EV:Interplanetary Alliance

A work in progress.

Hello, this is my first post and also my first plugin. I'm using MissionComputerX-333.
Basically, i'm biting off more than I can chew, and going with the bullheaded approach that if I can't chew it quickly, i'll keep chewing the damn thing for as long as it takes to finish. Yep folks it's a universe mod. :blink:

The premise behind my Plugin's creation is that, while I loved EV:Nova for its rich storylines and characters, (not to mention fantastic gameplay), it lacked the things that made Override and Classic great. Basically, you didn't get to roleplay.

I'm attempting to create a complete Conversion Mod, but one that utilizes most the resources already in the gamedata like ships, outfits, sounds and nebulae, but i'm writing the story, planet and bar descriptions and i've already set out the map. However, since I have absolutely no idea what I really have to do, I'm requesting any and all the advice you could throw at me. And please note, i absolutely intend to read all the EV Plug-in Developer threads on what to do. But if you could dumb things down for me a little that'd be much appreciated. ๐Ÿ˜Š

The most important thing is this: are you prepared to spend 2+ years working on this project? TCs take an extremely long time to make, so if you don't feel you're going to be wanting to work on it for a few years, it'd be better to stop now. My small TC has taken two years as of two months ago.

This post has been edited by JoshTigerheart : 30 April 2008 - 04:48 PM

@sobercounsel, on Apr 30 2008, 12:55 PM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

Hello, this is my first post and also my first plugin. I'm using MissionComputerX-333.
Basically, i'm biting off more than I can chew, and going with the bullheaded approach that if I can't chew it quickly, i'll keep chewing the damn thing for as long as it takes to finish. Yep folks it's a universe mod. :blink:

The premise behind my Plugin's creation is that, while I loved EV:Nova for its rich storylines and characters, (not to mention fantastic gameplay), it lacked the things that made Override and Classic great. Basically, you didn't get to roleplay.

I'm attempting to create a complete Conversion Mod, but one that utilizes most the resources already in the gamedata like ships, outfits, sounds and nebulae, but i'm writing the story, planet and bar descriptions and i've already set out the map. However, since I have absolutely no idea what I really have to do, I'm requesting any and all the advice you could throw at me. And please note, i absolutely intend to read all the EV Plug-in Developer threads on what to do. But if you could dumb things down for me a little that'd be much appreciated. ๐Ÿ˜Š

First off, welcome to the ASW boards, SoberCounsel! Enjoy your stay and may you be blessed by the light of Lathlander! (Yes, I'm now deciding to use this welcome.)

Second off, here's this statement.

@joshtigerheart, on Apr 30 2008, 02:46 PM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

The most important thing is this: are you prepared to spend 2+ years working on this project? TCs take an extremely long time to make, so if you don't feel you're going to be wanting to work on it for a few years, it'd be better to stop now. My small TC has taken two years as of two months ago.

I almost did the same thing as you, but I'm putting it on hold. TCs are simply long and hard to do. You will need some experience, and even then, it will take long.

Secondly, if you're making a TC, there's always gotta be new ships. If you want to keep chewing, it is unevitable that you will encounter the cold, bony parts of your food-also known as designing ships. With ever ship you have to add a shรคn, and then, you will have to create a ship from scratch. Photoshop, Lightwave, Blender, and other designing products work best for this stage.

I would rather you open up the topic about MissionComputer 4.0.a6 because it's much better than 3.3.3. There are many annoyances about MC 3 that are resolved in MC 4, so it's better to upgrade to 4.

And finally, if you need any questions, ask. Everyone on this board have experience with plug-in developing, like JTH and Archon, so you can have your questions answered quickly.

Hope this helps!

speaking of mission computer the new v4 the last alpha does it still randomly quit?

@of-doom, on Apr 30 2008, 04:26 PM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

speaking of mission computer the new v4 the last alpha does it still randomly quit?

