Viva la PC!

I'm using a fake name because I don't want most of the board pissed at me.

I personally think PCs are better, and I can't see how you guys can argue that macs are the better deal. They're overpriced and don't do hardly anything. I know this is an age old argument but I just gotta tell you my opinion. If you can think of a reason that you should buy a mac instead of a PC, please reply and state your mind. Mods: this is just a debate, please do not close, also, please do not IP ban me since I'm only speaking my opinion.

Viva la PC!


Originally posted by Masked:
**I'm using a fake name because I don't want most of the board pissed at me.

Mods this is just a debate, please do not close,


Go ahead mods this is pointless, by the way Macs are better. Masked everyone is supposed to have a fake name don't you know any internet saftey rules


(This message has been edited by Overrider720 (edited 04-17-2001).)

Please make reference to one of the finished 'age old debates' instead of starting new ones. I'm sure you'll find the reasons you're looking for there.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
EVEA Webstory Board: (url="http://"")http://pub51.ezboard.../bevoadventures(/url)
Will burn things for a nickname -- consult for further information.


Originally posted by Masked:
**I'm using a fake name because I don't want most of the board pissed at me.

I personally think PCs are better, and I can't see how you guys can argue that macs are the better deal. They're overpriced and don't do hardly anything. I know this is an age old argument but I just gotta tell you my opinion. If you can think of a reason that you should buy a mac instead of a PC, please reply and state your mind. Mods: this is just a debate, please do not close, also, please do not IP ban me since I'm only speaking my opinion.


Hmm... what are you doing here if you don't like Macs? Also, "don't do hardly anything" is a double negative, you're implying that Macs do quite a bit. Finally, you really don't offer much in the way of a persuasive argument, you're lucky htjyang doesn't come around these parts much. 😄

and that's not just opinion,

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
What am I doing? I'm Chillin™!
(url="http://"")The WWII Plug-in for EVO(/url), coming soon

Beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft. Microsoft leads to Windows. Windows leads to... suffering.

You don't have to do this! Life is too precious! Good, good, slowly, everything will be OK. Now, put the trout down...

Well speaking from a PC I can't really see how any PC user can use one and deny that macs have it over them all around - the only valid reason to use a PC really is that they're cheaper.. it's my reason but hopefully I'll have a mac before too long - a nice small one to take when I leave home; instead of the fiasco it would be to lug this thing in all its parts!

Macs work better, are more efficient and are much easier to use. Have you ever tried to get into those files on the PC that just have a windows icon? You have to do all sorts of 'open with' stuff, that never works. I have to take everything, windows inc. off my PC about once every 6 months. The only reason I have a PC is 'cos there are more games. You know, when I bought my PC the CPU was set up wrong and I had to buy a new one!!

I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.

Exactly - they're bound to have more problems because of all the makes about. And then you've got the numerous graphics cards and stuff, where some of them have conflicts and need special fixes to run some games.. pretty silly if you ask me. And about file types: I find it pretty bizarre because their can only be one type per 3-letter extension - and this results in weird stuff going on. Mine always wants to open DAT files, which are generally text, with my DVD-player application - apparently because they both use that extension. I find that pretty insufferable sometimes. Not to mention the thousands of things in the Windows directory than no one knows what do, or whether you can delete them or not! The mac system folder is ridiculously straightforward by comparison :)!

plus, the new 733 mhz g4 operates at 5.5 gigaflops(5.5 billion floating point operations per second) which is faster than even a 1.5 ghz p4. this means that macs are twice as fast, have an easier OS, have a new unix based OS, are more lenient with names, are harder to hack in to, are quieter, look cooler, and have some of the best games i have ever seen(specifically ambrosia ones ;))! now, how can you say that pc's are better? i have used both, and macs easily come out on top

and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

Two things.

First, some mod, IP trace Masked; I want to know who he is and where he lives. I think I have a pipe bomb or two handy 😉 (FBI, that wink signals a joke. Same to any of you overly paranoid people.)

