complete legal details?

Thank you in advance for the help.

I've found some info on how legal rewards and penalties work. However, there is a ton of info not listed in the evn bible about these things. I haven't found any thorough answers on the boards yet either.

Here's the details I'd like to know:
1. If a legal reward/penalty (I'll just it a point) of 1 is divided in half, does it count for anything? Does it count for 1/2 or 1 or 0. Ex. if you fail a mission with a legal bonus, etc.

2. how are legal points awarded from missions applied to your legal status in a system (the pilot log figure). The bible says " Your legal status in a system is based on the crime tolerance of that system's government. (if the system is independent, it is based on the first government's (ID 128) crime tolerance) On this scale, enough "good" or "evil" points to equal the government's crime tolerance is given a value of 1 ". Does this mean if I have a legal status of 0 with govt A - I complete a mission with a legal reward of 10 for govt A - govt A's crime tolerance is 5 - then I will have a legal status of 2? This is how i understood it, but in game testing, at least sometimes, showed otherwise.
I completed a mission (that i made for testing) with a legal bonus of 20 for govt 166 (united shipping). My legal status on in an auroran system was 27 before the mission and 37 after the mission. Govt 2 (aurora) is allies with 166 and i believe allies receive 1/2 legal points. If my above understanding of the evbible is correct then the 10 legal points auroran systems would get from the mission should be divided by 6 (auroran empire's crime tolerance level), equaling a legal bonus of 1 or 1.66.

3. Do allies of govt A receive 1/2 the legal points from missions, and other actions with legal points, that govt A receives. Not that any govt is actually receiving legal points, but it's easier than saying "legal points that change the player's status in govt A". What is the legal multiplier if not 0.5?

4. Are allies of allies of govt A affected at all by legal changes with govt A? Ex. legal bonus of 4 with govt 166, govt 166 is allies with govt 2, govt 2 is allies with govt 133 (vella). Does your legal status with govt 133 change at all from the 4 legal points awarded to govt 166? If so, what is the multiplier - 0.25, 0.5?

5. Do different types (not govts) of ships give a different amount of legal points, or are they all the same? Ex. Does killing/boarding/disabling a pirate manticore give more legal points than doing the same to a pirate viper?

6. How are legal points for actions taken against enemy/ally ships divided when affecting neighboring systems? Do larger legal points reach to further systems? Ex. of possibility: -20 in system of hostility toward govt ship, -10 one jump away, -5 two jumps away, -2? three jumps away, -1 four jumps away, no effect beyond 4 jumps.

7. Does the disable penalty apply even if you disable a ship for only an instant before destroying it? Is the only way of bypassing the disable penalty by taking the ship from it's active state to destruction in one hit? Ex. firing non-stop at a heavily armored capital ship - the ship is disabled - you never stop firing till the ship is destroyed - however it was in a disabled state for 2-3 seconds - do you receive the disable penalty along with the destruction penalty?

I have tried finding results by testing in game via the pilotlog, however this takes a ton of time and energy. It'd be much appreciated if someone familiar with the hard wired programming could shed light on these details.

Thank you again in advance

Well, I can't answer all your questions, but I can answer some. Here goes.:

@skylark, on 15 September 2011 - 02:21 PM, said in complete legal details?:

5. Do different types (not govts) of ships give a different amount of legal points, or are they all the same? Ex. Does killing/boarding/disabling a pirate manticore give more legal points than doing the same to a pirate viper?

I believe it's different for each ship. Specifically, I think it's based on the strength value for the ship being destroyed. I'm not 100% positive on that, however.


7. Does the disable penalty apply even if you disable a ship for only an instant before destroying it? Is the only way of bypassing the disable penalty by taking the ship from it's active state to destruction in one hit? Ex. firing non-stop at a heavily armored capital ship - the ship is disabled - you never stop firing till the ship is destroyed - however it was in a disabled state for 2-3 seconds - do you receive the disable penalty along with the destruction penalty?

It still counts. Say you had a ship with an armour value of 100 which becomes disabled at 10% of its armour value. Then say its armour has been reduced to 11 points. Even if you were to shoot it with a weapon doing 11 or more damage, destroying it instantly, it was still technically disabled just before being destroyed.

Sorry I can't answer more than that. I myself have never really experimented with or studied legal status values. The answers above I discovered by accident while doing other things.

On an off-topic note, when I first read the title of this thread I originally thought you were asking how to obtain the legal rights to EVN. Wouldn't that be a hoot? 😄

@skylark, on 15 September 2011 - 02:21 PM, said in complete legal details?:

Thank you in advance for the help.

I've found some info on how legal rewards and penalties work. However, there is a ton of info not listed in the evn bible about these things. I haven't found any thorough answers on the boards yet either.

Here's the details I'd like to know:
1. If a legal reward/penalty (I'll just it a point) of 1 is divided in half, does it count for anything? Does it count for 1/2 or 1 or 0. Ex. if you fail a mission with a legal bonus, etc.

2. how are legal points awarded from missions applied to your legal status in a system (the pilot log figure). The bible says " Your legal status in a system is based on the crime tolerance of that system's government. (if the system is independent, it is based on the first government's (ID 128) crime tolerance) On this scale, enough "good" or "evil" points to equal the government's crime tolerance is given a value of 1 ". Does this mean if I have a legal status of 0 with govt A - I complete a mission with a legal reward of 10 for govt A - govt A's crime tolerance is 5 - then I will have a legal status of 2? This is how i understood it, but in game testing, at least sometimes, showed otherwise.
I completed a mission (that i made for testing) with a legal bonus of 20 for govt 166 (united shipping). My legal status on in an auroran system was 27 before the mission and 37 after the mission. Govt 2 (aurora) is allies with 166 and i believe allies receive 1/2 legal points. If my above understanding of the evbible is correct then the 10 legal points auroran systems would get from the mission should be divided by 6 (auroran empire's crime tolerance level), equaling a legal bonus of 1 or 1.66.

