3H to go correct? When will the roles of the deceased be revealed?
GTW Round 19
@lemonyscapegoat, on Feb 20 2008, 03:52 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
that's a decidedly grim way of looking at things.
Undoubtedly. But I'm afraid that that's what will happen if things keep going the way they have.
Well, to try to put a good spin on things, the first round is always essentially random. Almost never is a terrorist killed, even in smaller games, and it provides some information for the remaining players to try to discover who the terrorists are. That's another reason why I didn't like the bandwagon. With a bunch of people all voting for the same person, it makes it hard to examine any of their individual motivations.
It always pays off to be suspicious of everyone, no matter their reasons. Let's face it, mrxak is a dangerous player, no matter which side he's on. I started off voting for SIB in self-defense. I'm leaving my vote there because, let's face it, someone has to die in the first round and I think there's a lot to be said for not letting the terrorists make the first kill. I am also, of course, very glad it's not my head on the chopping block. I won't say who I think is innocent or guilty...I have to assume that everyone else is.
I will say that a random vote in the first round is perhaps the only round in which it could possibly be used as an excuse...don't forget that SIB accusing mrxak of having "no reason" to vote in a particular manner works both ways here. SIB's reason was "randomness". (although, I have to say, it doesn't appear to be random...sometimes there's more safety in just calling 4 random)
@shlimazel, on Feb 20 2008, 11:10 AM, said in GTW Round 19:
On the other hand, to be devil's advocate, mrxak is much more experienced at this game than me. So there's at least a 50-50 chance he's right.
Or, last possibility, mrxak is a terrorist and knows that SIB is not, so he is going in for a sure innocent kill that he knows no one else will be suspicious about.
Well, if it helps at all, somebody (I will not be naming) came to me and said they were an intelligence agent, and said they believed I was innocent. I naturally did not believe them, saying that unless they investigate me and tell me my role, I won't be trusting them. This individual then agreed to investigate me first. I don't know if he is the only IA, but I do encourage any others to investigate me first as well.
@lemonyscapegoat, on Feb 20 2008, 05:52 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
that's a decidedly grim way of looking at things.
This entire game is grim. If you want to win, you have to be ruthless, no matter what side you're on.
@soitbegins, on Feb 20 2008, 06:38 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
Examine mrxak's. That's all I'm sayin'.
Once again, I've explained my motivations repeatedly. While you may not like them, they are still quite clear.
@soitbegins, on Feb 20 2008, 01:00 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
RJC, there's a small hole in your logic: I may react that way in every game, but I'm not evil in every game.
You may not be a terrorist every game, but you sure are evil.
@hypochondriac, on Feb 20 2008, 04:53 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
He could be evil this round or innocent I'm not sure
Well yes, those are generally the two options.
@soitbegins, on Feb 20 2008, 04:55 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
It's obvious, isn't it? I'm innocent.
Apparently it's not that obvious.
I doubt it too... It just sounds far too suspicious. Speaking from experience, if I were an IA, I would avoid contacting anybody in the first round. It's just far too dangerous, as I'm sure a terrorist would love to grease somebody important in the first round.
@hypochondriac, on Feb 20 2008, 04:53 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
3H to go correct? When will the roles of the deceased be revealed?
Roles will be at the death of the person. After this round ends, the next round will immediately begin and all applicable PMs will be sent out within the first hour in the round. Round ends in just about an hour and 23 minutes.
@hypochondriac, on Feb 20 2008, 07:17 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
I doubt mrxak's story. Why would an IA approach someone without investigating them first?
I'm just reporting what happened. As I said, I don't believe the person is an IA either, but if they are, they can try to prove it to me at the end of this round.
Well, I have one more thing to say before I die:
**Ask not for whom the bell tolls; _it tolls for thee.
_**Of course, since I didn't say who 'thee' is, my prediction will always prove very, very accurate.
This post has been edited by SoItBegins : 20 February 2008 - 08:39 PM
Well gentlemen, it seems you have enjoyed accusing each other, but now is the time to pay the piper for your fun. It seems that SoItBegins is your choice for lynching and if you look around you will see that he is not among us. He has already been killed, cremated, and his country nuked. Investigations show that he was just an innocent.
If you gentlemen look around closely you will also see that lemonyscapegoat is also missing. It seems that the terrorists killed him in his sleep and nuked his country a few seconds ago. He was unfortunately an innocent also.
On a lighter note, heres the list of who is still alive.
Eugene Chin
Fluffy with teeth
RJC Ultra
The next round ends in ~ 47:38 so try not to kill any more innocents.
I'd say something like "that's a shame", but I think we're better off without all the random voting or grudges.
I am going to vote for JacaByte , for one simple reason. From the sign-up topic:
@jacabyte, on Feb 17 2008, 03:17 PM, said in GTW Game 19 Sign-up:
I'm in. And give me a role that isn't something like an IA, I want to try something new!
I know for a fact that Manta gave out some roles based in part on the wishes of the players. I believe that the above comment would cause Manta to make JacaByte a terrorist in this game. I also find JacaByte's votes in the last round suspicious. First he voted for Rickton, for no reason at all besides the fact that GutlessWonder voted for Rickton. Then later after 1Eevee1 voted for Rickton, he criticized that. Next he jumped on the SoItBegins bandwagon once it became clear that it was the safest thing to do. Then finally, he changed his vote yet again to darth_vader, following Hypochondriac, as people started criticizing the SIB bandwagon. Lest we forget, JacaByte said he would not vote in self-defense for darth_vader prior to Hypochondriac's vote. His reasons for voting are always short, with practically no explanation. It seems that JacaByte only votes for somebody as long as somebody else does first, and such a vote seems least likely to raise anybody's ire.
A role other then IA doesn't have to be Rogue. He could be a plain innocent, the SDI. Nearomancer like Darth vader was last round. An assassin, or another role manta made. Lets not have another bandwagon
@hypochondriac, on Feb 21 2008, 02:52 AM, said in GTW Round 19:
Nearomancer like Darth vader was last round.
@mrxak, on Feb 20 2008, 07:37 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
I'd say something like "that's a shame", but I think we're better off without all the random voting or grudges.
I am going to vote for JacaByte , for one simple reason. From the sign-up topic:
I know for a fact that Manta gave out some roles based in part on the wishes of the players. I believe that the above comment would cause Manta to make JacaByte a terrorist in this game. I also find JacaByte's votes in the last round suspicious. First he voted for Rickton, for no reason at all besides the fact that GutlessWonder voted for Rickton. Then later after 1Eevee1 voted for Rickton, he criticized that. Next he jumped on the SoItBegins bandwagon once it became clear that it was the safest thing to do. Then finally, he changed his vote yet again to darth_vader, following Hypochondriac, as people started criticizing the SIB bandwagon. Lest we forget, JacaByte said he would not vote in self-defense for darth_vader prior to Hypochondriac's vote. His reasons for voting are always short, with practically no explanation. It seems that JacaByte only votes for somebody as long as somebody else does first, and such a vote seems least likely to raise anybody's ire.
Anybody's ire, except for yours of course, mrxak. Why are you the only person to have these wonderful observation skills out of all the people at this table? Its probably because you're the most experienced, but I think you're trying to find someone to zero the council's attention onto, to distract them. Shouldn't you be more worried about the "intelligence agent" who PMed you last round? Everything you said is true, but I don't feel safe with revealing my actual role. Whether or not I am innocent or rogue is up to you to decide.
This post has been edited by JacaByte : 20 February 2008 - 10:27 PM