EV for the...um...PC (duck)

I have to play unreal on a 66mhz 7100, so stuffit!

"...Cotton Mouse... to say that the plug is royally messed up is an understatement. I'm taking a look at it with Plug Checker, and some of these errors I have just never seen before..."-Obormot, debugger

ERA for EV:

(still in alpha stages)

HA! 33mhz? Plz, come the F@#$ on. you couldn't run a damn mouse on that.



Originally posted by Chicago270:
HA! 33mhz? Plz, come the F@#$ on. you couldn't run a damn mouse on that.


The original Mac at 8Mhz ran a mouse just fine. In fact, all the 68k Macs were 33 MHz or slower and their mice all worked well.

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

Hey, for the first 5 years of owning a computer, I was on a mac plus, and then for 2 years, I was on a durodock, and those ruled!

"...Cotton Mouse... to say that the plug is royally messed up is an understatement. I'm taking a look at it with Plug Checker, and some of these errors I have just never seen before..."-Obormot, debugger

ERA for EV:

(still in alpha stages)


Originally posted by Alien 5672:
**Wow, I hear all this 33 mhz and 75 mhz...

You are all really gonna hate me when I say I have a 350 mhz G4...


I have a dual 500 MHz G4, 512 MB of RAM, 36 GB Ultra 160 on order from Apple at the moment. I'm not kidding.

My signature is short and unobtrusive. I don't have a long sig to overcompansate for "ego" problems.


Originally posted by foo12:
**I have a dual 500 MHz G4, 512 MB of RAM, 36 GB Ultra 160 on order from Apple at the moment. I'm not kidding.

oh yeah?
well i have a System 1.1 disk image so ha!
(unfortunately it won't boot on my oldschool iMac DV)

"the bathroom ain't preety, let's keep it that way." - Adam Corrola

(url="http://"http://calcwire.calc.org/tiev.shtml")Calcwire: Ti-EV(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"mailto:funky_cheeze@usa.net")mailto:funky_cheeze@usa.net(/url)funky_cheeze@usa.net

EVO on PC? Grand idea. Then I wouldn't have to send all my graphics to my friend so he can turn them into bitmaps so I can take them to my PC and use Windowsdraw to edit them. I could do so much more if it were on Windows, too bad Mac people can't admit that both Macs and PCs are powerful and have advantages.... Sigh :::Wonders if he's the only sane computer freak out there::: At least I have After Dark.... 🙂

EVO on PC? Grand idea. Then I wouldn't have to send all my graphics to my friend so he can turn them into bitmaps so I can take them to my PC and use Windowsdraw to edit them. I could do so much more if it were on Windows, too bad Mac people can't admit that both Macs and PCs are powerful and have advantages.... Sigh :::Wonders if he's the only sane computer freak out there::: At least I have After Dark.... 🙂

EVO on PC? Grand idea. Then I wouldn't have to send all my graphics to my friend so he can turn them into bitmaps so I can take them to my PC and use Windowsdraw to edit them. I could do so much more if it were on Windows, too bad Mac people can't admit that both Macs and PCs are powerful and have advantages.... Sigh :::Wonders if he's the only sane computer freak out there::: At least I have After Dark.... 🙂

Regarding the Executor Mac emulation program, does anyone know of a way to increase the amount of memory, real or virtual, that the program can allocate to programs? I have a 233Mhz processor with 32 megs of real RAM, Executor has about 8.62 megs of RAM and EVO needs at least 5 more megs to run, or else it kicks me out at the first splash screen. Does anyone know what to do about this? (Please don't say "Get a Mac". My sense of humor is running thin.)


Originally posted by PSIFireOmega:
EVO on PC? Grand idea. Then I wouldn't have to send all my graphics to my friend so he can turn them into bitmaps so I can take them to my PC and use Windowsdraw to edit them. I could do so much more if it were on Windows, too bad Mac people can't admit that both Macs and PCs are powerful and have advantages.... Sigh :::Wonders if he's the only sane computer freak out there::: At least I have After Dark....:)

Anyone else pick up on the irony of someone who posts the same message three times and boasts about being sane?

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer


Originally posted by Chicago270:
HA! 33mhz? Plz, come the F@#$ on. you couldn't run a damn mouse on that.


I used to play EVO on a performa 600CD. Large battles were almost unplayable, and that was only after I upgraded it to System 7.5. It would always crash before.



Originally posted by Joe Burnette:
**The original Mac at 8Mhz ran a mouse just fine. In fact, all the 68k Macs were 33 MHz or slower and their mice all worked well.

Yea, the tough part is finding a 9-pin mouse to use with one. I got to work on an original Mac today at work....
The damn thing requires a AA battery, boot disk and extinct accessories...

tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - gwii@excite.com - Rip the System!


Originally posted by Robin:
**oh yeah?
well i have a System 1.1 disk image so ha!
(unfortunately it won't boot on my oldschool iMac DV)


Point being? 🙂 I have a 128k sitting in my closet. It still boots just fine. 🙂

My signature is short and unobtrusive. I don't have a long sig to overcompansate for "ego" problems.


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**Yea, the tough part is finding a 9-pin mouse to use with one. I got to work on an original Mac today at work....
The damn thing requires a AA battery, boot disk and extinct accessories...

Extinct accessories? You mean hardware or software? I have access to several mice and keyboards, a 20MB hard drive, and an external 800k floppy drive; also severl versions of the early System software and contemporary applications like Microsoft Word 1.0 and PageMaker 1.0 🙂 Yeah all the early Macs up to I believe the SE required boot disks - no internal hard drive and the system could not boot from an external. The AA battery is not absolutely necessary, it powers the clock and PRAM.

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

i have an apple lle still, but its never used. what i use is a souped 350mhz g4 with a 20gb hard-drive, and 256mb ram, but i upgraded the processor so it goes faster than a 600 mhz pc(eeeewwwwwwww)

"what is life but a prelude to death?"-me
New Windows version 98, now with 400% more bugs and error messages than windows 95
(just $199.99)

i have a 386 with a 180 MB HD!

its amazing, it runs on DOS Shell and PC Shell, the mouse ball needs cleaning, and it even has a modem, i wonder if it will work after i took it apart and removed the harddrive.

get this: it runs at 16 mhz, and 25 mhz with turbo on!



Originally posted by AnaerobicShark:
**Ok here we go with a list again 😃

1. My power mac is THE ONLY one in the 7200 series that cannot be upgraded in any way besides RAM
-- Ok..

2. I don't want to spend 800 bucks for EV 😃
--Then spend $50 on eBay.

3. I don't hate you for having 350 my PC is 500 😃
-- 500 million cycles per second.. that doesn't affect the speed of the machine, just the.. um.. cycles per second. Yours is probably either CISC or a crappy clone of RISC, while we have RISCy (at least twice as efficient as CISC, and processor architecture affects speed a great deal).

4. Yeah they'd cease to be mac-only they'd also stop going down deeper into the red on the books 😃 <sorry mac lovers =)>
-- And that means..?

5. Yes, I know its difficult to get the original proccesor speed and compatibility with an emulator, even with 500 mhz. Windoze sure doesn't help it.
-- Not difficult. Nearly impossible.

6. You can't allocate memory with windows and the Get Info screen in executor isn't the same as the one on the Mac, no Preferred Memory, Min Memory, etc.
-- It's possible, just extremely difficult. To quote Scott Adams: 'And it will take the entire afternoon to fail at this task.'

7. Can't be the folder, because EV 1.0.5 was a separate entry from EV 1.0.5f, I'm not THAT stupid to not know what the funky F means ( no idea how to write the symbol on a PC except using character map and I'm too lazy to look for it )
-- ƒ (forte) is alt-F on the Mac.. might be the same on Windows.

but it doesn't really seem to matter since 1.0.5 is skipping frames, double speed or not, even with game speed at lowest its still skippin'.
-- Computer emulators are crap. Only use them for business software.

8. I'm not interested in buying an emulator, if you note my earlier post about....shall we say...FINDING the reg code for executor 😃
-- Ok..

9. Thanks 😃
-- Welcome.

"There was a terrible ghastly silence.
There was a terrible ghastly noise.
There was a terrible ghastly silence."
- Demolition of Earth, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

AIM: evandrewm

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 08-07-2000).)


Originally posted by Siddartha:
Regarding the Executor Mac emulation program, does anyone know of a way to increase the amount of memory, real or virtual, that the program can allocate to programs? I have a 233Mhz processor with 32 megs of real RAM, Executor has about 8.62 megs of RAM and EVO needs at least 5 more megs to run, or else it kicks me out at the first splash screen. Does anyone know what to do about this? (Please don't say "Get a Mac". My sense of humor is running thin.)

You can set the amount of memory Executor will allocate to itself with a command line parameter. Just adjust the shortcut or whatever and append the following: "-applzone 20000K" to allocate the given amount of RAM. I think it talks about that in the readme.

Has anyone gotten sound to work with Executor? I'm using the Windows version and before I could get EV to work I had to turn sound off. I've also tried switching to SoftMac, which actually requires MacOS, etc., but there's even more bugs there. (I can only move upwards, thrusting down makes me go up faster, my lasers go sideways, etc. Of course I'm using shareware SoftMac which can just barely squeeze in EV 1.0.0, no plugins, with extensions off, so that might be part of the problem.)

And don't tell me to get a Mac, EV is great but I'm not spending hundreds of dollars just so that I can have a slightly better frame-rate and sound.


Pshhh.. you all brag about your old macs.... well, I'm not even gonna START to describe the fun I have playing "Space Invaders" on my Apple 2E 😄

hmmm... 🆒 :rolleyes: :pissedoff: :face: 😉 😄 :sexcrazed:

wonder how many of those smileys will work 😄

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --