Possible TC

A Helper/I-think-it's-a-good-idea count

A TC for EV Nova: Battle Room.

You control a series of systems in a program called Battle Room. This program takes promising generals and pits them against others to determine their worth as space commanders.

So really you control some systems, and are versing some other (computer) "commanders" for domination of the room. The room consists of the whole map and is in a constant state of flux. Will you emerge victorious?

The systems will be constantly invaded and liberated, even between the other commanders. The Intel reports1 (mission BBS) will give "weakened front" missions where an enemy has a weakened front and you can invade. They will also give "invasion planned missions" where you will have to defend your systems.

You can hire out ships, and maintain them with "tribute" that you get from your controlled planets. You use these to take over the opponents planets, but the more planets you control the more "invasion planned" missions you will receive, based on the distance from your home system. You may also be able to improve your ship, which will reduce your income, so you will only be able to hire a smaller fleet. There is only one kind of Command Ship though.

Planets are divided into three different categories: Outpost, Cities and Capitals. Capitals will give the most income, followed by Cities, and lastly Outposts. The real value in capturing an opponents outpost is to get access to their Cities. Defend Your Capital, as they generate huge income, and if an empires capital is captured all their systems become uninhabited.


1. Can you have random length Triggers? And can their randomness be slightly controlled?


well, I grant this is a very well thought out TC, and you are utalizing the system of capturing planets in a very innovative system. for that I commend you. However, I reccomend you still implemet some kind of storyline, to help keep the game together.

also, have you made any progress on this, or is it still just a concept?

if you have, than samples are nice. πŸ™‚ (screenshjots, graphics, etc)



He did say it was a Possible TC, but possibly I may get around to making it. Or maybe as a part of something else. For random length crΓΆns, which I think are what you mean, you could do two crons, one which sets a bit for the other, and make the last one with the right chance, but not anything else.

i think it's directly modeled after the battle room in ender's game/shadow. it would be totally wicked!
And welcome to the boards Charred snowman(nice name)may you be blessed with the light of Lathander. And enjoy your stay

The map would have to be relatively small, as something like this can get ridiculously complicated and resource intensive quite quickly.


Yoda: I thought about that, but a storyline would not be what I'm looking for. This TC would be so different from Nova that I would prefer that there was no storyline, but if it cannot be avoided by stacking the defend orders on, oh well.

No... not started yet... I was seeing if I could get some help, or get someone who answer all my questions, as this would be the first real mod I would have done.

Timmy: Yes that is what I meant... Damn StarED...

As I said earlier I would need a better explanation on crons, but I'm not even ready to make this yet.

Of Doom: Not Quite. In The Battle Room (ender) you just verse fleets with your fleets, but, I'm not ashamed to say it, yes, thats where I got the idea from.

Oh and Thanks

Side note: Anyone can use this to discuss Ender Books if you want. I've read Game, the Speaker, Xenocide and Shadow.

JT: (sorry I'm to lazy to wright full names) I was thinking maybe like a Chinese Checkers board?


Can everyone who posts say at their first post after this Aye or Nay if you think this is worth making?

well, I suggest you experiment around for a bit, and once you have established that you believe you are capable of undertaking this project, than do it! πŸ˜„

other than that, I say yay.

You could always have some minor plot, kind of like how many old games did by putting a paragraph or two of plot in the manual and never referring to it in game.

And yes, as Yoda suggested, play around with plug-ins before you attempt anything on this scale. You want to be familiar with at least some of the resources before you begin.

Yeah, Charred Snowman, it would be best if you played around with the resources of Nova before you tried a TC. It is insanely hard.

For starters, you'd want to download Mission Computer 4.0.a6 if you're a Mac user, or EVNEW if you use a Windows.

I may be of some assistance. I know my way around systems, ships, and some other things. PM me if you want my help. πŸ˜‰

Well I've actually made plugs before (unpublished badness) but thanks for the help. I'll give it a go and keep you posted. This should be the shortest TC to ever be made by one person.

Sorry about making my first post a new thread... oh well

I'd assume that it is good with us, at least, I did it too...

This sounds like a great plan, a definate yeah from me. I would love to see your idea become a reality, it sounds like it has the potental to take ev back to the engines roots as a fast paced arcade shooter, and away from the epic adventure that many plugs try to be. 10 out of 10 for originality.

it cant be 10 out of 10 because it was based on ender's game.

@charred-snowman, on Jun 1 2008, 02:56 AM, said in Possible TC:

This should be the shortest TC to ever be made by one person.

I take it you haven't seen Edwards' Teacup TC, then? πŸ˜‰

Concerning your basic idea for your TC, though: Yes, it does sound fun. Hard work to build, but interesting and potentially quite different from what has been done before. Godspeed!

@imhotep, on Jun 2 2008, 02:06 AM, said in Possible TC:

This sounds like a great plan, a definate yeah from me. I would love to see your idea become a reality, it sounds like it has the potental to take ev back to the engines roots as a fast paced arcade shooter, and away from the epic adventure that many plugs try to be. 10 out of 10 for originality.

Arcade shooter? EV has always been more than that. Witness a bit of ASW's official copy:


Escape Velocity spans a number of genres, combining elements of classic "trading" games, arcade space shoot-outs, and strategy simulations. Whether you choose to build a trading empire, aid the Rebellion in a civil war, or strike out on your own as a ruthless pirate, Escape Velocity provides a multitude of options for the game connoisseur. This open-ended gameplay allows each player to chart their own course as they play; there's no "right" way to play Escape Velocity, as long as you have fun!

Sorry about not posting for awhile... Anyway JT has a good idea... plot in the manual. I'll use that, thanks.

I am using mission computer. Thanks everyone for their input, I will give it a go.

Watch this space... it's full of stars, and worlds of possibility...