A moron with a question

Now, i'm not exactly a newbie to EVO. I played it about a year ago and completed the three objectives, so i can vaguely remeber what to do. Unfortunately, i stopped playing for a year or two. This is my background. On to my story! My question follows the story.

So there i was, in my nice Arada, decked out with two of the three engine upgrades and two shield gens (i was trying to put together a ship following stud's example in the perfect ship web board thread), and i started the dreadnought chain. As such, i sold my swivel phases and some other stuff and bought myself three shiny new neutron cannons and a piece of dospect armor. Decked out as i was, i felt ready to take on the entire voinian fleet.

So i go get the scoutship crew. This is easy, i thought, as i nimbly dodged by the blockade. When i return to earth, i am informed that the voinians now have a new ship. Remembering back to my old days, i recall an epic fight between my crescent warship (compete with phase turrets at the time (^; ) and the DREADNOUGHT. So i go to the Ispar system, or something similar. I see this dreadnought there and a few more voinian destroyers hypering in. Gearing myself for battle (having forgotten that there are two dreadnought missions), i monty python everything in sight (damn the new patch-ships will now turn around if you go too fast) until only the dread is left.

Having taken a beating from the destroyers when i was remembering how to python, i was very weary. I take about half an hour sitting there with a near constant fire to destroy the dreadnought. Eventually i do, and return to sol (having to bum some feul off a voinian suppy ship on the way, which i thought was wierd). Upon my triumphant return home, i am informed that my RECON has allowed them to pinpoint the location from which the dreadnought will attack! I panic, after all, i just destroyed that thing!

A few frantic minutes later, i realize i didn't have to fight the dreadnought that time. Oh well, such are the problems with vague memories of EVO, rather than complete ignorance.

On to my question. After i finish these missions, where can i continue the azzie missions? I just did the one where i have to deliver the supplies to the new base (see "lost in azzie space" post for details, though i did finish the mission).

Take care not to kill yourselves laughing at me.


As I have done so far, haven't completed all of them, there are some in the stror system.

"You have committed a fatal error and your existence must be terminated." Windows error message.

This was a tough one for me. The missions are on Stor, but there is something special you have to do. During a Zidagar Photograph mission. I wont give to many more details unless you want me to spoil it for you. Hint, if you miss the photographer, don't abort the mission!

When did I go Insane?

Yes, there are a few types of missions that will be given to you on S-1786? in the Stror system - most of them are just destroying Zidagar patrols or convoys, and don't get you any further.. and it can get frustrating if you don't know what to look for. I know I looked around at all the other Azdgari systems a few times before working out the Photographer thing mentioned above :).


I like the Voinian string more.. I like destroying things. 😄

Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!

You tried to make a Firebird? I'm honored!

As for the Azdgari missions, just hang around the base's bar in the Stror system. You'll get a few raiding missions, a few destroy <this convoy> convoy missions, and eventually a "small ship buzzing around" mission will come. Nope, I won't spoil it for a fellow Firebird-er. 🙂

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Crew of One Challenger
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

I thought everyone liked to destroy the Dreadnought twice. I certainly do, when I'm working for the UE. I only wish there were more such epic battles to be had.

Might not take on the 'naught twice with my current pilot file, though... I'm in a Krait, courtesy of the 'crew of one' challenge.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at insanely_great.com - don't even think about taunting me!

You'd really think you should be able to delete your own posts.

(This message has been edited by 21st Century Digital Boy (edited 03-22-2001).)

You had a Crecent Warship to kill the Dreadnaught (overkill, in my opinion), and then you outfitted it with Phase Turrents? 😕

I ushally use a UE Destroyer to kill the Dreadnaught, or a Freight-Courior if I'm really bored.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

Yeah i used a crescent warship w/ phase turrets. The main reasons are as follows:

1. I was about 10 and didn't know phase shots suck vs. armor.
2. I had just bought the warship and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.
3. Little kids do stupid things.

I'm 14 now and a bit more experienced, though time takes away knowledge of those great things like where every stupid mission starts.


Ah, the memories. Galumphing around the galaxy in my new UE Cruiser. Taken out hunderds of Cruisers and Frigates. I was invincible! Dreadnaught? Sure. How hard can it be? Prepare for a broadside! One second, I'm sitting in my great UE Cruiser, nothing can hurt me,(or so I thought) next second I'm admireing the Vorik sector from my escape pod while my Cruiser burns and disentegrates behind me. THREE STINKING TIMES!!! The thing that made it so hard, was that I never knew about the Python. I still remeber my first solo battle with a Cruiser in a Destroyer. But I'm rambleing. SO here I end this post, and go and have some toast.

(url="http://"http://pub29.ezboard.com/b20")Don't click here.(/url)
When you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?
The Person who misspells "Voinian" knows not of the 50 gigaton nuke coming at their cranium.
It's no fun to kill a sleeping enemy. Join the Emalgha in the (url="http://"http://uevorpg.com")uEVORPG.(/url)

Hmm yeah - the first time getting such ships is pretty fun :).. but all that wears off, which is a bit of a shame really! They should be able to make it somehow give you that great feeling of power, and... whatever, every time. And I remember first taking on the Dreadnought in a UE Cruiser too - fighting how I used to by just going and sitting over the thing.. I didn't realise about the MP at that time, and just sitting on top was the best way to fight playing on an LCIII - especially for Crescent ships as the phase turrets pretty much always missed at such close range.

And then the first time I took out the Dreadnought successfully in a UE Cruiser with Igazra escort - you'd really have to have played EVO on such a slow computer to be able to imagine how hard it makes it! Escorts would follow you in to systems but not slow down right beside you - they kept at top speed until they went off the little map.. and UE Destroyers trying to help me had to keep making passes, with a lot of time in between - I think recharging was slower. Not to mention that rockets / missiles fired a lot slower.. it freaked me out playing on mac emulator and seeing destroyers firing hunter missiles one after the other! Anyway, the battle took a good 20 minutes, as opposed to the about 2 it does now - but it was pretty intense :).

You people took on the Dreadnought in THOSE massive ships?

When I took it on I had a UE Fighter, with basic equipment - nothing more advanced
than IFF and Density Scanners - and I was near the beginning of the game.

It usually takes me about seven goes, as I don't use the Monty Python <well, not
against the Dreadnought, against UE Destroyers and Laziras, maybe>

I didn't realise how big the Dreadnought was, so I underestimated it.


The Azdgari missions? I think they've answered it already. So, I don't have much else
to say..... that never stopped me before...

No, I'll shut up now. Honestly.....

Z.S.S Topaz
Honoured Leader of the Zidagar
Zacha Ultimate
Azdgari's Nightmare