Reign of Chaos - Cont. again



(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-09-2001).)

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-09-2001).)

You want me to send all 3 of my largest ships to the connference? I don't think so. Unless I hear a good reason to send anything else, I'll send the V.E.S. Borb and 40 Cruisers.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

Huh? What are you on about, Battledoctor?

I was talking about having the U.E.S Sephiroth join your large ships later on when
they attacked the Odine.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts

Oh... I misunderstood you. Sorry. It sounds like a good idea, but I might want to leave the V.E.S. Kelmaon behind.


Work on the Neutron Beam has been completed, and a Neutron Beam array is being fitted to the 2 Voinian supercruisers. This will significantly inprove them, because while before they only had large amounts of conventional weapons, now they have one very strong primary weapon in addition to that.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

OOC:To Rima: You dont have access to neutron technology.....therefore you couldnt have used it to create a new cannon/turret like the IA did with blaze/neutron/phase tech. So it cant be as good as the Neutron-Blaze weaponry (Neutron-Blaze does have phase tech, but I dont want to type it every time.)
The I.A.S. Triad decloaks in orbit of the Igadzra research base. It sends a hail saying it has come to look over research into the Hirogen Beam, and to replace the old turreted beams. Also to make sure no attacks happen in the system.

The I.A.S. Triad vanishes from sensors shortly after.

2 Heavy Cruisers start a patrol of space to the east of the Miranu, looking for traces of Jade. A single Heavy Cruiser would be enough to beat of any of Jades forces attacking it and get to reinforcments. 2 is overkill really. For her anyway.



RMA, Rima has neutron tech through the Paaren Station program.


The U.E.S Sephiroth now has all 64 cubes, and is being fitted with Zuchra turrets.
The cube rockets have been tested on a holoscreen, and prove incredibly effective.


Work on the Pulse Laser is going slowly. The idea seems to be harder to make than
was first thought.


The second Beta warship, the U.E.S Garland, will begin shortly.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 posts

No complaints about the Arc? If there are, I'll reconsider this following post, you


Jade takes the Miranu land and instantly begins changing everything. Work on special
Seiken cannons/turrets are undergone and ships are quickly being converted to Seiken
models, with Seiken versions of every vessel from Crescent Fighters to freighters.

The Arc is sent to Priat. The ASS Beatrix is kept in Mira, and the Miranu begin to

An ever increasing army masses at Priat.

A.S.S Beatrix,
Save the Queen.

I just need to add something. All the explosives in the Miranu land, and hundreds
of tons of violent chemicals are loaded in freighters and filled on Priat Station.
The station itself is evacuated, and becomes an enormous explosion waiting to happen.
With explosive knowledge taken from the Azdgari taken from the Odine the total damage
caused by the station's remote controlled explosion is truely enormous, and a group
of thirty Crescent Warships armed with Energy Transfer Beams and filled with 4 times
the normal fuel are waiting on it to supply it with shield power and more explosive

RMA detects massive energy signals, but meanwhile the Arc and the Miranu fleet are
firing off in all directions, increasing the signature and distorting it.

A.S.S Beatrix,
Save the Queen.

2 Heavy Cruisers, and an escort of 10 Light Cruisers enter the Priat system. Weapons fire rains out, blowing up everything near the fleet. The enemy fleet remaining moves to intercept, but before they can bring heavy firepower to bear, the fleet jumps back out. Not before several spacemines have been launched to disrupt them however.

The enemy fleet movements had created a small gap. A massive shape appeared. Namely, the I.A.S. Triad. Surprisingly, its primary shields are down. As are most of its primary weapons. However, a swarm of fighters is launched to deal with anything too close.. A beam about 10cm in diameter spurts out from the front of the ship. It smashes into Priat station, causing its shields to fluctuate. Milliseconds later, a small hole is made in the shiled grid. The beam reduces to a pencil thin diameter, and smashes into the primary reactor of Priat station. Already the I.A.S. Triad has recalled its fighters, and vanishes milliseconds before a massive explosion smashes through the system. It helps to have a few seconds warning of what's about to happen.


editions on RMAs post

Upon the cruisers jumping in they find the Miranu ships completely blockading Priat
Station. They smash through, causing heavy damage. SAD modules knock one Heavy Cruiser
down to 73% shields, and the ASS Beatrix, moving quickly, sends out an incredibly
fast Seiken bolt to hunt down one Heavy Cruiser as it enters hyperspace, freezing
it in place. The Miranu fighters kamikaze themselves into mines, and the warships
retain the blockade, thinner this time.