No. At least, I don't think so. I didn't notice V4 randomly quitting.

welcome to the boards!

and I second what they say about TC's. you have to be willing to be in it for the long run, and don't give up when something gets in your way.

however, some advice about working on this type of project:

  1. take it slow. don't try to finish it in a week. you will run out of steam before you are even close.

  2. don't set your goal as the end product. you will soon be overwhelmed by all the things you have to do to get there. instead, set small goals that you can complete fairly quickly, so that you can cross them off your list.

  3. divide your project in to stages: example, start with the system, and don't move on until it is finished completely. than move on to the ships, than the story, than polishing. (this is just an example. you can go in whatever order you want.)

  4. and finally, PLAN AHEAD! know exactly what the story is about, how the story will unfold what the ships are like, what the people are like, the background and history, how the people interact, how the tech works, all of it. (with my own TC, I spent nearly a year doing this. there will be a lot of information that will never appear in the TC, but it is good to know anyway, just in case.)

just be 2 cents worth. I hope it will be of some help!

ly'atri, atrylle en vash'a'ta! (cheers, and good luck!)


I actually have to disagree with Yoda a bit, or at least amend the statement slightly. One of the greatest aspects of writing Anathema has been (and still is) never knowing exactly where the plot and the characters are going to take you next. It's certainly good to know major events, the general direction, and hopefully the finishing point, but don't limit yourself too much. You may literally find yourself surprised at what you come up with.

@archon, on May 1 2008, 03:25 PM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

One of the greatest aspects of writing Anathema has been (and still is) never knowing exactly where the plot and the characters are going to take you next.

In other words, don't limit your creativity.

And as for your storyline and your mod, why don't you post up some information first? I'm sure everyone here can help you out with the backstory and whatnot.

of course. the planning process would take place throughout the creation process. what you plan is going to be totally different from the end result. :rolleyes:

Marvellous! How I do love useful feedback. It's a nice change from many other boards i've joined, so, thank you all.

First and foremost, I can definately attest to my own dedication to a story. Therefore, even if I get so mind-bogglingly stuck on a section of development and need to take an extended break, I will post every section of the story, the descriptions and the galaxy map as well as a basic mission map for the various main mission progressions.

O-kay. Time for some backstory.

Now I won't be too detailed, since I prefer instilling a sense of mystery and anticipation. Makes for a better read later on. ๐Ÿ˜„
Whole new galaxy with a bevvy of starsystems, 216 at last count. Many utilising familiar names, just like Override did after classic. After all, there are only so many named systems I could use within the Milky Way Galaxy. A few different pop-culture references, both Sci-fi and otherwise.
I want to change the balance of power we normally see with games of this genre, and add a much greater level of depth and difficulty to the already excellent EV name. Basically i'm going with the 'Galaxy in turmoil' approach, nothing new and original I know. But i'm hoping to do it in a vaguely original and certainly entertaining way.
Firstly, i'm stripping the major government of most of their powers to mediate, control and protect it's people. We see the rise of piracy and explotitive corporate greed gone unchecked. (naturally i'm hoping this will lead to many 'discovery' type missions. eg, venturing out beyond known space etc etc, something i sorely missed from Nova.)
And Earth isn't going to be in the spotlight like it was in all the previous games. Basically, as mankind sped outward into the stars to spread its seed, Earth was neglected and the Sol system just degraded into the corporate headquarters of the Eastern Star Cluster division for United Conglomerate Mining corporation.

A rather pathetic end to the birthplace of mankind. Or is it. Dun dun dunnnn. You get the drift though, right? Ah well.

Now to the story.


Getting off the Earth didn't signify or initiate a 'golden age' in the timeline of man. Neither was it the great feat of egalitarian scientific genious that would lead to the proliferation of a benevolent socialism seeking to equalize mankind: a theory hailed to by many optimistic writers of Earth's younger centuries. Instead it was a testament to mankind's engenuity; a product of corporate greed, and humanity's desperate need for self-preservation. With most of the Earth's natural resources depleted, and the few remaining stellar bodies in the Solar System being steadily drained to fuel the ever-growing population, the R&D sectors of the largest corporations worked in competition on technologies vital to the exploration of adjacent starsystems.

