Magical Herbs

Im on Reefs Island and i cant find the mgical herbs anywhere! All I found that was not normal was a circle of stones like stonehenge but no magical herbs. What area can i find the magic herbs in! :mad:

" Don't waste your magic on weak monsters."


Originally posted by Jacob Steinberg:
**Im on Reefs Island and i cant find the mgical herbs anywhere! All I found that was not normal was a circle of stones like stonehenge but no magical herbs. What area can i find the magic herbs in!:mad:


its on the last screen of the island, in a cave, at the vary bottom....

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'

Thanks. I found the herbs.

" Don't waste your magic on weak monsters."

I'm stuck on the reef island too, looking for the magic herbs. I have hunted all over, but haven't found them yet. Knowing my track record, posting my frustration here usually gets the problem solved.

I am back to look again, and hoping I find them before ACC posts the exact place to look! North?South?East?West? In a Cave? Around a campfire?

Thank Goodness for that tent and the plug-in, or I would be deader than a doornail 40 times over! Not enough potions in the store to deal with those monsters!


after on island, go 1 east 1 south 1 west, and around the center theres a cave, at the bottom of the cave is what you seek.

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'

I've found the cave, but haven't gone in yet. Scaredy cat here... I am wondering what the "blue mushroom" does... I have been afraid to click on it for fear it is poisonous or something.

Is it helpful in any way? I can't even remember where I found it. I am one of those little old grandmother type players, who is very conservative, but has a lousy short-tem memory...

PTL for that tent! I only have 140 "hit points", and want to save my potions in case I get myself into big-time twubbles....

Tanks for your help, ACC!



Originally posted by housemouse:
**I've found the cave, but haven't gone in yet. Scaredy cat here... I am wondering what the "blue mushroom" does... I have been afraid to click on it for fear it is poisonous or something.

Ah!, bummer, you should have eaten it the sec. you got it. It gives +5 vitality = more life hp per level up.

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'