PC Plug-in?

Is there any way for EVO to run on a PC? My friend really loves the game but doesn't have a mac, i thought i heard something about a PC Plug-in. If anyone knows anything about this, or anyother way to get EVO to run on a mac I'd love to know. Thank u.

-Jared Schroeder Renowned Starship Captain of the U.E.S Stephanie- Vonian Kill Count-6,969 Renegade Kill Count-420

You need a mac emulator for PC. I don't know of one, but i'm sure someone else will post one here....

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I've heard the best one is "Executor," which has a free 30-day trial. I tred it on a PC, but it emulated System 6, so it wouldn't run EVO. But apparently people (MartiNZ, for example) use it somehow, and maybe they'd be kind enough to share that info here. Fortunately, I have the real thing (iMac) 🙂 .

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
Ask me what I'm doing.

Fortunatly? Excuse my discriminating laugh. Anyway, I wont bring an argument on wether PCs are better or not, I'll just drop that. But you should know that to run most emulators you need a ROM Image File, and its difficult getting one. You need to find somebody with an old enough OS and have them make one with a cretain program.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...

Executor is one of the few emulators that does not need a ROM image. It can be downloaded from ardi.com, and the current version emulates System 7. It doesn't run a real MacOS, but it's good enough for EV or EVO.
Once you've installed it all you need to do is turn sound off and set Executor to animation mode.

If you give a man a match, he will be warm for a day. If you light a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life.

Or just buy a mac!
saves you a lot of trouble and you'll be a lot happier

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

Executor makes EVO playable - soundless and somewhat expected "unexpected application errors" occur occasionally, often at the worst time! But I've put up with it. It does play EV with sound, but that's EV :). You can get Executor from (url="http://"http://www.ardi.com")http://www.ardi.com(/url) and then download EVO and expand + install it from inside Executor - it comes with a version of stuffit expander. Press Alt-Shift-5 when you first load the game, and set screen refresh to animation.. and play :)!