my predicament

allrighty, so here's where I'm at. I've gotten a UE cruiser, and have 4 Igadzras and 2 Crescent Warships as escorts. The Azdgari and Igadzra core systems prevent me from landing, and most of the core Miranu systems don't like me either. I know that killing renegades and enemy forces in systems boosts your ratings there, but in the core planets, there isn't quite that much action, so how could I make myself favorable to them? Is there a sort of trickle-down thing that happens if I kill renegades a system away from a system that I'm wanted in? Just wondering....... also.... where do I start the Igadzra mission string, and are there any crescent mission strings that don't have time limits (3 days/jump in a outfitted cruiser is awful)? thanks a bunch!



yes. If you can get a good rating you can work for the zachit and get a good rating for the Miranu. The others I believe you are going to have to pick. If you start killing azdgari in Igadzra space then they will like you or visa versa.

Killing crescent renegades will boost your record in all of the strands' worlds.


Kill north tip renegades to get a good rating in all Miranu systems, and it also unlocks the Zachit missions string. Also, I think that the Igadzra mission starts in either a core or northern/north-western Miranu systems, although it IS a 'shipping' mission with a time limit. You should get a ship with a one day jump-time for this mission only, and then get another UE Cruiser and do the rest of the Igadzra missions. If this fails, you're on your own.

(A quote from my earlier days when I had the S.S. Serpent, a Crescent Warship)
static Cap'n whatr my orders? static ESPilot: "Get half the fighter wing, fly behind the Igadzra, and fire phase cannons at full power up that ship's ass!!" static "Uh, cap'n, whaddya consider a ship's ass?" static ESPilot: The engines!! The engines!!" static "Oh well that makes sense at least" static

Here's a way to kill renegades anywhere in the galaxy: get a "destroy this renegade ship that's been harassing other ships" mission, go where ever you please while constantly destroying the trio of renegades that follow you where ever you go. Every time you leave a port or jump into a system, the three renegades will be there. They'll pester you until you complete the elimination mission. I'd suggest getting the mission from one of the independent human worlds because the renegades that follow you are much easier to take care of.

The ones we love and the life we grow from

That's a great idea, Miyun! Can I take them along on my nebula penetration missions, in case I get short of fuel? 😄

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

(quote)by VoinianAmbassador:
**That's a great idea, Miyun! Can I take them along on my nebula penetration missions, in case I get short of fuel?:p

The ones we love and the life we grow from

BTW, MoshiMoshi, do you mean for your name to say "hello" in Nihongo (Japanese)?

The ones we love and the life we grow from

No, the nebulous regions just have no ships ordinarily in them; as far as I know you can bring in anyone you want - screaming or not.


Originally posted by Miyun:
**BTW, MoshiMoshi, do you mean for your name to say "hello" in Nihongo (Japanese)?


hehe, yeah. it's been my computer nickname for quite some time......I'm studying Japanese at UW I thought I'd just keep it up..... 😃



by moshimoshi52>
hehe, yeah. it's been my computer nickname for quite some time......I'm studying Japanese at UW I thought I'd just keep it up..... 😃

Nihongo hanashimasen ka? Anata no nihongo doo desu ka? Kono go wa chotto muzukashii desu yo. It's a nice language. I took it for three years. Hope I'll become fluent one day. 🙂

The ones we love and the life we grow from

The easiest way, depending onthe cash flow (if you have about 3million or higher) is to get rid of your escorts by pressing alt-tab and hailing each one individually and releasing them from servitude. Then go into the miranu core worlds and get destroyer and eject in an escape pod. This way you get the good or bad ratings you had at th beggining of the game. Then buy a new ship and upgrade it - do yourself a favour this time and get a deascent ship - Arada or Lazira and upgrade it.


"These ones are small, but the ones out there are far away..." - Father Ted Crilley
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