Reign of Chaos - Cont. again


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Tell him we'll custom build him a ship.Look over the blueprints we have for the Arada and begin work on a unnamed ship for him straight away.Give it a Matter Density Detector, enhanced ECM systems - make a new ECM system for
it - StarLances, since they don't need a launcher, and TWO Hirogen Blazes.Incorporate it into the design to save space."Divert 6 UE Cruisers to his control now - ones with Zuchra turrets, and with their full complement of UE Fighters with deadly Hirogen Blazes."

Sounds Cool! I'd be glad to take over the UE for a few days.
Oh, and how long will it take to build my ship? like five or six posts?

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

OOC: I'd say a bit quicker.

Most of the components are easy to make, and Hirogen Blazes are actually very
basic to design. It was the researching that was hard (finding all those crystals
in enemy space wasn't easy by any means).

Maybe 4 posts? I won't begin the U.E.S Garland until it's done, so you've got full
attention of the shipbuilders on New Taranto, and you're ship is one of the only
projects the UE as a whole are working on.

I'll tell you when I need you to control the UE. Wednesday to Friday, I

And feel free to ask for anything from us. We have the technologies from the Zidagar
and Miranu, as well as some Voinian things on Paaren Station - armour and Neutron
weapons, mainly.

And please give your ship a name!


The unnamed Arada has begun construction. The body is quickly constructed, and
Hirogen Blazes and StarLances are being shipped in from Paaren Station, where they
are constructed. Armour is also being shipped in from Verril, and work on the ECM
is being undergone on Aludra, which has now been given more defences.


Just so everyone knows:
Paaren - Homeworld, but little use other than population, VERY well guarded
Paaren Station - Main tech works, VERY well guarded
New Taranto - Builds most special ships, well guarded
Aludra - Some minor tech works, well guarded
Bakka - Holds some large UE Fighter squadrons
Saalia - Holds some UE large Fighter squadrons
Hatuli - Making lots of money as human renegades have been defeated, churning out
Helios - The next in line for the UE capital. Shipyards are being built there.


ALSO! I know I keep changing my plans for the future, so here's what I've got planned
at the moment:

Redchigh's Ship and Pulse Laser <--- I'm doing these right now

U.E.S Garland <--- The second Beta warship, will be built on Helios

<scrapped the UE Raven idea>

UE Aviariom <--- A UE carrier, larger than the UE Cruiser, which holds 10 UE Ravens and 20 UE Fighters and use StarLances for the most part in combat. Will use tractor beam and Hirogen beams, heavily shielded but lacking in speed.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

Please join "Apocalyptic Night"!

For now it's just telling me if you want to join, but once Reign of Chaos has
finished I'll open up the story properly.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Everybody, you know the idea. Just continue the normal Reign of Chaos game here.

PS: If you don't know why I keep doing this, then I'll tell you. If there are 4
pages to scroll through every time you might get bored and miss something at the
end of page 3, and just skip to read page 4 briefly and post.

Characters in the game:
SilverDragon---Call me Paladin, please-----United Earth
RMA----Imperium Alliance
Arada Pilot----Azdgari
Taylor <--- no longer in the game :frown:
Jade-----Azdgari independant, possibly Miranu soon
Entropy-----Southern Independant, possibly quit


how come im not in teh game??? my com. broak so i couldn't goin here

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.

Sorry Taylor, but you didn't come on for too long.

Arada Pilot requested that he make an offer to the "leaderless" Miranu and a new
player called Jade, on the Azdgari side, now controls them.

I'm sorry. :frown:

You could join as a Zidagar or UE independant, I suppose...

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

I repeat, am I secound in command of the Odin?

"The Lord loves you, and you, and YOU make the Lord very nervous!"

Only Samurai can answer that, Titan.

It's his choice.


The unnamed Arada now has a fully constructed body, and the Hirogen Blazes are being
built for it.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

The name says it all.

I've read backwards, and yes Titan, you're in.

Paladin out.

SilverDragon(Paladin), can you make a map?

"The Lord loves you, and you, and YOU make the Lord very nervous!"

Personally, no. :frown:

I'm using a PC, so I can't do it accurately as I don't even have a basic starchart. Samurai made one, actually, but it's not up to date.

SAMURAI, please make the following corrections:

Here are the changes:
Odine space - Inside Azdgari, so none
Pokoren - Colonized
Renegades - Renegade system near Igadzra space now belong to Igadzra, all other
renegade bases have been destroyed by me with the exception of DSN-2131
Earth - "A fiery hell" as someone put it :frown: This doesn't make a map change
Raigar - Uninhabited
Priat - Uninhabited
IA - Samurai included this, but between Miranu and UE basically.
Dogover - Uninhabited

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

The Z.S.S. Marathon is almost complete.She now starts working on a pod shaped missle like weapon.(imagine pursuit missle mixed with the Miranu Freighters Flares with a lot more power)It will take about 6 weeks(posts).It will be made in 3 types.One type is aimed and goes after the other is you aim your ship at the target(like a rocket) and it might hit or might not hit.The third is the most powerful and it's a mine type.Each type will take two weeks(posts).

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."


I can't keep my mind in one place! Okay, scrap the UE Raven, and I'll instead
use Humrugars.

The UE Aviariom will hold 20 UE Fighters and 15 Humrugars. It will be slightly
slower than the UE Cruiser, and have a horde of StarLances. At close range Hirogen
Beams will be it's main defence, but it will also have five Zuchra turrets. The
shielding is nearly twice as good as the UE Cruiser, and it has a respectable armour
rating. All 35 fighters can be launched almost instantly due to the Aviariom's
unique design - an enormous fan like shape on it's back holds weapons, bays and
engines and a long, sleek section comes out from the middle of the "fan". The sleek
section holds the cargo hold, crew and the bridge.

