Want to play on PC, emulator?


Is there a Mac emulator for the PC that really works and will allow me to play EV Override and other Ambrosia titles?




Originally posted by clipinski:

Is there a Mac emulator for the PC that really works and will allow me to play EV Override and other Ambrosia titles?



I think this question has been asked before...seek (or search) and ye shall find.

But if you don't, from what I've heard, (url="http://"http://www.gemulator.com/")Gemulator(/url) and (url="http://"http://www.ardi.com")Executor(/url) are two good choices. But don't take my word for it...I've never actually used either.

Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks (via the poll at the bottom of the page or the guestbook)! It's at (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evosite")http://www.geocities.com/evosite(/url) !
I can't think of anything else to write...

Here's a page that will tell you how to play EV on the PC:

Max B-H
"I've taken the disperser out of the loop and run the cables through the initiator power intake on the engine power system. The feedback energy is just accumulating in the repulsor system. When the power level is high enough, I'll reset the feedback power breaker and dump the energy right into the initiator intake on the engine power systems."
"Jump-start it," Han said. "I'm going to jumpstart it."

That's one helluva set of instructions. I figured it out for myself over about 5 hours, didn't have to do any of that DOS stuff. Just run Executor from its icon when you install it =P

That cuts off most of the page linked above 😉

"Fear eats people."

I tried to use executor(demo version) but it doesn't seem to have enough app memory or whatever so the game goes really (and i mean really) slow. Anyone know how to get it to go faster?

In Executor, hit ctrl+shift+5 (or maybe it's alt+shift+5). Set the window to "animate," and the sound to "off."

That should do it!

"Fear eats people."

I used to be a die hard Mac guy, but the glut of games available for PC lured me to the dark side. So, when I saw EVO was released, I was sad.

But for the last week or so I've used Executer for windows and it works great. It crashes about once per night and there is no sound, but I'll take it. This is the best shareware game EVER. I play it more than most commercial games.


I didn't read all the posts, but i think someone noted the instructions for emulating mac programs using the OS only in the background. It uses alot of AppleScript like crap (more like director lingo for you media guys) to run executor in the background and essentially make mac programs act like pc ones.

The only problem is you have to have a well-known mouse brand and use an actual driver instead of the fake Windows ones or it won't run.

Email me for help.

It is not fear that will
destroy you, but the
absence of it.

I have a friend who downloaded the Executor demo, but it runs antiquated system software causing an error message saying that the software requires system 7 when installing and EV runs, although fairly messed up and EVO will start up, but then it doesn't play (blank black screen, until you hit escape - then you get a glimpse of the gameplay before the menu shows up).

"Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
et optime educatus et non habitus vitam."

Correct. You do need to load appropriate system software into executor. But after that it will just run in the background with the edits i spoke of before.

It is not fear that will
destroy you, but the
absence of it.

Okay, but can you do that with the Executor demo? I do have a system 7 CD kicking around that I no longer use for my computer that I could lend my friend...

"Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
et optime educatus et non habitus vitam."

(This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 11-12-2000).)

I'm just curious...

"Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
et optime educatus et non habitus vitam."

I think EV/O dosent deserve to be put on a PC.



"Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
et optime educatus et non habitus vitam."


Originally posted by bbatch:
**I think EV/O dosent deserve to be put on a PC.


:mad: No! You fool! This may be the first step in saving these poor souls! :rolleyes:

"What makes you think she is a witch?"
"Well, she turned me into a newt!!"
"A newt?"
"I got better..."

You may be right, but I have ZERO respect for PCs, Windows, or Gateways.


I used the Crl-alt-shift-5 for exector but it didnt work, ann suggestions???

Originally posted by Jim_S
"No you fool! This may be the first step in saving their poor souls!"

It's true! I confess, I have a PC. But my cousin has a Mac. Oh, the shareware! I want a Mac! I want it so bad . . .

Has anyone tried SoftMac or FusionPC? They are availible (demo of SoftMac, full version of Fusion PC) at (url="http://"http://www.emulators.com/")http://www.emulators.com/(/url).

Brian Schack
"DOS Computers, manufactured by millions of companies, are by far the most popular, with about 70 million machines in use worldwide. Macintosh fans, on the other hand, may note that cockroaches are far more numerous than humans, and that numbers alone do not denote a higher life form."
--The New York Times, November 26, 1991 (also quoted in MacAddict 4)

(This message has been edited by Ellmist (edited 12-09-2000).)

We were kinda looking into seamless background OS running, which is not a feature or even configurable on the emulators you noted. Aside from the ridiculous pricing and bad interfacing, of course. Executor removes such heavy program style mumbojumbo.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.