I change my vote to Kasofa1 since he hasn't voted yet. Either he's lying low so as to avoid the ire of reactionary diplomats, or he is inactive in the game and thus won't be able to help us much in future rounds.
Global Thermonuclear War
@mrxak, on 17 May 2012 - 12:02 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
I change my vote to Kasofa1 since he hasn't voted yet. Either he's lying low so as to avoid the ire of reactionary diplomats, or he is inactive in the game and thus won't be able to help us much in future rounds.
Kasofa is clearly not inactive, since has posted. I realize you have a tendency in these games to aim to eliminate players that won't participate, but in this instance it seems poorly founded.
So by process of elimination, you agree that Kasofa1 is a traitor?
I'm curious as to why you're defending somebody who is so keen on upsetting anyone into voting against them. Perhaps there are two traitors, and you're one of them? You and Kasofa1 did post at almost identical times, as if you had just finished planning out a strategy together. Hours after the game began, you suddenly both show up and post within minutes of each other? Finished trading PMs, did you?
And your vote, for mud212, why is it you chose him, of all people? Could it be that two people had already voted for him, and you were choosing to blend in with the crowd as it bandwagoned against him? It would be too much if Kasofa1 came along and did the same, that would be far too obvious. So he was left posting nothing at all after your secret traitor meeting, lest somebody accuse him of bandwagoning.
An intelligence agent would defend somebody they knew were innocent, but the intelligence agent has not yet had time to learn anyone's role. A diplomat would not defend anyone, because it would attract attention to themselves, the only person they can be certain is innocent, while saving somebody they cannot be sure isn't a traitor. Only a traitor has reason to defend anybody in the first round, to protect their fellow traitors.
So I'll ask you, why are you defending somebody who is engaging in classic traitor attention-avoidance tactics?
I'd change my vote to you right now as a result of your self-incrimination, but the evidence that you are a traitor is predicated on two facts. The first is that you are not doing something illogical that will get us all killed. The second is that you are defending a traitor I am already voting for, and one traitor gone is as good as another. In light of these facts, I will hold off for now. Either you are no more a threat to us diplomats as Kasofa1's inaction, or we'll eliminate your co-conspirator this round and get you next.
@mrxak, on 17 May 2012 - 03:51 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
I'm more concerned with the fact that Crow T. Robot changed his vote to mirror mine after I changed my vote from him to mud212, the current lynch target for this round. He is behaving more suspiciously than Shlimazel or Kasofa1 in my mind. I also doubt that there are two terrorists this game, given that we have as few as 9 players; having 2 terrorists would unbalance the game. (I think... Haven't we agreed on having 1 terrorist for every 5 or 6 players in the past?)
@jacabyte, on 17 May 2012 - 05:33 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
I'm more concerned with the fact that Crow T. Robot changed his vote to mirror mine after I changed my vote from him to mud212, the current lynch target for this round. He is behaving more suspiciously than Shlimazel or Kasofa1 in my mind. I also doubt that there are two terrorists this game, given that we have as few as 9 players; having 2 terrorists would unbalance the game. (I think... Haven't we agreed on having 1 terrorist for every 5 or 6 players in the past?)
The change in voting was due to mud212's continued hatred toward my kind and that we think that you are not our enemy. We do this all for the preservation of mankind and robots to strive off this crisis of Global Thermonuclear War.
man mrxak that sure is a lot of words.
Okay, all I'm going to say about that spiel is that what I posted had almost nothing to do with Kasofa, but a lot to do with you targeting someone using a justification that'd already been proven wrong (namely, "he's a good target because he's inactive and no help" after he'd already posted something, thereby proving himself sort of, you know, active ), so I pointed out to the flaw in your post in hopes you'd see your error. However, your use of this kind of logic makes me suspicious when I consider you used that same sort of logic back when you were playing a terrorist and spent a ton of time trying to convince myself and the other diplomats we HAD to follow your plans and lynch the people who were idle to win, the people you picked, who you knew were innocents and would be easy to knock off, or else the scary terrorists who were lurking idly would get us. Going to try it again later if people start to slow down in their activity?. I see you're already jumping all over my post to fabricate the foundations of a whole set of justifiable accusations later on. Very interesting. I've got my eye on you, mrxak.
@crow-t--robot, on 17 May 2012 - 05:54 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
The change in voting was due to mud212's continued hatred toward my kind and that we think that you are not our enemy. We do this all for the preservation of mankind and robots to strive off this crisis of Global Thermonuclear War.
Which is why I'm reserving my judgement for later.
Click, whirrr. The mechanical voice speaks up again. My sincerest apologies, I was reading up on your (whirr, beep) ...past encounters. Based on the current accusations flying, I'm believe that nfreader is the traitor. The little man sits back down in his chair, and closes his laptop lid.
I always behave in a logical, ordered way as if I am a diplomat, regardless of my actual role. This makes me an effective traitor, when I am one, and an effective player generally.
For example, I would not make a mistake and defend somebody in the first round when there is no evidence to go by. The only thing I know in the first round is my own role. It would be poor strategy as a diplomat or intelligence agent to propose not killing anyone other than myself, because it shifts the probability of killing the only confirmed diplomat (myself) from 1/9 to 1/8. As a traitor, it would be poor strategy because it would reveal to everyone I am protecting a fellow traitor.
So, which is it, Shlimazel? Are you helping the traitor(s) win by shifting the odds closer to their favor, or are you defending your evil partner?
I'm sure I could dig up links to past games where my analytical approach has helped the good guys win when I've played as a good guy. It's certainly my hope that it does this game. Of course, I'd say that no matter what my role is. I don't make the sorts of mistakes you're making here, Shlimazel. If you're going to be evil, you still need to play as an effective diplomat if you want to win.
The Independent but We Could Really Use Some Aid Nation of San Serife REJECTS these OUTRAGEOUS accusations! The Independent but We Could Really Use Some Aid Nation of San Serife REJECTS the notion that we, as the founding sponsor of the Deserted Sea Archipelago Treaty Organization (DSATO), could possibly be attempting anything untoward. The Independent but We Could Really Use Some Aid Nation of San Serife REJECTS the pointlessly longwinded claims made by mrxak, to the point where we simply refuse to acknowledge said arguments. The Independent but We Could Really Use Some Aid Nation of San Serife is hereby changing their vote from SoItBegins to mrxak , on the grounds that he is clearly attempting to pervert the course of justice for what we can only assume are his own personally selfish goals.
Good day!
Current vote tally:
Crow T. Robot
Crow T. Robot
Kasofa 1
So far mud212 is the clear leader! or is that loser? Anyway, you have five hours and forty-four minutes before the day ends. If you need to PM me, and you know who you are -- do so. Thanks!
@mrxak, on 18 May 2012 - 01:21 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War:
What if I need to PM you and I don't know who I am?
The man in blue raised one eyebrow, even though it couldn't be seen by the others. "You don't know who you are? Quite the change. Usually, we're the ones who don't know who you are."
He thought for a moment, then added, "I suppose by that token, none of us knows who each other is. Mostly."
click buzz beep "I love the hate triangle between nfreader, mrxak, and myself. Quite the interesting dilemma, isn't it?" click brrt
Final vote tally:
Crow T. Robot
Crow T. Robot
(The camera is again focused on the table. All eyes turn to mud212, who has just been accused of being a traitor.)
NARRATOR: mud212, you have been charged with the crime of being a traitor. For this, you and the entire population of the People's Democratic Republic of Cyclopia shall pay the price. Let us turn to the Big Board to watch the destruction of your country.
(On the projection map the signals of clean-fusion weapons are seen hitting major population centers. Within ten minutes the entire country has been obliterated. As everyone watches two men slip in with a high-powered lamp. When placed over mud and activated, it instantly turns him into dirt. The men put mud's dirtified remains into a trash bag and take it and the lamp out of the room as the other diplomats watch in fascination.)
NARRATOR: well. It would seem that mud was wanted not just by the diplomats, but also by the traitorous element. Unfortunately I must inform you all that mud212 was an innocent diplomat. Well, mostly innocent. He had a bad habit of turning perfectly good roads into mud during the rasputitsa. In any event, he was not a traitor. Eight of you remain -- good luck!
With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!
This post has been edited by mud212 : 18 May 2012 - 06:38 PM