igara carriers have been deactivated. Please have a nice day.' ESPilot continues "If you don't agree, all Tomato shield generators will remain inactive and all Igadzra will be restricted from BlackMarket products. I will give you time for your descision. Until then, take care." He then walks out to his ship and blasts off.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

Yeah but the Igaras are sold for 30 million so the profit is double the spending.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

Okay, that cuts the price in half, that adds up to 112.5M, that still costs to much.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

It doesn't cost too much for a govt with a 450 million credit budget with 2 million per day.

CONTINUATION: ESPilot gets tired of waiting for Jess, so he goes out to the research facilities. He once again knocks out the guards with a few swift punches, and grabs a scientist when he hears him saying something about the Igadzra Beam. He puts a gun to the scientists head and drags him behind a large barrel of 'Toxic Substance', and says in a harsh whisper "Where is the blueprint for the Igadzra beam?" The scientist says "I don't know." ESPilot presses the pistol harder saying "Tell me or die." The scientist says "Second door on the right in corridor C." ESPilot fires the gun which is on stun setting, knocking out the scientist, and grabs his keycard.

ESPilot comes up to the second door on the left of corridor C and runs his keycard through a slit in the panel next to the door. The door slides open, and ESPilot walks into a room with engineers studying a blueprint which is on top a stack of blueprints. ESPilot shows them the keycard and takes the blueprint from the stack, revealing the one under it to be the same thing. ESPilot leaves the research facility, draws the remote he used to disable the Tomatoes with, and crushes it under his boots. He then runs to the S.S. Honor Blade when he hears an alarm sounding.

4 guards block his entry to the spaceport, and he rams through two of them trampling them all over, and jumps into the already-closing hatch. The ship takes off, blasting away at various places, followed by ESPilot's fleet. They head for Hizdriar in one long nonstop jump that drains most of the ships' fuel.

On Hizdriar, they call a group of researchers and present them with the Igadzra beam blueprint and ESPilot says "Meet me in the lab tomorrow afternoon." He then walks off to his ship where he blasts off to destroy some renegades.

P.S. This is very possible and not un-realistic, mister Nova6, so there is no reason to revoke it, AND it doesn't break any rules. 😛

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 04-16-2001).)

Uh, last time I checked your government had 40M.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

Igaras were researched. I think it's on page 3 or 4 when SilverDragon started a project to build a carrier. This is obviously the Igara. And ESPilot: we don't HAVE an Igadzra beam. Also, I'm pretty sure our blueprints would be much better protected, you can't just kill 2 guards and steal them. Forget it.

Jess masses a force of the 15 new Igaras, along with a load of other Igazras pulled away from the Azdgari borders, on the edge of UE territory. She does not, however, move until word from the Voinians is sent, as she doesn't know what's happening with the UE retreat thing.

Message to Titan: Please meet with me on Igadzra. We have bounty hunting to discuss.

I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.

The Voinians are accepting Redchigh's surrender terms. They are now no longer attacking the UE, for now at least.

Project Completed: Enhanced Neutron Weaponry

Enhanced Neutron Weapons are now being installed on all Voinian ships.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 04-17-2001).)

Sapphire bought 2 of ESPilot's heavy cruisers, and also bought a number of Aradas
and Miranu Gunships. He set off to Zachit land to offer his skills.

Down goes the Dreadnought,
I'm getting there....

Ok ok fine. I revoke my post.

CONTINUATION (yet again, after significant backtracking):

ESPilot's fleet arrives in Gadzair, the middle of Strand territory. They quickly hyperjump out so as not to become suspected by the people who dwell in the station.

A few days later, they arrive in Hizdriar, and spot a Crescent Warship and a Lazira beating up on a Miranu Freighter, when all 29 of the fighters carried in ESPilot's fleet are launched, along with the 6 Aradas, and engage combat with the renegades. By now the Freighter is disabled, and boarding tubes are just beginning to be occupied when one is blasted by a Crescent Fighter from the fleet, signaling the start of the battle. The Lazira and the Warship withdraw their tubes and the CW launches its fighters, sending them after one target only to have them pounded and beaten by 4 other ships. ESPilot launches SAD's at the enemy, and the Crescent Warship and 3 Laziras in his fleet do the same, as well as the Heavy Carriers. Once the 2 renegade ships realize they're biting off more than they can chew with this fight, they quickly run away just as the fleet reaches them. The S.S. Honor Blade opens fire with all five fully-charged phase turrets, while ESPilot's Crescent Warship escort assists in the close combat, firing dispersals along with its phase turrets.