Second, this debate belongs on Banter & Brawl. If only we had an active mod around here to send topics where they belonged 😉 (This time, I'm only half joking.)

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
Badminton Overhead Clear: Get under and slightly behind the falling birdie. Have racket ready in backswing position. Extend racket toward sky and contact shuttle at highest point. The racket face should be open. Snap wrist forward on contact. Shuttle should fly to your opponent's backcourt. -- shayborg's tip of the week

Well, contrary to the way it sounded, this wasn't just another pointless name-calling session I wanted to start. I actually did want to know why you guys could have liked macs. Thanks (to some of you), you've given me something to think about.

Viva la PC!

Good, we are glad that we could open the doors to you..

Now please change your sig before we are forced to burn you at the stake. Thank you! 😄

Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get! Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk! I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma! Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
AIM: StrikerDragon

I work with PC's everyday. To tell you the truth, you do get used to them. The reason for the extensions is to help the computer sort easier. Granted this makes things harder on the user and can get buggy especially in the win 95. Technically speaking a processer in a Windows format finds info faster than a mac because of the sorting process. I still remember all the trouble I went through with my PC. It crashed and in general was a pain in the horse's rear. Not once has the old mac at my parents house crashed though. I is actually a shame though that so much software that is useful to me in my field is windows based. I think that is why mac's have trouble in the computer market. They just are not in control of the main software packages and so many other people have PC's that compatibility becomes a problem in most cases. With all that said I really wish I had thta mac here at school because it has my favorite game. EVO!!

Why are there no maroon ships?

Please forgive that last misspelling. "thta"=that

Why are there no maroon ships?

maybe the sorting process is faster, but the running speed is better, from what i know.
btw, what market are you in? programming? because macs completely dominate the graphic arts market, with all the infini-d, flash, adobe, shall i name more?

and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

Nah I am in the engineering field. I use excel and a whole mess of other dos based modeling programs. Even when I do use a graphics program, it's is AutoCAD and I do not think it comes on a mac. Then if i want to share my work with the rest of my engineering group they all use PC's. Therefore I prety much have to use them.

Why are there no maroon ships?

I think there would be a lot less time wasted by people arguing over this subject if the two platforms were more compatible, but that's just wishing.

Anyways, in regards to the mods, whatever happened to Jude, anyways?


Originally posted by wes:
Anyways, in regards to the mods, whatever happened to Jude, anyways?

She resigned, it's probably not a good subject to bring up.

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
What am I doing? I'm Chillin™!
(url="http://"")The WWII Plug-in for EVO(/url), coming soon

My only regret is that I cannot play Giants : Citizen Kabuto on my G4. But then, net play crashes in that game so often that I don't regret it a whole lot. Other than that, there really are no reasons not to buy a Mac. If there's a particular game you NEED, buy a PC. Otherwise, Mac's got it covered. (And I say 'game' because that's really the only software market that can truly say it has an advantage on the PC side.) As it has been pointed out, although 733mhz does not sound as fast as 1.5ghz, Mac processors have always (well, noticably since the G3) been faster than their PC counterparts. Yes, you can get a bottom of the barrell PC for less than you could a Mac, but you get what you pay for. A Mac with a similar price tag to a PC will generally outpreform it. And let's not forget the way they look. Yes, this is important. "But how does it affect the performance?" you ask. I say, "Why the hell did the iMac sell like hotcakes?" The way Apple's hardware looks is simply amazing. Even the old beige G3 tower (with the green button on top) that we had back in the lab a few years ago was the subject of "That computer looks cool!" "Yeah, that's all that really matters." (Spoken by two PC users.) And I won't even start on ease of use and customization. Enough rambling for me.

(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)
Graphics. Games. And more...

(This message has been edited by Meowx Design (edited 04-19-2001).)

I think starkiller deserves karma for his post about microsoft, and gates, it's so true.

Give him Karma or give him death.