Is 1.02 worth downloading?

Does anybody know where you can still download version 1.0.0 or 1.0.1???

1.0.2 is horrible! 🙂

PS: Sorry to anyone who was involved with the designing of EVO 1.0.2

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

I hate to disappoint you, but I don't think you can download it anymore!!!

Arrrrrrr!!!! D'ye have some rum, matey?

I don't really see what the big deal is with not liking 1.0.2. The smoke trails are a nice effect, the AI with afterburner does make it harder to MP ships, but it seems very hard to predict when they will make use of it. I've found that especially in fighting Voinians on missions, where the one you are attacking comes really slowly and one zooms in from way behind at fighter speed!

The SAD flashing is just odd, and yes they could use more accuracy - I didn't realise the jamming thing had changed.. it's a shame as they needed help originally anyway. I haven't really noticed any other changes, and there's still room for improvement - a few dozen spelling errors in mission strings for a start :).

  1. The smoke trail makes evading rockets twice as hard.
  2. The enemies with afterburners means that I can't destroy Voinian Heavy Fighters
    in my Shuttlecraft anymore - and I don't mean with the Monty Python.
  3. I tend to find that the Voinian Heavy Fighters keep on afterburning for the
    whole time. I never saw them of off it - which can be explained by the fact that
    I don't think EV/EVO have a fuel counter for enemy ships, since in EV the Confed
    warships with particle beams never used them, and in EVO they don't stop using
    fuel based weapons.

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Get 1.0.2!

It rocks. 1.0.1 is just not as good when you compare it with 1.0.2. I once read this document (I forget where I read it) that stated all the changes from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, and I was amazed! So many things had been fixed/improved! So I had my brother send me 1.0.1 over the LAN, and I tried it out. And a lot of the stuff I'd known in 1.0.2 was wrong. You can't get the marines in 1.0.1. There's a bunch of weird bugs that occur, like there's still a bar on the destroyed Verril Prime and those outfits on New Alcatraz and many others that I won't mention. Also, the Fighters were slow as hell, and the Rockets didn't have any smoke trails, (which I like.) Bottom line, get 1.0.2, you'll never want to go back.

By the way, I deleted 1.0.1 from my computer, and my brother got the new version, so I couldn't send you 1.0.1 if I wanted to.

I'm right.
(url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

I must admit the marines ARE tempting.........

.......but I still need a Mac. <BEEP>


Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

All the new plug-ins are gonna requier that you have 1.0.2.

So, if you want to use any plug-in made after mid-2000, you just gotta have 1.0.2. There is no comparison between the 1.0.2. engine and the 1.0.1. one.

"Do not mistake bribe taking for corruption." -- Vladimir Rushailo, Russian Minister of Internal Affairs
(url="http://"")Catacomb's Alt. EV Boards(/url)
(url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url) **

Some people are just crazy, what can I say.

1.0.2 is far better than 1.0.1. The AI is much better and provides an extra challenge not present in previous versions. While it can still be fooled and is inferior to what Nova's AI will be, it is much smarter and makes fights more engaging (your escorts act a lot smarter too)

Never mind the fact that the engine allows for greater possibilities, and practically all new EVO plugs require 1.0.2. I imagine F-25 2.0 will be no different and it will rock....bottom line: If you don't download 1.0.2, you're just cheating yourself.



I haven't really found the smoke trails making rockets harder to dodge, hmm. And the way to take out the Voinian fighters in your shuttle is to go as far as the UE mission with cloaking device in it - that makes a great difference and helps with a crew of one. Then you just wait for them to come close then you cloak - they swing around and face away from you, you sneak up on them, uncloak and whack them before they can turn. Even better if you have a plasma siphon on board - then the shuttle really is cool - Shuttle 9754 certainly did for me - all 3 objectives and stuff :).


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Does anybody know where you can still download version 1.0.0 or 1.0.1???

I've got 1.0.0 on a CD, which I could probably share with you by some means. I would recommend that you go for v1.0.2, though, unless you don't use or develop plugs.

It's a pity that Ambrosia decided to ditch EV:O at 1.0.2, and transfer their efforts to Nova. I think that an extra version or two would have produced a really decent game.

Do the 'fixer' plugs help v1.0.2 much? I don't mean the ones that 'fix' the turreted weapons limitation, because that's not a bug... but something that makes SAEs and needle missiles work properly again would be nice.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!


Originally posted by MartiNZ:
...Shuttle 9754 certainly did for me - all 3 objectives and stuff:).

Yeah, the shuttle's a real Rolls Royce, when you've tried the Krait. It makes you feel really safe and capable!

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

(quote)Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**(QUOTE)Originally posted by SilverDragon:
It's a pity that Ambrosia decided to ditch EV:O at 1.0.2, and transfer their efforts to Nova. I think that an extra version or two would have produced a really decent game.

Yeah, I agree. Actually, I think Ambrosia should have focused all of their efforts on Maelstrom.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

Hm, Andrew has a VERY good point there.
Why update an old game, that's already good,
Think of Nova as a MAJOR update to Override.
Besides, Ambrosia isn't gonna be the only who's gonna ditch EVO.
I am too when Nova comes out! 😄

Arrrrrrr!!!! D'ye have some rum, matey?

