F-25 help needed

If you have not played F-25 then dont read the rest of this post, since it may contain spoilers for you.

Ive played my way through a good few plug-ins in the past, and I decided to give F-25 a go.
Its been a lot of flying back and forth though and I think things are about to kick off.
I have progressed to the mission where I have to destroy the Dreadnought, just after disabling the alien craft. The only problem is that Voinian space is now isolated from the rest of the systems and I cant find any secret links or anything. Just how do I get there?
Just in case there is some possibility that the pilot file Im using may be clashing, here is a brief summary:
I have a Lazira with all the possible upgrades, a cloaking device and the Plasma Syphon. Ive also dominated a good slice of the universe (all the adzgari, strandless and zidagar planets and a couple of voinian outposts), so that Im getting a daily tribute of 122000 cr. Will any of this affect the plug-in? I hope not, since Im very fond of this pilot.
Is there any place I can get some hints and tips for the plug?
Thanks in advance for any replies


The Dreadnought mission is, I believe, not a part of the F-25 plug. F-25 isolates the Voinian space because the plug contains so many new ships that it has to replace some of EVO's own ships. If you go to the fringes of Voinian space, you'll note that the Voinians are flying alien ships. In short, F-25 and the Voinians are incompatible. If you want to mess with the Voinians, do it before you load up F-25.

That said, the planet-conquering issue may or may not be a problem. Having a particular planet giving you tribute shouldn't cause any trouble, but the effects on your legal status from so many conquests may make it difficult for you to find missions. Good luck!

Glenn Matthews

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

Glenn, I already did the dreadnought mission as part of regular EVO, so I was surprised when it turned up again. Maybe its some kind of bug then. So, should I abort th emission and just carry on with F-25, or start again?
If I can just carry on, then whats my next step after having disabled the alien craft and returned to earth?


Sorry, I can't really help you much more than what I've given. The only version of F-25 I've ever played was the very first released version, which was so tremendously buggy that I gave up after half a dozen missions. I understand that F-25 v1.5 is greatly improved; I should give it a try sometime. Sorry!


PS: Speaking of version 1.5 of things, have you played my own plug, Secession 1.5? Give it a try!

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

If you did the original Drednought mission I don't think you have to do it again playing F-25. You have to complete Nebulae missions to start getting F-25 original missions. This missions you can get in the Miranu space on the ...... Station (I forgot it's name. To the north from UE space, the second closest Miranu planet, I think). Anyway it's not really necessary to do all the EVO original missions again. There is a pilot file in F-25 package with all EVO original missions complete. Try it, you'll lose nothing.



Originally posted by Glenn:
**Sorry, I can't really help you much more than what I've given. The only version of F-25 I've ever played was the very first released version, which was so tremendously buggy that I gave up after half a dozen missions. I understand that F-25 v1.5 is greatly improved; I should give it a try sometime. Sorry!


PS: Speaking of version 1.5 of things, have you played my own plug, Secession 1.5? Give it a try!


Glenn, you speak a partial truth here. Though F-25 1.0 did have several key bugs, saying it was "tremendously buggy" lead to it being branded as such and as a result, few people played it. I truly don't appreciate that. But as you said, v.1.5 fixes a few more errors and finally sets straight the Querin string. I'll try to upload the data file only after I post this.

But speaking of your plug, I actually gave it a fair chance, and enjoyed it very much.. So much so, the Secessionists are even (briefly) mentioned in Reign II.


Sorry, Bomb. I know how much work is involved in plug-in making, and I certainly don't want to hurt anyone. "Tremendously" so or not, F-25 1.0 was buggy enough that I couldn't bear to play through it. It had a very "rushed to production" feel about it which was very unfortunate given the tremendous amount of innovation and hard work that was clearly involved in the underlying structure of the plug.

I'm glad to hear that version 1.5 has addressed those concerns, and I'd love to give it a try. Is it available here at evo/addons, then?

PS: You mention the Secessionists in Reign II? Cool! Now I'll have to go and download it to see what you said!

Glenn Matthews

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

Glenn and Bomb,
Many thanks for your help, but it appears that I was entirely at fault. There was no glitch, bug or anything flaky About F-25 whatsoever. I used the wrong pilot file!! I have a whole bunch of 'em (as Im sure you all do) for different occasions, only problem is...some of em have the same names.
So, I do apologise if this thread has seemed like more bad press for your plug, Bomb. I got as far as disabling the alien craft before I discovered that I was using a pilot who was at the last mission of the voinian string, however I didnt find the plug in buggy at all up to that point. Ill be starting the plug again as soon as Ive finished off having some fun flying around in a voinian frigate (which Ive never managed to do before).
BTW Im using F-25 v1.04...I couldnt find 1.05 anywhere,...where can I get it?


When you start playing original F-25 missions you'll find out that not Voinian frigate no other EVO ships can match the ones in the F-25 universe. Get the Bomari cruizer as soon as you can.


The Centurion ship is much better (more total protection armor plus shields) plus more weapons space. Also Where in glenn supposed to be found. I cant find him after leaving Naboo.


I have one share in corporate Earth, and I am nervous about the
-E.B. White


Originally posted by Drew:
**... Where in glenn supposed to be found. I cant find him after leaving Naboo.


One word: Huh?!

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

i also have a problem for F-25, and it may seem kind of stupid but it tells me that i need to increase memory allocation and i dont know hiw :frown:

also bomb, in Shades of Evil i delivered the spy to knox and now cant get any more missions. help!

"Do you look to the sky just before you die, it's the last time you will..."
-Metallica,"For Whom The Bell Tolls"


Originally posted by GrayWolf:
**i also have a problem for F-25, and it may seem kind of stupid but it tells me that i need to increase memory allocation and i dont know hiw:frown:

also bomb, in Shades of Evil i delivered the spy to knox and now cant get any more missions. help!

To Increase your memory for EVO Highlight the EVO icon on the desktop and hold
command,shift and I keys or select the icon and go to get info under the file menu. Then just type in some bigger numbers in the memory box.

hope this helps.

They reason we no there is Intelligent life in space is that they haven't contacted us.

I need to know were to find the alien ship( after it leaves f-25

they say it was last seen in the notil area


Originally posted by dfc:
**I need to know were to find the alien ship( after it leaves f-25

they say it was last seen in the notil area**

It's in a southern Igadzra system. Which is what Notil is...


It's in the Nujja system.

--"Add to this the known probability of assassination, viceregal revolt, the contemporary recurrence of periods of economical depression, the declining rate of planetary explorations, the..."--Hari Seldon, FOUNDATION