Revenant Coders Sign Up List

Hey everyone,

Upon some discussion, I have decided that I want Revenant done before Nova is so old and outdated that not a soul will play it.

To remedy this situation, I've decided that I will require additional coding help. As the primary developer for ...well, what is coming on 5 years now, I realize that even though much has been accomplished, there is still work to be done. I have worked on story creation, coding and graphics completely by myself and the strain is starting to bog me down. UE has been helping a great deal with writing, but I need more coders so I can concentrate on logistics and finishing the graphics.

So it boils down to this: I have a very large portion of the game completed, but one thing that hasn't been done much at all is the actual mission set. The story has been planned out, and much of the galaxy completed--but it's static. I want a few coders that can commit to producing good work in a reasonable timeframe. I need experienced developers too--some of the stuff that the story requires is taxing (but possible) on the Nova engine. I'm not going to be making any decisions quite yet, but I would like to have a few developers on board in about a month's time.

So: any takers?

This post has been edited by Verb : 09 May 2008 - 04:45 AM

I'd love to help with this but while I might be free in a month's time I'm not sure I'll have enough motivation to do anything.

i would be willing to help if you want me too. i'm not super de duper expirenced, but i have programed other stuff as well. (note i haven't actually played evo yet because i got graphicly spoiled by evn).

I'd be willing to help. Basically, I can program missions and crons, but I am only good for checking descs, not writing them.

Will you also accept beta-testers? is hopeful

I can code missions and crons, but I can't write, so you are on your own for the story. I know I'm supposed to be working on DoI, but I can't start until bob gets back to me with some stuff, so I'm open for now.

This post has been edited by LNSU : 09 May 2008 - 10:38 AM

I could probably lend a hand once CTC is out and any preliminary bugs that myself and my testers may have missed (of which I'm sure are few) are taken care of. Though I wouldn't be able to be a "full time dev", since I have a few other things that I've been neglecting I need to handle.

I would absolutely love to lend a hand, but between Anathema, work, and interning, I don't know how I'll have a minute free for the next three months. Besides, my thing is coming up with nifty game mechanics, which you seem to have pretty much covered.

Have any use for someone who can test a whole plug down to the little details, and even fix problems I find, and write dësc resources for missions, outfits, or whatever?

So, what you need is some people to code and write the descs and misn resources for the missions for the storyline you have worked out. Is that what you mean? I'm just trying to figure out exactly what skills will be required.

@shlimazel, on May 10 2008, 05:09 PM, said in Revenant Coders Sign Up List:

So, what you need is some people to code and write the descs and misn resources for the missions for the storyline you have worked out. Is that what you mean? I'm just trying to figure out exactly what skills will be required.

Yes, but we only need coding. UE and I are writing the mission descs. I'll provide a detailed framework depicting what I want accomplished.

@geek, on May 10 2008, 04:22 PM, said in Revenant Coders Sign Up List:

Have any use for someone who can test a whole plug down to the little details, and even fix problems I find, and write dësc resources for missions, outfits, or whatever?

Writing is being handled, but I hope to have some alpha and beta testing ready in about two months.

This post has been edited by Verb : 10 May 2008 - 09:38 PM

OK, then! I'm willing to help you!

@lnsu, on May 9 2008, 06:37 PM, said in Revenant Coders Sign Up List:

I can code missions and crons, but I can't write, so you are on your own for the story. I know I'm supposed to be working on DoI, but I can't start until bob gets back to me with some stuff, so I'm open for now.

Hey LNSU!! Oh LNSUUU! Yodladijihuu! Yoadlijihuu! <Yodles> LOL. Damn it feels to good to say that. The responsiblity is solely on you. I read a post today... and lets just say the responsiblity is on you now. Pays to read even dead forums, you know. OK, I shall release you from suspense. Bob posted yesterday on the DoI forums, this: This week a member of Ambrosia's forums, LNSU, volunteered to pick things up. As soon as I can reach him on IM , I'll fill him in on the details, and hopefully he'll have success in continuing the project.

So he gets back to you as soon as YOU are avaible. Be avaible on IM and on. Oh! then I shall be filled with joy! You will be posting on the DoI board, because you said you would after Bob would give you the things you need (whatever they are. What are they actually?) And then you shall post here, giving us more coders, hopefully more than before (so we can progress faster! at a actually decent rate! yay!), and then we can get to work. The challenges are many and big, as Feanor (former server coder- trust me, I know all the team members better than my two hands. Well, as well as you can know someone on the Internet anyway...) basically stalled after beginning of june and then DoI basically (practically) died. But I hope- and think we will- we will progress and progress big!