Work on the Aviariom and the building of Humrugars will begin once Redchigh's Arada
and the Pulse Laser are complete.

The unnamed Arada, dubbed "Arada X" has been equipped with the StarLances
and two Hirogen Blazes. Speed and shield upgrades, and work on the UE-ECM are
being undergone. Paladin considers using these ships in the UE military, as although
they are extremely expensive to produce - nearly 5 million credits each, in small
groups they would be incredible.


PULSE LASER: Scheduled to be completed at the same time as the Arada X. It will, as
said before, hit a target hard with a gravitonic blast. It is best for weakening
ships off and providing them with a shock. The Pulse Laser is NOT to be underestimated -
although it cannot destroy anything larger than a Lazira in one shot, it can cause
some degree of devastation on the ship.

It works best on large ships as the damage it causes is relative to the targets mass. Thus, it is not only a waste of ammo to fire upon a fighter with the Pulse Laser, but
it probably wouldn't destroy it.

NOTE: 1 mass = 1 shield damage, so a fighter with 15 mass receives 15 damage, and a warship with 200 mass will receive 200 damage. A supercruiser with 30,000 mass - well, err... boom!


The U.E.S Garland is being planned, and construction will begin soon. It will differ to
the U.E.S Sephiroth only slightly, as it will include a UE Cruiser bay with 10 UE Cruisers. It will be armed with Zuchra turrets, Hirogen beams, StarLances, the new UE-ECM
and Cube Rockets.

The U.E.S Garland will work with several fighter squadrons in battle, resulting in four
different battlegroups:

  1. The main navy, U.E.S Paladin and U.E.S Excalibur.
  2. The U.E.S Sephiroth, 1 fighter squadron (125 fighters) and Voinian support.
  3. To be sent out after the conflict with the Odine begins. Comprised of the U.E.S Garland
    and 2 fighter squadrons (250 fighters).
  4. The final battlegroup. Comprised of Aviarioms, Humrugars and possibly a new supercruiser.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)

I'll christen my Arada The U.E.A. Demon

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-07-2001).)

Even my ally, REDCHIGH, believes that a 1km long cube shaped rocket that is larger
than anything but a supercruiser is excessive.

So I'm scrapping that idea. Replacing it with more turrets and StarLances.


"I have an idea." Redchigh said to Paladin.
"Really?" Paladin says, as he examines the designs for the UE Aviariom.
"Just trust me. Start putting a lot of money into a new cloaking device." Redchigh
"Okay, then. I suppose I could cut the U.E.S Garland back a little......"


The UE-ECM is nearing completion, and the shield and speed upgrades have already
been implemented.

Tests have shown that the Pulse Laser begins to lose power on ships with masses
over 1000 tons, which means there won't be any spectacular supercruiser destructions.


The work on the new cloaking device has begun. The U.E.S Garland and other projects
will be stalled for now.

It is to work in an exciting new way. Imperium Alliance tachyon sensors detect
things within a CERTAIN RANGE. This means it locates objects within the space-time

The cloak will allow a ship to leave real space and enter a "second" space - a parallel

This is not so much sub-space as it is another space altogether. The universe that
the ship enters is random, but it can flick through until it finds a "safe" one, and
then the ship can move to it's destination.

Work on this will take some time.

NOTE: This is very similar to RMA's version.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

A small fleet of Seiken fighters and Aradas have now been made.

With the Arc in action to defend, another Arc isn't needed. Jade considers her
next line of technology, considering she has a powerful researching government.

She decides to work on a new fighter called the Nightingale. It will be extremely
small and won't use any StQ weapons. It will be armed with pursuit missiles, and
three phase cannons, and have an incredible speed. It is sort of an upgrade to
the Azdara, but not as strong and cheaper.

A.S.S Beatrix,
Save the Queen.

REDchigh hires about ten turncoat pilots to Raid Helios. The next day, REDchigh warps in w/ all of his cruisers, and the planet practically begs for UE protection. REDchigh claims Helios, and the inhabitants work for me. Not the UE, but ME. Paladin, please send a small fleet of fighters to Helios. Don't wanna go back on my word...

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

REDCHIGH's Arada is now complete, and pulls out of New Taranto to travel to Helios.

The armour is made of a compound which isn't magnetic.

It is armed with the following, including some new stuff:
2 Hirogen Blazes
1 Tractor Beam
1 Repulsor Beam
15 StarLances
1 UE-ECM, which deflects even the most advanced missile weapons
1 MDD, which can detect all but IA's cloaks

The Pulse Laser is also complete, and the prototype is on Paaren Station. More are
being built.
Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-06-2001).)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**REDCHIGH's Arada is now complete.

The armour is not magnetic. It uses tractor beams and repulsor beams too.

hey paladin, got any free fleets?

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.


Paladin excuses himself, and leaves Histori Station.........

The U.E.S Sephiroth returns to Paaren Station...............

Paladin maintains radio silence with the Voinians, and one Voinian force moving
through UE space meets an extraordinary escort force of 2 supercruisers. He says
he's sending them along to Igadzra space........

<<Message to Arada Pilot/Samurai, Azdgari/Odine, Ecnryption Sequence Chi-11 Active>>

I'm defecting, and betraying the Voinians. I expect you to have your forces attack
Igadzra space soon. I'll need all the help I can get.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

The emperor looks over a message he just recieved as he awaits the arrival of all the people he sent for, including samurai.
"I don't know what to make of it. It could be a trap, so we'd better be careful. Send 4 vipers and a few seinken vessels to meet this fleet."
The ships, diplomats aboard, depart for the azd-ig boarder...

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari