Interesting Personalities

Does anybody have any riveting, funny, obviously made up, or informative stories about encounters with some of the game's ship personalities (or 'Dudes' as I think they're called)?

I remember my first encounter with the U.E.S. Incontravertible. It was late at night and I had just read the Escape Velocity pdf manual. I found the section about Galactic Legends to be rather interesting, especially the part about the former flagship of the UE fleet, the Icontravertible. About an hour later when I was playing the game I came across the legendary ship somewhere to the galactic west of UE space inside Igadzra territory. I was freaked out! Without really thinking too much, I opened fire on. My Arada was reduced to slag in about 3 seconds, but before it blew up, the ship hailed me with the eerie message "You are making a terrible mistake," and the equally eerie beeping sound that wouldn't stop. Of course, now that seeing the ship has become almost a common occurance I don't think much of it anymore. I still like to take it one when I see, though, and it always turns me into space dust in no time flat. I'm sure that everybody has had a similar experience with the U.E.S. Incontravertible.

What about Disco Bison? More than once he's been caught in the crossfire of one of my battles. That super condensed beam of Emalgha fire he shoots out killed me outright before I even knew what hit me.

I "accidently" killed Ali Saidi the first time we met, and now he attacks me whenever I see him. Its a pretty interesting rivalry we have going.

Any other stories out there about encounters with space pirates, traders, or even the Ambrosia staff that you want to share?

Renegade Infestation?
Meet me in the bar.

I once was up at the miranu research station place and i saw a frieght courier called the S.S. Surprise. I thought he would have a bit of cash so i attacked him confidently in my Zachit arada. Boy what a surprise i had when he launched like 10 Azdara's at me and opened fire with his three phase turrets. I certainly got an S.S. Surprise...


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Heh, I almost forgot. During a Zidagar mission, I was told to hunt down an Azdgari Warship named A.S.S. Blisters. LOL.

Renegade Infestation?
Meet me in the bar.

Killing Andrew Welch is always fun.... 🙂

(url="http://"") bigfurrydeal! (/url)


Originally posted by oasamostexianu:
**Killing Andrew Welch is always fun....:)


Are you kidding? i opened fire on that blasted CEO and the response was a shower of neutron from like, what, NINE OR TEN turrets!! Also, Matt Burch seems to hate me, but killing him and his Krait wing is no real challenge. 🙂

If you knew my precise record on my game you'd think I'm an Azdgari, but I'm not. Just the commander of a small mercenary fleet that favors the Azdgari. Ships include: 3 Aradas including my own, 2 CW's, and 2 Laziras.

Why does nothing like that happen to me, it is probably because I am so boring and just follow the story lines

--The Eye is Upon you--
If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

Oh and there's also this 'Bounty Hunter' dude that follows me around. No matter how many times I reduce him to scrap metal he keeps coming back. I just HATE dealing with immortal annoyances. And also, there's this AW called the 'A.S.S. Imprudent' that also shows up occasionally. He attacks immediately and hails me saying 'Don't take this personally......I attack everyone!'. Is anyone else having trouble with these menaces?

If you knew my precise record on my game you'd think I'm an Azdgari, but I'm not. Just the commander of a small mercenary fleet that favors the Azdgari. Ships include: 3 Aradas including my own, 2 CW's, and 2 Laziras.

The 'Bounty Hunter' shows up in many systems after you start dominating planets. He's just a standard CW as far as I see, but does become a pain and makes it hard to keep dominating hostile systems!

The A.S.S. Imprudent / Frivolous, etc. with many different names of similar meanings, just show up anywhere in the crescent, and as they say, attack everyone. The warships are no more powerful than normal Azdgari ones, but one of them is actually an Azdara that is more like an enhanced one, and practically invincible + annoying.

I had a fun one in siding with the Voinians recently, and suddenly there was this 'Captured Frigate' - a Voinian Frigate of Hinwar alignment - I didn't think there was any mention of the Hinwar outside their mission string. Didn't get much chance to talk to him though, as he was hostile to me and all the other Voinian ships in the system and didn't last long :frown:.


