Outfit Appearance Problem

I'm trying to make an outfit that changes a ship into a much stronger variant, much like the Chrome Valk upgrade. My problem is that I can't get it to appear in the outfitters.

Some information about my outfit...
-It has a tech level of 16, and Viking has that tech level. I'm trying to buy the outfit from there.
-The ship has a OnPurchase NCB of b9990. I have absolutely no clue if this is what I'm supposed to do.
-The outfit has (for now, until I can get it to appear) a 100% Availability rate.
-The outfit has an Availability of b9990 & P30 (although the P30 is useless).

Is there a reason why it will not appear?

It's set so that you can't buy it unless b9990 is set, and that bit isn't set unless you buy it.
The OnPurchase should be Hxxx or one of the other ship changers.

@nonconventionally-creative, on Jun 18 2008, 12:29 PM, said in Outfit Appearance Problem:

It's set so that you can't buy it unless b9990 is set, and that bit isn't set unless you buy it.
The OnPurchase should be Hxxx or one of the other ship changers.

So you're saying that the outfit works only if I buy the ship that has the OnPurchase of b9990? But if it should be Hxxx, wouldn't that change the ship there and then into the better variant of the ship?

@king_of_manticores, on Jun 18 2008, 06:21 PM, said in Outfit Appearance Problem:

So you're saying that the outfit works only if I buy the ship that has the OnPurchase of b9990?

Correct. That - or, at least, the equivalent - is how ATMOS make sure you can't buy Starbridge upgrades unless you have a Starbridge. If you want the outfit to be available no matter what ship type you have, clear the outfit's Availability field.

If it still doesn't work after you've purchased your ship with OnPurchase b9990, then there's something else going on. What, by the way, is the ID of your outfit?

@king_of_manticores, on Jun 18 2008, 06:21 PM, said in Outfit Appearance Problem:

But if it should be Hxxx, wouldn't that change the ship there and then into the better variant of the ship?

You put Hxxx in the OnPurchase of the outfit. That way, the ship will be transformed the moment you buy the outfit.

Oops, I misunderstood. I though you were putting the b9990 in the OnPurchase of the outfit.
Try doing it using contribute/require bits... Wait! Did you buy the ship before you added the plug?

@david-arthur, on Jun 18 2008, 03:46 PM, said in Outfit Appearance Problem:

If it still doesn't work after you've purchased your ship with OnPurchase b9990, then there's something else going on. What, by the way, is the ID of your outfit?

You put Hxxx in the OnPurchase of the outfit. That way, the ship will be transformed the moment you buy the outfit.

For the OnPurchase part, I have done that. If the outfit's ID helps, I chose 703, so that it is compatible with the PlugPack.

@nonconventionally-creative, on Jun 18 2008, 05:35 PM, said in Outfit Appearance Problem:

Try doing it using contribute/require bits... Wait! Did you buy the ship before you added the plug?

I made a chär resource that starts the character out with the ship automatically.

When you're given the ship it doesn't execute the OnPurchase Field. Set b9990 also in the char resource.
As for the outfit ID, that doesn't matter. Just add the Hxxx to its OnPurchase and check the "remove on purchase" and "hide if availability is false" boxes.

@king_of_manticores, on Jun 18 2008, 09:28 PM, said in Outfit Appearance Problem:

If the outfit's ID helps, I chose 703, so that it is compatible with the PlugPack.

As I recall, the highest valid oütf ID is 639. Also, as Nonconventionally Creative says, being given a ship through the chär resource does not constitute purchasing it.

@nonconventionally-creative, on Jun 18 2008, 09:22 PM, said in Outfit Appearance Problem:

When you're given the ship it doesn't execute the OnPurchase Field. Set b9990 also in the char resource.
As for the outfit ID, that doesn't matter. Just add the Hxxx to its OnPurchase and check the "remove on purchase" and "hide if availability is false" boxes.

@david-arthur, on Jun 19 2008, 07:15 AM, said in Outfit Appearance Problem:

As I recall, the highest valid oütf ID is 639. Also, as Nonconventionally Creative says, being given a ship through the chär resource does not constitute purchasing it.

Alright, got it. Why is the highest valid ID 639, though?

because mBurch said "There will be no more than 639-128 outfits at one time"

Because the Nova Bible says


Max Outfit Item Types 512

@nonconventionally-creative, on Jun 19 2008, 09:57 AM, said in Outfit Appearance Problem:

Because the Nova Bible says

Ah. I haven't read the Bible in a while, so I didn't see that. Well, sadly, I have just found out that there are only 3 outfit spaces left, since ExtraOutfits takes up all but 3 outfits, sadly.

You don't usually need to go out of your way to make your plug-in compatible with anyone else's - it isn't customary or expected to do so.

Eh, I think it's polite. I try to. But if you can't, then don't bother. Nobody minds.