I think a lot of things have changed for the better in 1.0.2. There is more room for expansion in plugs because the limits on several resources have been increased, the AI is smarter & more challenging, the beam bug from 1.0.1 was finally fixed, and several other things.

Unfortunately, I don't like all the AI changes. I'm not sure whether AI ships have to worry about fuel for their afterburners, but it sure seems like they never run out. This makes the speed of opponent ships pretty ridiculous once you have a high Combat Rating. It means that no matter what ship you fly, you still won't be able to outrun many opponents. I have been in a UE Fighter and had Voinian Heavies catch up with me (while I was afterburning). I've been caught by Kraits while I was in a Crescent Fighter (again while afterburning). I'm all for updating the AI to make it more challenging, but it's been moved to the point of being utterly unrealistic. For someone like me, who really enjoys flying fighters, all the advantages of flying in a fighter have been canceled out in 1.0.2. If this is was done on purpose by Ambrosia in order to make it harder to fly fighters effectively, then they should come out and say that the EVO engine has been intentionally changed to make it nearly impossible to do everything in a fighter. They even changed the stats on fighters' shields to make them worse.

In my opinion, Ambrosia has tried to address the historically weak AI, but they've done so by giving the AI unreasonable bonuses, rather than making it that much smarter.

As for continuing to release new versions of EVO, it's not really that important. When EVO came out, a plug came out very quickly that carried the EV universe into the EVO engine. Ambrosia probably expects that to happen with EVN as well. I plan on porting the EVO universe over to EVN to see how it performs with the new engine, and eventually I might do the same for EV. If other people are interested in these plugs, I may consider a public release.

I would suggest that you try 1.0.2. You will have to adjust your style somewhat, depending on what sorts of ships you use. And playing 1.0.2 on Strict can be really hard, so be warned.

If people are really desperate to get copies of old versions of EVO, I saved the original installers for 1.0.0 and 1.0.1. Of those, I recommend 1.0.0, as it doesn't have the beam bug. Let me know if you want me to try to upload one of the installers.

(still trying to understand how a ship with a top speed 100 clicks slower than mine can catch me),


Yeah... That's really annoying....

-Small Member ( Grr )

Hmm.....I'm flying a big ol' Crescent Warship, and I mainly let my 10 (ok, who cares if I changed the max in ResEdit?) CF's to the afterburning while I pound the enemy with pursuit missiles, so I don't have to worry about afterburners on fighters (but the Zidaras...OOH THOSE €Ł›ľing ZIDARAS!!!). But on my other file where I'm working for the Voinians, I've discontinued any work on it to to that fact that 1) my Voinian Fighter with 2 neutrons turrets and some rockets sucks and 2) I'm not allowed in Voinian space to purchase a new one due to the fact that I aborted the 'Raid Bakka' mission that lets you get Frigates upon completion. Actually I did finish it, with the help of Voinian Backup (as in letting them destroy all but 2 Destroyers, which was all they could take anyway), but when I jumped into Dogovor after blowing the Destroyers up (which was quite tedious because of their AFTERBURNERS) I was set upon by a UE Carrier and five UE Fighters with jacked-up speed due to AFTERBURNERS!!!!!! I HATE AFTERBURERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot


AI is better as your large escorts release their fighters and the fighters actually do some damage.
It's more challenging!

SAD & SAE as well as Needles are useless now!
They spin in circles and flash.
SAD & SAE were my favourite weapons in EVO 1.0.1 - they were deadly.
Forget using them in 1.0.2!
Everything, including disabled ships in empty systems have very strong jamming!
You can't fire your Primary Weapons ( turrets/swivel weapons etc ) while using your afterburner when tracking the enemy with the 'A' key. Try holding down these keys :-
A, Z, UP & Left or Right Arrows plus the Spacebar -> NOTHING HAPPENS!!!
However the Secondary Weapons ( eg Rockets ) fire while holding down A, Z & the arrow keys, but NOT the spacebar.
Unrealistic use of the afterburner by enemy ships. They never run out of fuel and travel at warp speed at times.

Newer Plugs require EVO 1.0.2

Download It and try it for yourself.
Keep both versions! Enjoy!


I agree. That DON'T run out of fuel. I've tried it time and time again. It's not
more challenging, it's just plain unfair.

No longer can my clever tactics result in my Arada beating 20 Crescent Fighters.
Gone are the days I wasted hundreds of Azdaras in my Crescent Fighter.

Gone! Gone! It's not a challenge - it's hell!

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Hmm... I've never played v 1.01, but v 1.02 really isn't that hard. Monty Python still works, you can still waste 20 crescent fighters at a time... it just takes a little bit more skill. A plasma siphon, an afterburner, they're all gifts from above. The one thing to truly watch out for is that ships can use afterburners in this version... maybe that was even in 1.01, I'm not sure.... but, if not, it's something to watch out for.

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TheVoinians in EVO 1.0.1 were deadly compared to 1.0.2
They fired more rockets and with better accuracy.
The MP was too easy in 1.0.1