3. Do allies of govt A receive 1/2 the legal points from missions, and other actions with legal points, that govt A receives. Not that any govt is actually receiving legal points, but it's easier than saying "legal points that change the player's status in govt A". What is the legal multiplier if not 0.5?

4. Are allies of allies of govt A affected at all by legal changes with govt A? Ex. legal bonus of 4 with govt 166, govt 166 is allies with govt 2, govt 2 is allies with govt 133 (vella). Does your legal status with govt 133 change at all from the 4 legal points awarded to govt 166? If so, what is the multiplier - 0.25, 0.5?

5. Do different types (not govts) of ships give a different amount of legal points, or are they all the same? Ex. Does killing/boarding/disabling a pirate manticore give more legal points than doing the same to a pirate viper?

6. How are legal points for actions taken against enemy/ally ships divided when affecting neighboring systems? Do larger legal points reach to further systems? Ex. of possibility: -20 in system of hostility toward govt ship, -10 one jump away, -5 two jumps away, -2? three jumps away, -1 four jumps away, no effect beyond 4 jumps.

7. Does the disable penalty apply even if you disable a ship for only an instant before destroying it? Is the only way of bypassing the disable penalty by taking the ship from it's active state to destruction in one hit? Ex. firing non-stop at a heavily armored capital ship - the ship is disabled - you never stop firing till the ship is destroyed - however it was in a disabled state for 2-3 seconds - do you receive the disable penalty along with the destruction penalty?

I have tried finding results by testing in game via the pilotlog, however this takes a ton of time and energy. It'd be much appreciated if someone familiar with the hard wired programming could shed light on these details.

Thank you again in advance

Well, I've fairly thoroughly found the answers to my questions (after hours of testing). Here's what I've found for the sake of sharing:
Note that the vast bulk of my legal testing was done on a pilot with a rank of fed commander. I don't think this has any bearing on legal points.
- "…enough "good" or "evil" points to equal the government's crime tolerance is given a value of 1" - from evn bible. The way the evn bible describes it, I thought that you would have to destroy 3 ships of govt x to change your legal status (shown in the pilot log) with govt x by 1 point (if ship destroy penalty is 5 and crime tolerance is 15). From extensive testing, this seems not the case. With the govt x example, if you destroy 2 ships of same govt, you will change your legal status by 10 points.

- when you have a negative legal status with a govt, your rewards seem to usually be higher than if you have a legal status of 0 or higher. Ex. disable/board/destroy a pirate in fed space and you will receive 4 points when you have a negative legal status or 3 points when at 0 or higher. Ex. receive +1 in aur/fed systems when completing a united shipping mission with a +1 reward to govt 166 (united shipping) if you have a negative status. You receive no reward when at 0 or higher.

- less than 1 legal point (reward/penalty) equals 0. There are no fractions.

- Legal rewards from boarding/destroying/etc. enemies of a govt are 1/2 the penalties of said govt (rounded down if uneven). Ex. destroy pirate ship in fed space, 5/2 = 2.
-- It seems that triggering a vessel's self destruct gives no legal points. Combat rating tests via pilot log have had the same results.
-- It seems that even if you destroy a ship in one hit (from an active state), you will still receive disabling penalty/reward as darthkev mentioned.
-- The distances that legal changes, due to actions against ships, travel seem to usually be about 1/2 their affect. Ex. legal reward/penalty of 10 can travel 5 systems (at least with aurorans). Penalty of 5 travels 3 systems in fed space. This is not entirely accurate or thoroughly tested. Just generally observed.
-- legal rewards/penalties seemed not to be able to pass through the rochak dust field from cipa to neilha or zipa to tekel over. Legal points could travel from cipa to tekel over or zipa to neilha though. No legal points left kipa either. I am not sure if this is a bug or if it happens in other similar places/circumstances in evn.
-- at least on some occasions there seems to be bugs in the legal system. Ex. on one occasion, in a fed system (galvan), I disabled 5 fed fighters, then disabled/boarded/destroyed a fed carrier and received 0 penalties. This seems to be very rare though.
- You may want to check up on missions to see if they carry any legal reward. It is good to know if you are trying to control your legal status with governments. Ex: ferry rimertans, ferry polaris, ferry wild geese, urgent deliveries, refuel trader, bounty missions (but not the 150k renegade bounty) all carry legal rewards. From testing it seems that missions with legal rewards affect all systems of that government and affect their allies by 1/2 the legal reward/penalty. It can also negatively affect legal status with enemies of that government by 1/2. The ev bible says that failing a mission with a legal reward will turn into a legal penalty of 1/2 the specified reward.
Note that united shipping has legal rewards for govt 166 (united shipping) who are allies with the feds, aurorans, rebellion and polaris. This gives a 2nd hand legal bonus to all those govts. The united shipping missions usually (always?) give legal rewards (to govt 166) of 1 for 10k misns, 2 for 20-50k misns, 3 for the 100k long deliveries, 4 for the 200k/150k long deliveries, and 5 for the 500k long delivery.

peace be with you