mission help

Please help !!!

I am stuck trying to complete the 'Recover missing shipment of Equipment' mission that the Igadzra have set me. They say it went circulous route from Pozdag 3 through Zachit and Zidigar space on it's way to Igadzra. Can anybody shed any light on where to find this ship???

Thank in advance

This would be the one that was sent on a special route to avoid anyone getting suspicious? The one that just left Outpost Plogok a few days ago? It's just two systems away from Plogok - in the uninhabited Kelmaon :).

how do you get igadzra missions? the only one i got was disable "strange asteroid" (human shuttle out of fuel), but that one was for the miranu when you explore the nebulae.


Ultimate Rebel, Igadzra missions are available in some Miranu systems. The chance
is low, and I think you need a) a good combat rating, 🆒 not to have sided with
other Strands, and c) to have a good status in Igadzra worlds.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(quote)Originally posted by MartiNZ:
**This would be the one that was sent on a special route to avoid anyone getting suspicious? The one that just left Outpost Plogok a few days ago? It's just two systems away from Plogok - in the uninhabited Kelmaon:)


Hehe, what ship are you going into that with?

Ultimate Rebel: more specifically - the disable strange asteroid mission is not actually part of the Igadzra mission string; it's the 3rd mission in the Himgro-New Calcutta mission string, and is a one-off in terms of helping the Igadzra. Their mission string starts from Kitrak in Miranu space, and is available once you've done Diplomatic Relations with the Miranu.

(QUOTE)Originally posted by MartiNZ:
(B)Hehe, what ship are you going into that with?

I've got a tip-top Igazara with 5 Neutron turrets, Dospect Armour, Needle Jammer, Plasma Siphon (useless), 4 shield enhancers and engine/thrusters upgrades.

I still last about 15 seconds. 🆒