P.S. It felt good to see a new post for once. I saw a new post marked with Captain Bob and thought to log on to make it really special. To see the new post icon... I like it. And then the annoucment post flashed (for some reason, stickies and announcements flash...), and I read it. And then I felt like in the old times when DoI lived and posts were interesting. And it was interesting, somewhat- when you contact Bob, work continues! Anything new is interesting when something is dead. I am such a big fan of it that I still have feelings for after it died...

P.P.S. I will not let DoI begone. Never ever! There is always a way to resurrect it!

Edit- Even posting this feels good. Its like posting anything about DoI, even if it was uninteresting, is interesting. I suppose I am such a big fan it really manifestates...

This post has been edited by General Cade Smart : 11 May 2008 - 09:42 AM

Wow. You have a unique posting style, general!


Yes, but we only need coding. UE and I are writing the mission descs. I'll provide a detailed framework depicting what I want accomplished.

Ok, thank you for the clarification. I'm interested in helping out, but I won't have the time until the summer.

@shlimazel, on May 11 2008, 05:52 PM, said in Revenant Coders Sign Up List:

Wow. You have a unique posting style, general!

Hehe. I like being funny- I am a humorous and happy guy! And I can also be serious when needed- indeed, most of the post is serious. I also like writing long posts. Can you tell me what unique posting style more exactly means? Is it a positive thing?

Um, it's just that the way you structure your posts is a little unusual, but it's not a bad thing. Given that you are from Finland, that's to be expected. Your post is very positive, though! Das ist gut!

@general-cade-smart, on May 11 2008, 10:36 AM, said in Revenant Coders Sign Up List:

Hey LNSU!! Oh LNSUUU! Yodladijihuu! Yoadlijihuu! <Yodles> LOL. Damn it feels to good to say that. The responsiblity is solely on you. I read a post today... and lets just say the responsiblity is on you now. Pays to read even dead forums, you know. OK, I shall release you from suspense. Bob posted yesterday on the DoI forums, this: This week a member of Ambrosia's forums, LNSU, volunteered to pick things up. As soon as I can reach him on IM , I'll fill him in on the details, and hopefully he'll have success in continuing the project.

So he gets back to you as soon as YOU are avaible. Be avaible on IM and on. Oh! then I shall be filled with joy! You will be posting on the DoI board, because you said you would after Bob would give you the things you need (whatever they are. What are they actually?) And then you shall post here, giving us more coders, hopefully more than before (so we can progress faster! at a actually decent rate! yay!), and then we can get to work. The challenges are many and big, as Feanor (former server coder- trust me, I know all the team members better than my two hands. Well, as well as you can know someone on the Internet anyway...) basically stalled after beginning of june and then DoI basically (practically) died. But I hope- and think we will- we will progress and progress big!

P.S. It felt good to see a new post for once. I saw a new post marked with Captain Bob and thought to log on to make it really special. To see the new post icon... I like it. And then the annoucment post flashed (for some reason, stickies and announcements flash...), and I read it. And then I felt like in the old times when DoI lived and posts were interesting. And it was interesting, somewhat- when you contact Bob, work continues! Anything new is interesting when something is dead. I am such a big fan of it that I still have feelings for after it died...

P.P.S. I will not let DoI begone. Never ever! There is always a way to resurrect it!

Edit- Even posting this feels good. Its like posting anything about DoI, even if it was uninteresting, is interesting. I suppose I am such a big fan it really manifestates...

I need bob to explain what the existing code is supposed to do so I can help it do what it is supposed to do.

@lnsu, on May 11 2008, 10:49 PM, said in Revenant Coders Sign Up List:

I need bob to explain what the existing code is supposed to do so I can help it do what it is supposed to do.

Have you contacted Bob already? Or what do you need to get the code explained? Its getting boring waiting, 4 days already, even if I can wait. I could tell you what to do, but it would be incomplete and Bob can explain better anyway. Do you still want it? For example, here is a gem I can dig:

From the Wiki:

  • move the camera to stay on top of the player, looking down at the model
    o this will require changes to the engine code
  • find and implement a starfield rendering method which shows stars moving underneath the player as the player moves
  • test hosting the test map with multiple players at the same time
  • import external model files into the map (i.e. a separate .md3 model of Earth)
  • replace the default character with a DoI spaceship

The old list of current tasks, before adopting ioquake3, was:

  • compile and unit test the code in svn
    o use "tests.cpp" for testing code
  • begin network coding; establish basic client-server connections
    o continue using pthreads for this
    o re-examine NetworkingProtocol
  • add things like ships, chat, and ship movement back into the game
    o add more utility code, such as higher-level trigonometry

These are the tasks that must be completed before we can work on things (such as teams and weapons) that we hadn't gotten working before.

Theres more of where that came from if you want.

Then there is the phase list and what I know has to be added for DoI 0.3...

General, sorry to interrupt you, but please don't hijack this topic. You should take it to the DoI forums. I do check in there you know.

It makes me very happy to see that Revenant isn't vaporware 😄