Then the ISS Triad leaps in quickly, and fires weapons to knock the blockade away.
But it suffers from one major problem:

Before it comes within tachyon sensor range, the Arc is ready to bend the waves back,
and although theoretically the Triad has received the information before the waves
are sent, since the waves don't come back at all no information is sent, nor can
any messages be sent to the IA homeland. Normal sensors are also bent away

The Arc dances around the Triad as the ISS Triad comes forward, but suddenly the whole
Miranu fleet moves forward in unison. They are blasted apart, but behind it, where
the Triad can now not detect, comes Priat Station, propelled by a Shock from the
ASS Beatrix, that does no damage as a score Crescent Warships give the station shields
at the same frequency as Shock, thus absorbing the attack and sending the station
reeling forward.

The Miranu fleet is blasted apart, and the Triad moves to go round it to get to the
station. But it is too late. A lack of sensors leave it near blind, and Priat Station,
hidden by the Miranu army, crashes into the Triad. Before it hits the Triad the
shields supplied by the 20 warships with 4x fuel <the supply draws from fuel> is
nearly depleted, but the Triad doesn't have enough firepower to finish it off.

The Triad is met with such an explosive force it has never seen before, and the ASS
Beatrix and Arc only just escape in time while the Triad disintegrates.


Miranu is now left without an army, explosives or anything else. Jade abandons it.

A.S.S Beatrix,
Save the Queen.

Excuse me if I laugh.

1)IA ships are barely affected by the Seiken attack, due to the buckball armour, which oin its own absorbs energy atatcks. Buckball armour also has energy absorbtion nets now, reducing the effectivness of that attack to zilch.
2)The Heavy Cruisers have several backups, in several stages, of shields. The Seiken wouldnt get through them, and then the armour is still behind them.
3)The energy torps on the fighters and heavy cruisers would have oblitered any fighters that came near. The mines where just supposoed to muck you up anyway
3a)You explained the abilities of the Arc so that people thought they where confined to the Arc alone. Not to an entire star system
3b)I frankly cant be bothered when someone goes and does something like this, especially after they've gone and screamed about people doing 'the same thing'.
3c)Just reread the post about the arcs abilities. At the end it says it can still be detected by Tachyon Sensors.
4)I cant be bothered explaining the rest, read 5.
5)I warned 'Jade' I was attacking, so he could post when i was done. If you didnt know, 'Jade' is Paladin. I really cant be bothered when someone goes and cheats like this.



(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 04-04-2001).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 04-04-2001).)

  1. Seiken doesn't "hurt" opponents as such. It disables them. Thus, it can't be
    absorbed, as it doesn't have any power to absorb. It isn't heat based, as you
    said buckyball armour absorbed heat. To disable enemies, it can only be one thing -
    a wave. I don't think you said buckyball armour could protect against THAT. And I
    know I didn't say it, but it's obvious.

  2. I posted that 75% or less shields meant it could get through armour. Backup
    shields are included, but I'd torn through enough shields already. You didn't
    complain when it was mentioned 75% or less shields on a ship was vulnerable, and
    that was it's only weakness, shielding or armour was not mentioned as a weakness.
    Remember, Seiken isn't a real "attack" at all.

  3. To obliterate the fighters you'd have to obliterate the warships. Warships carry
    fighters, and I never said the fighters were sent out. Sure, the fighters outside
    would have been destroyed.

  4. Running out of things to say?

  5. I knew I was to be attacked straight off. And if he didn't attack Priat, I would
    of ignored my other bases until he did. Luckily, he attacked Priat, though.

New points:

  1. Yes, I'm Paladin. I was hoping to keep it secret until I reached 500 posts for
    both, but how is that cheating? I haven't been bias at all either way. By the way,
    RMA, what does it make you to betray that secret? Some people call them "warlocks"
    but I have many better words. Plus, you've suddenly began hating me since I sent
    that post. Why? It's only a game, RMA. PLUS - just for everyone else, hey, I did
    this new name thing with a new email address. Do you like it?

  2. All capabilities of the Arc were mentioned in "Reign of Chaos - Continued for
    Posting Ease" page 4 about 3/4 of the way down. I also allowed time for anyone to
    disagree, even suggested they did, on this page 1/2 way down, and no-one did.

  3. The final point is hard to take, as it must be taken in trust, which these days
    is in short supply. My plans were to wait at Priat BEFORE RMA declared his attack to
    me. I knew he wanted to crush Jade before, but not where he would attack. My post
    was already up when I asked him where he was to attack, so he could have attacked
    anywhere, in full knowledge that my army was at Priat, and defeated me.

RMA knows all this, and I hope that he understands that he's using lies to shield
an imaginary ship in an imaginary world.

Finally, I understand if you would like me to resign as Jade. But if you think
about it logically, I cannot find a single point I have not answered, and in the
end it comes down to trust.

Well, anyway, I've got to go now.

PS: Please, no-one else get so worked up about this. Notice how as Paladin I keep
weakening myself, and RMA sulks and uses lies when he loses a ship? I think the
former is a better attitude, don't you?

A.S.S Beatrix,
Save the Queen.

Sigh, Only your first post was up, NOTHING to do with any explosuves, whatever, till I said I was posting. Buckyball armour absorbs energy, I just mentioned that it absorbs heat well(in regard to the hirogen blaze). Buckball armour operates on the quantum level, so it isnt wholely their either.

And tachyon sensors would have still worked according to your own post.

As far as I'm concerned, you are the biggest creep, lier, and suck up I have yet to meet. Have a lovely life conning people as you seem to enjoy it.


Addendum: I see no reason why I should bother to keep trying to do things when I get lied to, betrayed, and generally kicked when I'm not looking. People like Paladin(or whatever he calls himself) make doing anything that much harder. I cant be bothered to put up with people like him if I dont have to. People who lie as needed, and go and do something completely different after saying they wont do it, are not needed. Paladin lives in his own world, not caring about other people. The word is selfish.

Also, vanishing whenever you are trying to explain something does not help. paladin does this often. I wont accept that he has a bad connection, as I know what its like to actually have a bad connection. His vanishings always happen when he's accused me of something, or saying that something doesnt work, before I can explain. when he eventually gets back, he tends to ignore what I wanted to say. I tried being nice, but I dont see why I should put up with him and his attitude.

It makes me betray a secret when someone has just lied and cheated towards me, as you have done. Dont try blaming me for this, its your whole attitude.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 04-04-2001).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 04-04-2001).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 04-04-2001).)

damm, hit the wrong button. Getting accused of being a cheat and a lier after someone doing it to you does not make me happy.

And as Paladin has said "It comes down to trust". Which he's just proved to me he knows nothing about.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 04-04-2001).)

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 04-04-2001).)

Um, am I in the story? I been busy and could't post.

"Life is like a trade ship going to JamesTown, you never know what you gona get."-Escape from Monkey island

Allright, RMA, you've made your point. No need to keep reiterating. And on another note, let's not get personal. You've got no right to grill Paladin like that just because you two disagreed on some issues. If you don't like how Paladin runs the story, quit. No one's begging you to play.

Paladin, I don't care what RMA says. You've been an integral part of this story and you've really made it fun for me. I guess it might be coming to an end here, but thanks for a fun story anyway. I really appreciate it.

I'm right.
(url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

Can someone post a list of Allies and Enemies? I want to know who i should join with. right now I'm leaning towards UE, but Azzies are cool...

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

Please don't quit, RMA.
As usual, I can't be here from about 30 minutes from now until Saturday. After about 5:30-5:45 PM Pacific time, I am giving control of the Voinians to RMA, like how he had them last time. Feel free to do whatever you want with them, RMA, but try to emulate my style of play.

Red- Please please work for the Voinians. You can have a custom ships built however you like it (we've got some new techs that are great!) and we will pay you well.
"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-04-2001).)

sure titan
AHHH! stop the bickering! Face it, jade sacrificed his entire army except his personal ships to get that, I think it's OK. you still have your stations anyways. You lose a ship, he loses a navy.

message to jade, encrypted
Keep the miranu. They earn lots of money, and they will stay unmolested for a while. Their resources can help us build.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

Red, we offer a wide variety of outfits for your ship if you join us, you could even have a ship like mine. We would appreciate an addition to our forces.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari