Support Group for Unfortunate Souls Stuck With PC's and Mac Emulators...

Amazing, isn't it? I'm on AOL, just surfing the net, with a diownload in progress. Everything's fine, then, without warning, I get two Blue Screens of Death in rapid succession, and I'm offline. Windows warns me that I cant recieve the file I tried to download because the connection was lost (Nice, considering Windows itself lost it...). Isn't that just great? Well, this just happened to me a couple of minutes ago, and I've decided to do something about it, if only to vent my frustration. Now, let the power of the six-colored Apple watch over us, and let's vent our frustrations that we've had with the Gatesian Monopoly and those sometimes frustrating Mac emulators here. Someday, we shall all have Macs, but, unfortunately, that day aint today, so let's try to make the best of at, shall we?

"I'm better at toying with people cerebrally than I was a few years ago. I'm better at f**king with your head."
-Chino Moreno, Deftones lead singer
Bill Gates Must Die!

What the heck does this have to do with EVO?!?!?!

I really don't think this belongs here...

Someone move it to Just Chat or something...

(url="http://"")WW2 Plug-in for EVO(/url)
Plug-in I'm working on with a couple of others.

Hehe, it's actually pretty topical! All I can say is upgrade to Windows 2000 and the Blue Screen of Death™ - I imagine they trademarked it đŸ™‚ - will be a thing of the past. True the default desktop colour is blue, but it's nowhere near as scary!

About the mac emulators, I've only used Executor successfully - well as successful as you can get without sound and all. But almost every time I get a mission that takes two message windows in the bar, if I don't click past them fast enough it says "Unexpected Application Failure!" Of course now I've come to expect it to happen every time, so it's more unexpected when it doesn't say that! That's the main reason it says used for 27 hours in 23 days or whatever in the registration box. Rather than 270 hours :)!


Amazing, isn't it? I'm on AOL, just surfing the net, with a diownload in progress. Everything's fine, then, without warning, I get two Blue Screens of Death in rapid succession, and I'm offline. Windows warns me that I cant recieve the file I tried to download because the connection was lost (Nice, considering Windows itself lost it...). Isn't that just great? Well, this just happened to me a couple of minutes ago, and I've decided to do something about it, if only to vent my frustration. Now, let the power of the six-colored Apple watch over us, and let's vent our frustrations that we've had with the Gatesian Monopoly and those sometimes frustrating Mac emulators here. Someday, we shall all have Macs, but, unfortunately, that day aint today, so let's try to make the best of at, shall we?

Wow, a PC user that actually says Macs are superior? Well I guess that should be expected considering a 733 Mhz Mac is 57% faster than a 1.5 Ghz Pentium 4. Of course, its not all in the power but that seems to be all PC users are concerned with anyway!

"Some say when they lose they will have another try, I say I'll have another drink..."

(This message has been edited by Feast (edited 04-16-2001).)

Well, point taken Black Beard, I should move this to Just Chat. I sort of intended this to help emulator users with EV/EVO problems, but I kind of seem to forget about the rest of the Ambrosia community (due to a lack of insight, since I mainly only play EV/EVO and Ares) I also started this because of a previous topic on the EVO webboard (Emulator Proiblems). After replying a couple of times, I realized that more people use emulators than I thought, so I decided to start this. Point taken, Black Beard. Secondly, I do believe that Microsoft should copyright the BSOD! It's so common that I'm surprised that it hasn't become a common household phrase! Lastly, I really don't consider myself a PC user. My first computer experience was on a Mac (damn near 8 years ago, I never thought of it as more than an expensive toy! glad it ended up to be much more than that...) I do have an old Macintosh LC II that's serving as a floppy server to an old semi-disabled PowerBook 520c with a messed up floppy drive. You're right though, Feast, real PC users do care about clock speed, as well as fail to realize the true speed differences between Macs and PC's. Well, I'll go ahead and move this to just chat, and I hope to help us unfortunate Mac-worshiping souls stuck with Windoze.

"I'm better at toying with people cerebrally than I was a few years ago. I'm better at f**king with your head."
-Chino Moreno, Deftones lead singer
Bill Gates Must Die!

I burned an Executor tutorial for use with EVO onto a CD which i can recover if anybody reading this needs it. It's quite helpful, the only deal is you have to have a mouse with non-generic drivers :rolleyes:.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
EVEA Webstory Board: (url="http://"")http://pub51.ezboard.../bevoadventures(/url)
Will burn things for a nickname -- consult for further information.