Plug-in Ideas?

Do any of you people out there have any cool plug-in ideas. If I find one I like, I will make it. Your Wish is my command.

I brake for Hinwar
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(This message has been edited by DeadMan (edited 03-09-2001).)

Check out "Random Plug-in Ideas"

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

Just a thought, but what if a massive empire of a new race appeared to conquer the crescent and the player was given a mission string to unite the strands and fight the new guys. If what they say about Gadzair being the ex-homeworld of the 3 strands is true, you could incorperate that in there as once they ally it becomes the alliance's renewed homeworld and base of operations would be the Council Station...But like I said, its just a thought.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner.


Originally posted by WarBeast:
**Just a thought, but what if a massive empire of a new race appeared to conquer the crescent and the player was given a mission string to unite the strands and fight the new guys. If what they say about Gadzair being the ex-homeworld of the 3 strands is true, you could incorperate that in there as once they ally it becomes the alliance's renewed homeworld and base of operations would be the Council Station...But like I said, its just a thought.


That would be quite a cool idea! It gets my vote 🙂


"These ones are small, but the ones out there are far away..." - Father Ted Crilley
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I think you've got a cool idea there, WarBeast. In fact, the existing EVO galaxy could support the concept that there is another race out past the Crescent which tried to conquer it in the past, because the Council has a space station in place to prevent travel along the only jump route which leads to the galactic east of the Crescent. Perhaps a disagreement about whether the Council should block that route started the split between the Strands...



I ahd an awesome idea, but i was planning to give it to someone else, so ask me before you use it please

Anways, im thinking that the humans, the volians, and the miruna are the 3 succesful races. The strands are to stupid and are always fighting each other. So, in the Ji nebula(the west) there can be a race that started out a little ahead of the others. Here is the idea:

The Sirtu saw immeditaly that figting with other worlds was not the answer to their problems. They set up "Hyper warps" that lead to places beyound the Ji Nebula. Once there, they started ihabiting the planets, and kept their distance from the other races. In the galazy as we see it, they set up two parts: The froiners and the Inners. Since the Inners lead to the other systems that are secrets, no one is alowed inside except for its own people. The frontiers are open to trade, but the Sirtu still have very advance ships and patrol the area heavly.

The goal here is to try to explore the rest of Sirtu space. But since their society bans Renegades, and no other species is at war with them, how do you get a "click" with their goveremnt. What type of ships do they have past the hyper warps? What other races lie back there? What is the Sirtu goal? If they started out before other races did, do they know answers to many questions we have?


Yeah, pretty cool ideas. The one Warbeast suggested might go into production. The other one, sounds like F-25. I suggest you get it.

I brake for Hinwar
- Visit my Website: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url)

I would definitely say that the main idea here is a good one. I think it should be available after you have completed the Strand central objective. Like after you complete that you are allowed to land on Council Station - the clue being the news message about the 'future of the strands' that you see after completing that objective. Maybe they could recognize you as an important individual in the situation, and somehow arrange uniting the crescent through whatever lies beyond crescent station :).


Yeah, I will do that. It will be called "The Mystery of the Council" Look for it soon!

I brake for Hinwar
- Visit my Website: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url)

That's a plug-in I'm definatly gonna download when it comes out. LoL.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner.

Thanks for your support! I have the ship graphics all ready, but I need someone to do a new intro title and perhaps music. Otherwise, does anyone have a name for the 3 Strands united?

I brake for Hinwar
- Visit my Website: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url)

Otherwise, does anyone have a name for the 3 Strands united?

Easy. "Council"
Or maybe "Strand"
Or maybe "Strand Federation"

Or "Azdgari" 😉

:+) <-- About-To-Be-Fragged

Oh wait, I got a better one.

Azdigzid 😉

:+) <-- About-To-Be-Fragged

Just a few ideas that popped in my head:

  1. Gadzaira (which I think was their species ex-name in the game)

  2. Crescent Alliance

  3. Or for a military name: United Crescent Armed Forces (UCAF)

I'm just thinking out loud here.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner.

Yeah, good ideas. Strand Federation sounds good. I was thinking United Strands or US for short.

To all of you: Should the Strandless get involved?

I brake for Hinwar
- Visit my Website: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url)

Again, just thinking out loud: Maybe a few strandless worlds with the explaination that they were attacked for some or no reason by the new guys (BTW, if you are using the new guys, whats their name?).

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner.

Gadzaira sounds good, and appropriate. The real question would have to be just what is past that station that is gonna bring peace :). And of course, how many ships you'd plan to add. I can see the possibility for a Gadazaia and maybe a Gadzair fighter, Gadzair freighter, etc. Yes the crescent could finally have their own delivery vessels. But not too many more ships :).

I don't feel that you should add too many systems beyond crescent station, but it should be hard to get anywhere there, ie. put in a bunch of uninhabited systems first - to get it far enough away from the crescent :).

Another idea.. in some mission or other, I think it was a Zachit one? You meet someone 'from far beyond the crescent.' Maybe you could also tie this plugin to that, but make it that you have to have completed the strand objective first... if that can be done :).


Yeah, maybe Gazaira. I still can't get over the reply speed. Yes, I can make sure that one Strand's central objectice has been done. I;m not sure about that Zachit mission, though.

I brake for Hinwar
- Visit my Website: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url)

30 minutes or less or your replies free!

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner.

Can a UE Crusier take on an Izaga? A Azzagar(I cant spell) warship defeat a UE destroyer. I think by far, yes. Now what am I getting to?

Obvisouly, this leads to the inference that the crescent has been around longer than us. So, another point is that these dudes didn't become enimies in 1 day, year or probably century. So they won't become friends that fast either. DO you guys thinkt hat one solution will fix the whole probelm. Don't get me wrong, its a great idea, and i always wanted to bring peace and stuff, but is it realistic. Probably not.

Im not telling you guys not to make it, im just telling where it doesn't make sence to me. Im a newbee, so its probably just me, but, once aian. in my opinions, i have the stuff to back it up...
