How do I...???

I was wondering if anyone would care to explain what, and how to use the multi-monitor option in the games option menu. And does anyone know of sometype of manual that could explain some of the colors and symbols mean?



Originally posted by Gizz:
**I was wondering if anyone would care to explain what, and how to use the multi-monitor option in the games option menu. And does anyone know of sometype of manual that could explain some of the colors and symbols mean?


No clue about the multi-monitor, except that you have to have registered and have more than one monitor hooked up to your box. And which colors and symbols are you curious about?

Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."

Well what does the red box around a monitor/proxy/firewall in the monitor view screen mean?



Originally posted by Gizz:
**Well what does the red box around a monitor/proxy/firewall in the monitor view screen mean?


It's the monitor checking if the other systems are working well, I heard. If one is bypassed/disabled, it'll start a trace on you.

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Always bypass the monitor first.



Originally posted by Agent_Vast:
**Always bypass the monitor first.


True. the whole server become blind, and you can do whatever you want.

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The multi-monitor option was something that was included as a sort of curiosity. I don't think it's supported very well.

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bool idRatherBeCoding = true;