The Officer's Club Bar #6

Coming right up, my good man. A bowl of figgy pudding and a goblet of GreenyBlueŽŠ™ pop into existence in front of Anic.

-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."

Ahh, that's a pretty nifty new delivery system you have there. Santa Claus' work?
I guess the waitresses' union can't be too pleased about it though...

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Christmas gift for the bar, Anic. It's quite handy for serving purposes. My robots never were the most talented servitors, anyway.

Well, better start preparing for New Years. The droids start adorning the place with confetti sprayers and begin construction on a big lighted ball and a ceiling fixture for it.

-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."

Hey, gimme a Dr Pepper.

"In literature as in love we are astounded by what is chosen by others." Andre Maurois

A Dr. Pepper coalesces in front of Darkk, ice and all. There you are, ol' pal. Give us a tale of high adventure, would you?

-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."

HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL! The big, exploding fireworks go off and the lighted ball comes down. A malfunction in the ball starts an immense fire which the bar droids put out. More flashing lights and fireworks.

-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."

Happy New Year!
GreenyBluesŽŠ™ all round!

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Right, right! GreenyBlueŽŠ™ by the bucket is circulated around the room and many draughts are taken.

-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."

Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, GreenyBlueŽŠ™ heh, heh, heh!

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Heh. Dr Pepper for me.

"In literature as in love we are astounded by what is chosen by others." Andre Maurois

Ah, crap crap crap crap.

Holidays hit, I forgot about the RPG and I'm sure that I probably died or something. God I'm irresponsible.

Gimme something strong, preferably to dull the pain of people beating the hell out of me.

"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."

Absinthe over a sugar cube with a drop of poison. Just the thing.

The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten!

Here's a coupla drinks that might help, Spamo. Here's the one that Pharris recommended, and here's something else: Vodka martini with a brick.

-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."

My, the bar seems to have frozen solid. Activates a time-rippler device to try and shake loose the bar from its paralysis.

-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."

A Flaming Homer, please.

See I'm the king of the swingers, the Jungle V.I.P.,
But I've reached the top and had to stop,
And that's what's
botherin' me.

Anic hit by the temporal ripple splits a moment into an infinite number of sub-Anics, each one as uncertain as the other as to when is the correct one or whether or not it actually exists, and then reforms to now.

Watch where you point that time defragmentation device...

It creates amomalous eddies.
...Bad of the eyesight.

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Serves up the drink. Sorry 'bout that, Anic. I guess I'll use more conventional methods next time. Notices a glass sitting on the bar empty that was full a few minutes ago. Picks it up, and suddenly a glass-shaped block of water appears where it was, and falls on the bar. Oops. Guess the rippler device flung the water into the future but not the glass.

-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."

Slug seems to be mad at me. He doesn't even want me to address him by name for some odd reason.

Gimee a Dr Pepper, and ask him if he'd like a prozac smoothie, on me. 😉

"In literature as in love we are astounded by what is chosen by others." Andre Maurois

You got it, Darkk lad. Presses the 'give-darkk-a-dr.-pepper' button that he just installed, and a robotic arm with a chilled glass of soda comes up out of the bar and plops it down in front of Darkk.

-Traek Cicion, barkeep extraordinaire
"PS: If nothing's working around here, it's because I'm laughing so hard."

Well, it is possible that Limax isn't slug but instead some cleverly designed clone. Or something.

Cicion, gimme a scotch and soda.

"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."