Two things happened to me tonight. Now that i think about it, they were both in the Qerid system. I was doing the Zidagar missions in my newly captured V. Cruiser, I took off and there was the A.S.S. Imprudent I disabled it and took it's 1.5 or so million credits and landed, took off and there it was again! The exact same ship, except it had less credits. Earlier in this system, and it was mad at me still for killing Zidara's earlier in the game. Anyhow i had just killed an Azzie Warship, the station was finally happy with me! Yay me! But there was one additional hostile ship between me and my destination, but i can take anything, what threat could it be, even at my diminished armor, nothing in the crescent could kill me. I targeted this ship, and to my horror saw the Disco Bison! Mere seconds later my ship was slagged. And thus ends my tale...

FLOBBLEDEEFEE, that's what we said when we were mad or frustrated, we said it because we were idiots. A bunch of inbred, illiterate, cro-magnons, blowin' our noses on crusty handkerchiefs, waiting in line for our heads to burst into flames. That's the way it was, and we liked it!
-Signed, A Grumpy Old Man


Originally posted by Captain Wittenberg:
**Does anybody have any riveting, funny, obviously made up, or informative stories about encounters with some of the game's ship personalities (or 'Dudes' as I think they're called)?

I remember my first encounter with the U.E.S. Incontravertible. It was late at night and I had just read the Escape Velocity pdf manual. I found the section about Galactic Legends to be rather interesting, especially the part about the former flagship of the UE fleet, the Icontravertible. About an hour later when I was playing the game I came across the legendary ship somewhere to the galactic west of UE space inside Igadzra territory. I was freaked out! Without really thinking too much, I opened fire on. My Arada was reduced to slag in about 3 seconds, but before it blew up, the ship hailed me with the eerie message "You are making a terrible mistake," and the equally eerie beeping sound that wouldn't stop. Of course, now that seeing the ship has become almost a common occurance I don't think much of it anymore. I still like to take it one when I see, though, and it always turns me into space dust in no time flat. I'm sure that everybody has had a similar experience with the U.E.S. Incontravertible.

What about Disco Bison? More than once he's been caught in the crossfire of one of my battles. That super condensed beam of Emalgha fire he shoots out killed me outright before I even knew what hit me.

I "accidently" killed Ali Saidi the first time we met, and now he attacks me whenever I see him. Its a pretty interesting rivalry we have going.

Any other stories out there about encounters with space pirates, traders, or even the Ambrosia staff that you want to share?

What is this pdf EV manual? Where do you get it?

Anyway, I haven't killed the U.E.S. Incontrovertible, yet, but I have killed the Elizibeth Reib, and I almost killed the Disco Bison.

Right now I'm making a big plug for EVO, and in it I'm planning on having a Krait with a Disco Machine gun. How about that? 😉

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

And also, another stange AI would be my escorts. Say I'm challenged by Bounty Hunter. My escorts will go right after him, and I deploy some fighters. And while me and my escorts are kicking BH's butt the fighters do......NNOOOOOTTTHHHHHIIINNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That's right, NOTHING.

If you knew my precise record on my game you'd think I'm an Azdgari, but I'm not. Just the commander of a small mercenary fleet that favors the Azdgari. Ships include: 3 Aradas including my own, 2 CW's, and 2 Laziras.

I had a funny run-in with a pirate in an Azdara. I forget his name, but he was about 20X faster than the normal Azdaras, had 5 Swivel Phase Cannons (or what it looked like) and had more shields and quicker shield regeneration than the enhanced Azdara. I ran into him in a prototype ship I am making, anyway, I was in the krayhek System, and it took me, along with 5 other Crescent Fighters (militia) to take him down. It was pretty fun, though I haven't ever seen him before.

About the U.E.S. Incontovertible, I too ran into him once in Igadzra space. I didn't open fire on him, as I was friends with the UE, and I thought it might not be the greatest idea to start blasting one of their ships. So instead I hailed it over and over. I guess I bugged it, oh well.

