Boozerama Bar: The Deadly Entropy

Rickton whimpers as he sees LK has arrived.

This post has been edited by Rickton : 21 October 2004 - 03:42 PM

nfreader jams a cream soda down LK's throat, rips of Lk's arm and beats him with it, bites his leg and thorws him in the acid pit.

Welcome back.

DE continues to await for Cade...

emainiac listens to a decent Brick House Midi.

emainiac, on Oct 22 2004, 11:42 PM, said:

emainiac listens to a decent Brick House Midi.
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Rickton eats. Something.

DE watches as Rickton eats his own leg...

Rickton realizes his mistake, but it's too late!

Dash drops trou, and squeezes out a cleveland steamer on Rickton's chest. I only hope that really doesn't mean what I think it does.

Can't you tell I'm listening to Tenacious D?

Dash hurls himself into the


Dash regenerates, but didn't actually die, therefore confusing the regenerator machine, which spits out 10,872 copies of Dash.
Plus change.
Which consists of 10,871 AK-47s, and one laser-bomb launcher.


Rickton screams and melts due to the "Cleaveland Steamer" as the famous Tenacious D line does, in fact, mean what Dash thought it did.

nfreader calls hazmat.
Then on a second thought, decides to call in an airstrike.

DE starts a war with everyone within 10 feet of him. This includes quite a few Dashs. DE never loses a war.

Except that this time he does.

I agree. There are, after all, 10,872 of me, and 10, 871 AK-47s and one laser-bomb launcher. Which spells "DOOM." Of course, in order for it to spell "DOOM," they'd all have to be layed out neatly on the floor in a pattern.


10,871 Dashs kill DE 10, 871 times.

1 Dash (me) ( me!) ( ME!)
sits down at the bar the bar...
and blows himself up. Twice. With laser bombs.
How would a laser bomb work, anyways?

lasers don't really explode, do they?

wtf mates?
what is going on, eh?

happy end!

(EDIT) I fixed a slight calculation error...(/EDIT)

This post has been edited by Dash_Merc : 26 October 2004 - 10:52 PM

DE reminds Dash of the army of DEs still sitting over in the corner, the SSM turrets he installed, and how the army took control of the weapons room. The real DE comes out of the army, and leads the DEs to victory.
Dash is now a pile of ash.

DE gets a round of root beer for his army.

Rickton is incredibly confused.

Apparently I'm a pile of Dash, minus the D.

I'm special.

DE gets a root beer.

Destroyer E, on Oct 29 2004, 02:09 PM, said:

DE gets a root beer.
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Jimbob ejaculates all in DE's rootbeer.

nfreader throws up.