UE Central Objective

Where does the whole UE Objective start? I've destroyed the dreadnaught, saved anna, and made an alliance with the emlagha what now? Oh, and i'm not sure if this matters but i also have completed the needle missle jammer missions.



Originally posted by shortycguy15:
**Where does the whole UE Objective start? I've destroyed the dreadnaught, saved anna, and made an alliance with the emlagha what now? Oh, and i'm not sure if this matters but i also have completed the needle missle jammer missions.

Explore the Far East of the galaxy.
You might find something to help you get the UE Objective sorted out.


Ummm that really didn't help galatic punk...i need more info. I've explored almost the entire galaxy, which exact port must i visit to pick up on the string?


In that case, I'll be a bit more precise:

Get friendly with the Emalgha, and sooner or later, they'll offer you a few missions which will move you towards the UE Objective.


Me sit in front of Komputer late night drink wine and no good look at posts.
My first message was useless - but the first alliance with the Emalgha leads to a further mission, which will get you on the "right" way.
But you should get your legal status in their systems improved a bit first, I think. And keep checking their bars.


Right.. assuming you have transported the ambassador from Earth to Emaghlion, you will be offered a mission to attack the Voinian system Romit - this should start on Gurado in the Emalghion system, but sometimes it is a bit hard to receive.. just keep doing defence missions for the Emalgha a few times :).



Originally posted by MartiNZ:
**Right.. assuming you have transported the ambassador from Earth to Emaghlion, you will be offered a mission to attack the Voinian system Romit - this should start on Gurado in the Emalghion system, but sometimes it is a bit hard to receive.. just keep doing defence missions for the Emalgha a few times:).

Look, what I'm trying to do (not perfectly successfully at first in this case) is to give people hints without telling them everything.

The whole idea of EV is discovering a galaxy and its oddities, so if someone gets stuck in the game, you don't tell them what they want, but what they need!!


Yeah, well it sounds like he has spent long enough trying to work these things out, and from experience that can get really boring - plus it really helps to know just what you're looking for, and he asked for 'specific port' the second time. I like being able to enlighten others on here from what I know, which I assume to be the main point of this setup - and, one has to think, a possible way of getting a karma upgrade :). And I'm just following precedence that has been set up through so many other threads asking for assistance - noone has ever complained, and personally I prefer being told exactly how to do get things, ie. missions, in the game that I never have, than not knowing about them at all :).


yo, i've taken that one system for the emalgha but now im on the slave missions and im totally SSSSSSTTTTTTUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK.
and im getting annoyed,please help

Let me take a guess. You went off "wondering where you could find reinforcements" or something and now your in a fog. It happened to me too. 🙂 Head to Outpost Gamma and check the bar, that should point you in the right direction.

If that's not your problem, please tell me what is the trouble so I'll be able to help you out.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

If you really want to continue the UE battle, download the Reign of the UE plug-in. It's sweet, and lets you conquer the voinians once and for all.

-Remember: The only good Voinian, is a dead Voinian

Here's a hint: check back at any Voinian systems you conquer.

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.

Yeah, that Hinwar thing has to be the most annoying puzzle in the game - one of the only 'puzzles' really. It really requires you to have read the description on Outpost Gamma.. I think - and let's face it the chances of that aren't great - let alone the chances of having remembered it!

(This message has been edited by MartiNZ (edited 03-20-2001).)

thyanx for the help,but about reign of the ue
i accedentily returned huron yo UE but i never finisshed taking ,down vonia
do you guys have any suggestions, can i still finish it?thanx