
I have some trouble to pick up the mission string with the emalghian. I know you are supposed to transport some ambassador from earth to emalghia, but where do I pick him up?
I am flying around emalghia at the moment and have a Lagal status of Role Model there. But all i occasionaly get is a "defend emalghia" mission, nothing else. I guess I did all the missions leading to here, so what did I leave out?



There's a mission on a military moon that they don't usually like you landing on.

The chances aren't perfect, though, and I think you may need to complete 1 or 2
Defend Emalghia missions as well.


Yeah, you want to complete defend emaglha missions until you can land on the moon. The string goes from there.

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Ubermann~Your friendly advice guy
This hoof and mouth disease has really upped US security. Now the US isn't taking any of Europe's bull.
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If you're a role model there you should definitely be able to land on Gurado, the planet they're talking about :), and they'll sort you out!


Originally posted by MartiNZ:
If you're a role model there you should definitely be able to land on Gurado, the planet they're talking about:) , and they'll sort you out!

Found it, thanks for the help.