Soon the CW is disabled, as well as the Lazira. Both are boarded and captured by the Heavy Carrier-TTs and taken to the planet with the rest of the fleet for refuelling as well as restocking. The Renegades seem happy for some reason and the pilot of the Lazira says to ESPilot "I'm glad not to be one o' them anymore. Yessiree, those Renegades are total idiots. They're trying to win a battle with those Zacha or whatever y'call 'em with totally unupgraded ships (it's the rule in the Renegade military, don't ask me why), a low budget, and bad odds that continue to drop." The Crescent Warship pilot, an aged, battle-scarred Strandless, says "Boy ye got that right. Them Renegades are poor funded, getting what they can from the ships they plunder, and yet they have nowhere to sell it because Renegades are of course, not allowed on planets and stations other than their own. They hafta make do wid sellin' it to other Renegades. And they don't allow ship upgrades. You buy a ship; they don't letcha change it."

He continues "But now that we're with you guys we can do whatever we want with our ships." ESPilot says "Well I'm glad you feel good about it. Listen, my company has made a technology which allows shields to be increased by half the original amount of shields. How'd ya like to try one out on your ships?" The Lazira pilot's first mate, a young, brash pilot, says "Sure, we'd love to. The shields of a Lazira ain't really up to battle standards against the Zachit with their Pursuit missiles and moderate speed."

The Lazira pilot says "Ah shaddap." giving him a brief blow to the gut. He says "This un's a liddle firebrand, was when I picked him up, still is now." He looks to the first mate and says "You gotta learn to control that gizzard of yours, son. It can getcha into a heap o' trouble when you run it off like that." He continues, looking back at ESPilot "We'd be glad to try one out. He was right about one thing: our Lazira's shield aren't up to battle standards against the Zachit." ESPilot says "All righty then. They'll be installed before our next flight, I'll guaruntee. Right now, I say we could use a little rest. With that, he walks off to the spaceport bar.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Since Redchigh has no attempted to defend Yandros and Outpost Theta in a while, I herby delcare that the Voinians captured them.

HELLO!!! do you just not read, or what?
I surrendered most of my space like ten posts ago!!!!
Congrats! the Voinians have Beaten the weak UE!!!!

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

Titan goes to Igadzra.
Titan: What did you want to talk to me about?
Jess answers...

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

That ESPilot is starting to annoy me. I'm prepared to pay almost any price for you to... seriously inconvenience him. If you choose to accept, name your price and I'll pay you if you get the job done. Keep it quiet.

Jess withdraws her ships from UE space until further notice. She goes to see Nova (wherever he is) to discuss an attack on the Zidagar.

I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.

I'll do it. How much do I get payed to kill ESPilot?

Down goes the Dreadnought,
I'm getting there....

The preparations at Zeldair were going well. The Miranu Gunship, now completed and under production for several days, was being made to be the central force behind the Zachit attack force, under Zacha Crusader's supervision.

Ample time had given for Zacha pilots from all over to assemble. The time for gathering was over, the time for attacking was now.

The plan was straightforward. By tomorrow the substantial Zacha fleet would be assembeled and ready to go. On every gunship and warship would be a group of well-trained commandos. A small fleet would be sent to attack The Rock, to deceive the Renegades into believing that the Zacha were focusing in that direction. Instead, the true attack force would attack North Tip Station, destroy all resistance, and then capture the station and purge all Renegade infulences from there.

Since becoming one of the Zacha 10 years ago, Crusader had risen from being just a pilot from far away to becoming one of its primary tacticans and leaders. Even with his....unusual background, he had proven himself early on and impressed many with his skill. Living in the North Tip for so long, he came to know the troubles of those peaceful citizens in the North Tip. Now, finally, he would help these people take a major step to ending their troubles.


Zacha funds: 405 million credits

The following are purchased by the Zacha:

10 Crescent Warships
200 Miranu Gunships

135 million left in our coffers.

Anyone have a clue how much the Zacha Fighter and arada should cost in this story? Nova6, guidance would be appreciated.


(This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 04-18-2001).)

Hmmm...... Why am I reading this?

Zachit Fighter - 1,500,000 credits
Zachit Arada - 2,000,000 credits

I think that's more than fair, don't you?

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff