What enemy is dangerous to you?

Poll: As an enemy, which combination of features is most dangerous to you? (20 member(s) have cast votes)
As an enemy, which combination of features is most dangerous to you?
Accurate heavy firepower plus high speed and maneuverability, sacrificing heavy shields and armour.
(15 votes [75.00%])
Percentage of vote: 75.00%
Accurate heavy firepower plus heavy shields and armour, sacrificing speed and maneuverability.
(3 votes [15.00%])
Percentage of vote: 15.00%
Something else. (Please explain below.)
(2 votes [10.00%])
Percentage of vote: 10.00%

You know how you battle in EV, and you know which kind of enemy causes more problems for you than the rest. Might as well share your opinion here. :huh:

The problem is that there really isn't one...über-ships are very, very annoying, if not hard. (In New Horizons, I recently played through the TRDF string...the Event Horizon battle was the hardest fight I've had in a long, long time. It took me about twenty tries or so, and when I finally won, it was a cheap victory. It just blew up without very much firepower being tossed.) But against normal ships, or fairly low-grade (high-stock) special ships, it just isn't that hard nowdays. You can beat almost any foe, if you have a good ship and a bit of skill.

Consul Bob

Large groups of enemies travelling close to each other, like the Lightnings on T.A.G. tend to do. Even in a Confed Cruiser, eighty laser cannons is going to bore through shields pretty fast. And turrets don't exactly track them as effectively as I'd like.

Yeah, a pack of Lightnings is deadly, even though an Orion Galaxy Destroyer in EVGE is more than enough to give me a lot of trouble (though its weapons aren't so accurate, their range and volume are so intense that it's hard to fight that in a weak, nimble ship).

The thing with the Lightnings is, I once had 6 of them as escorts, and this Confed Frigate triggered my red alert when I blasted off a planet. A couple seconds later, a barrage of 6 missiles and 6 rockets the frigate and it became a rapidly expanding ball of gas and debris.

Against me they wouldn't have as much luck, but speedy, weaker ships tend to come in groups, and those are really dangerous.

Just to make another EVGE reference, this holds especially true for the alien ships -- the capital ships you can fight at long range, but the fighters will eat you up like no other.

I voted other. Explantion: I see it as all the things you said together. So Rebel Crusiers might fit the profile. But I could see it as any ship getting luky or it's stronger than me. So I'd say that all the characterisitcs listed above are all deadly together. Example: Rebel Destroyer, Kestral, or Alien Cruiser.

So über ships are annoying but cheesy, and packs of well armed fighters can be nasty unless you split them up. Plus range and volume of fire can beat accuracy.

Thanks for replying. 😄

Yea. Both together is tough. Like a big fleet of Rebels. Crusier, 2 Destoyters, and 8 Mantas. That isn't too hard to beat, but it is pretty tough.

My standard tactic is to let everyone dump all of their long-range ammo at me (missiles, torpedos), so all they have left is cannons and rockets. Then I lure the small ships out and pick them off with my cannons. Then I do Monty Python on the capital ships. This works on just about any situation where I'm not time-pressured, but it gets bloody annoying when the enemy has torpedos (which last for ages before expiring) or moves quickly enough that I can't avoid them while dodging projectiles (e.g. Lightnings and Rapiers).

I do the same thing except I have a ship weak enough where they don't fire torpedos at me. It works. Yemuro's Raipers won't fire torpedos unless your ship is very strong. So, I just wait for the missles to stop and then I do a Monty Python on the strong ships and take the planet in less than 10 minutes.

Something along the lines of a Confed Cruiser bugs the hell outta me. At least they did, once upon a time. Once you got some mad skills in a Corvette or Kestrel...or hell, even a Rebel Cruiser, some decent weapons, and a flurry of fighters, plus six armed escorts to distract them, the problem disappears. It's all a matter of adjusting to your ship. It's actually concievable to take a Confed Cruiser with a Shuttlecraft, as long as you've got 2 proton guns, or 3 lasers. You just have to know how to fly it in and out, without getting firetapped (quick burst of fire) and blown to bits.

However, I would actually pay to see someone take down an unmodified Confed Cruiser with an unmodified shuttlecraft.

How's that?

Hmm, I once came fairly close to taking out a Confed cruiser, in an un-modded defender, but that was a year ago, at the height of my skills, which are now totally dead.

I go for a balance between the two. Fast, but must be able to take something of a pounding.

Shuttlecrafts easily can take out pretty much anything except faster ships. I tried doin pirating by Pirate's Cove. Worked grest. Just need a missle jammer and you're all set. Very fun to do that.

Dash_Merc, on Jan 17 2005, 06:59 PM, said:

However, I would actually pay to see someone take down an unmodified Confed Cruiser with an unmodified shuttlecraft.View Post

That'd be a neat trick, seeing as how the Shuttlecraft starts out unarmed. 🙂

I've taken out Cruisers in a shuttlecraft with the only modification being three laser cannons, though. All it takes is the right speed for a Monty, and patience.

Derakon, on Jan 20 2005, 12:56 AM, said:

That'd be a neat trick, seeing as how the Shuttlecraft starts out unarmed. 🙂

I've taken out Cruisers in a shuttlecraft with the only modification being three laser cannons, though. All it takes is the right speed for a Monty, and patience.
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That's exacly as I would do it. But unmodified would be 1 lazer cannon. That would take an extra 15 minutes.