Also, those AWs that open fire on anyone, I ran into one that had a plasma siphon!! No joke! He launched his Azdaras, and since I was near him, he opened fire with a plasma siphon! Anyone else see this?

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader


Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:

Also, those AWs that open fire on anyone, I ran into one that had a plasma siphon!! No joke! He launched his Azdaras, and since I was near him, he opened fire with a plasma siphon! Anyone else see this?


Like the Zidagar say "Watch out for those Azdgari, they'll shoot anything that moves, and many that don't." I captured an Igadzra pers, I.S.S. Incognito, he had the Igadzra Beam, and sure enough he kept it even as my escort, though he died later in an Azzie offensive. I just opened Override Data 2 with res-edit, there are a whole bunch of pers that i haven't run into before.

FLOBBLEDEEFEE, that's what we said when we were mad or frustrated, we said it because we were idiots. A bunch of inbred, illiterate, cro-magnons, blowin' our noses on crusty handkerchiefs, waiting in line for our heads to burst into flames. That's the way it was, and we liked it!
-Signed, A Grumpy Old Man

How can u? Get real I'd give my self to the Voinians before I did that, and that's saying somthing! 🙂


Originally posted by ESPilot:
**Are you kidding? i opened fire on that blasted CEO and the response was a shower of neutron from like, what, NINE OR TEN turrets!! Also, Matt Burch seems to hate me, but killing him and his Krait wing is no real challenge.:)

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.

I know. That realy explains them well. 🙂


Originally posted by Captain Wittenberg:
**Heh, I almost forgot. During a Zidagar mission, I was told to hunt down an Azdgari Warship named A.S.S. Blisters. LOL.

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.

Oh yeah all the time, that's just the Adgara way of saying hello and good bye. 🙂


Originally posted by ESPilot:
**Oh and there's also this 'Bounty Hunter' dude that follows me around. No matter how many times I reduce him to scrap metal he keeps coming back. I just HATE dealing with immortal annoyances. And also, there's this AW called the 'A.S.S. Imprudent' that also shows up occasionally. He attacks immediately and hails me saying 'Don't take this personally......I attack everyone!'. Is anyone else having trouble with these menaces?

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.

I guess the Emalgha does stand up for them selfs. Of cruse it's because of your stealing.
They must have at treaty agreement with the Azdgari. 🙂


Originally posted by Cazic Thule:
**Two things happened to me tonight. Now that i think about it, they were both in the Qerid system. I was doing the Zidagar missions in my newly captured V. Cruiser, I took off and there was the A.S.S. Imprudent I disabled it and took it's 1.5 or so million credits and landed, took off and there it was again! The exact same ship, except it had less credits. Earlier in this system, and it was mad at me still for killing Zidara's earlier in the game. Anyhow i had just killed an Azzie Warship, the station was finally happy with me! Yay me! But there was one additional hostile ship between me and my destination, but i can take anything, what threat could it be, even at my diminished armor, nothing in the crescent could kill me. I targeted this ship, and to my horror saw the Disco Bison! Mere seconds later my ship was slagged. And thus ends my tale...

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.

What is this pdf EV manual? Where do you get it?

Anyway, I haven't killed the U.E.S. Incontrovertible, yet, but I have
killed the Elizibeth Reib, and I almost killed the Disco Bison.

Right now I'm making a big plug for EVO, and in it I'm planning on
having a Krait with a Disco Machine gun. How about that?

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the EV Chronicles.

I have once or twice in my life but it never stayed on my record. Cool. Let me know when it's done.


And also, another stange AI would be my escorts. Say I'm challenged by
Bounty Hunter. My escorts will go right after him, and I deploy some
fighters. And while me and my escorts are kicking BH's butt the
fighters do......NNOOOOOTTTHHHHHIIINNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That's
right, NOTHING.

If you knew my precise record on my game you'd think I'm an Azdgari,
but I'm not. Just the commander of a small mercenary fleet that favors
the Azdgari. Ships include: 3 Aradas including my own, 2 CW's, and 2

Maybe your doing something wrong or they are being them selfs (just plain dumb). 🙂


I had a funny run-in with a pirate in an Azdara. I forget his name, but
he was about 20X faster than the normal Azdaras, had 5 Swivel Phase
Cannons (or what it looked like) and had more shields and quicker
shield regeneration than the enhanced Azdara. I ran into him in a
prototype ship I am making, anyway, I was in the krayhek System, and
it took me, along with 5 other Crescent Fighters (militia) to take him
down. It was pretty fun, though I haven't ever seen him before.

About the U.E.S. Incontovertible, I too ran into him once in Igadzra
space. I didn't open fire on him, as I was friends with the UE, and I
thought it might not be the greatest idea to start blasting one of their
ships. So instead I hailed it over and over. I guess I bugged it, oh well.

Also, those AWs that open fire on anyone, I ran into one that had a
plasma siphon!! No joke! He launched his Azdaras, and since I was near
him, he opened fire with a plasma siphon! Anyone else see this?

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader

Yes, about the United Earth goverment: you chose the right goverment and the best!


Like the Zidagar say "Watch out for those Azdgari, they'll shoot
anything that moves, and many that don't." I captured an Igadzra pers,
I.S.S. Incognito, he had the Igadzra Beam, and sure enough he kept it
even as my escort, though he died later in an Azzie offensive. I just
opened Override Data 2 with res-edit, there are a whole bunch of pers
that i haven't run into before.

FLOBBLEDEEFEE, that's what we said when we were mad or frustrated,
we said it because we were idiots. A bunch of inbred, illiterate,
cro-magnons, blowin' our noses on crusty handkerchiefs, waiting in
line for our heads to burst into flames. That's the way it was, and we
liked it!
-Signed, A Grumpy Old Man

Yes, I bet I haven't seen even half of them. Every once in awhile it's nice to see a person above the average.

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.

You JUST opened up the data res-edit? Good lord I've been doing that for years! And no I haven't ran into an AW with a plasma siphon. Though I'd really like to. And I've been hearing all this stuff about Disco Bison. I saw him in Emalgha once but I didn't shoot him for some reason.

P.S.(Maybe the Incontrevertible hangs out in Igadzra space to make allies out of them. Hehe.)

If you knew my precise record on my game you'd think I'm an Azdgari, but I'm not. Just the commander of a small mercenary fleet that favors the Azdgari. Ships include: 3 Aradas including my own, 2 CW's, and 2 Laziras.

After that last post i went and played EVO for a few minutes, and I had a run-in with a Miranu H Freighter called Bluetonic. I opened fire on him with my Arada (armed only with 4 sivel phase cannons and fifteen pursuit missiles) and he opened fire with what seemed like 5 or 6 phase turrets! He also had much more shielding than the average heavy freighter. Luckily he had slow shield regeneration and mine was fast and I just buzzed around him like a fly shooting phase blasts and soon enough, big blue go boom. 🙂 I've also noticed that when you blow up a 'dude' they always rise from the grave and come attack you again, no matter how many times they die!!! I've also noticed that all of the warring factions (the stands, UE, Voinians) have 'dudes' whose names all follow a pattern. I don't know the pattern for UE, but I do know that Voinians follow a pattern of the names of evil beings from greek mythology, like V.S.S. Hades. The Igadzra pattern is things like 'Undercover' or 'Incognito' having to do with secrecy. The Zidagar pattern is things like 'Melodramatic' and things like that having to do with drama. The Azdgari stuff is things having to do recklessness like the 'Imprudent' or 'Bold'. Has anyone other than me noticed this?

If you knew my precise record on my game you'd think I'm an Azdgari, but I'm not. Just the commander of a small mercenary fleet that favors the Azdgari. Ships include: 3 Aradas including my own, 2 CW's, and 2 Laziras.