Communication and trade weren't easy tasks for the newly expanding colonies. The presence of the Holpa Nebula wedged firmly between the Eastern and Western Star Clusters limited easy and fast communication, however the industriousness of human capitalism always prevails, and the construction of great Hyper Gates helped to bridge the interference and manage the confused routes through the nebula.

However, four months ago the hypergate system went offline. Sensing the Interplanetary Alliance's inability to prevent an economic collapse, the 'free traders' who before had been kept under relative control, acted quickly in the wake of the power vacuum. Operating under the banner of the 'People's Protection Agency', they have assumed control of the only safe trade routes between the East and West Clusters. In the few months following the annexation of systems along both the Northern and Southern rims, all major trade has stopped, and any traders who stray too close to the borders of their territory usually suffers harshly at the hands of the Agency's collectors.

It is in this temultuous galaxy that you now find yourself. Having spent your early years working as a second mate on a small cargo vessel, you have earned enough to buy a stripped variation of a newly developed cargo shuttle.

Good luck captain.


That is what I have of my preamble so far, or perhaps part of the introduction depending on what I cut out.

Stay tuned for more! ๐Ÿ˜Š

This post has been edited by SoberCounsel : 04 May 2008 - 09:15 AM

Good luck! You'll need it!

Having said that, I should mention that I tried to do a huge galaxy and failed miserably. A small one will work much better in the long run.

@shlimazel, on May 5 2008, 01:55 AM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

Good luck! You'll need it!

Having said that, I should mention that I tried to do a huge galaxy and failed miserably. A small one will work much better in the long run.

Hmm, a smaller galaxy would be easier to manage. I was thinking that perhaps I could have the player complete a mission string in his section of the galaxy before he can make it to the other sections. Sure this removes certain freedoms initially, but it gives you something to work for. And it would mean I could create the plugin in installments instead of focussing on the enormous galaxy i've already gone and made... gah. :blink:

It's very easy to make a galaxy, but often very hard to fill it. Especially if you are talking 216 systems. I'm making do with, like, 11, in my TC.

mine has over 600. and only 50% of them are under the control of a gov't. and only 50% of the gov't controlled systems have names, so far.

believe me, it is hard work! :blink:

Ouch. Sounds hard.

@yamfries, on May 4 2008, 05:21 PM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

mine has over 600. and only 50% of them are under the control of a gov't. and only 50% of the gov't controlled systems have names, so far.

believe me, it is hard work! :blink:

Yikes! I'll stick with my one system, thank you!

Hell, I'd probably run out of names.

This post has been edited by Archon : 04 May 2008 - 12:39 PM

I cheated. Colosseum's systems, minus the main one, simply required me to pick some hazards for the system, copy over the dudes, place it, and then assign it a name based on the sector's naming scheme (aka BAS-0028, BAS-1134, etc.)

@shlimazel, on May 4 2008, 09:04 AM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

It's very easy to make a galaxy, but often very hard to fill it. Especially if you are talking 216 systems. I'm making do with, like, 11, in my TC.

@yamfries, on May 4 2008, 10:21 AM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

mine has over 600. and only 50% of them are under the control of a gov't. and only 50% of the gov't controlled systems have names, so far.

believe me, it is hard work! :blink:

Yes, it is. I don't even know how many systems I'll have. And also, unfortunately, I have had to result to random-sounding names for a system.

@joshtigerheart, on May 4 2008, 10:48 AM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:

I cheated. Colosseum's systems, minus the main one, simply required me to pick some hazards for the system, copy over the dudes, place it, and then assign it a name based on the sector's naming scheme (aka BAS-0028, BAS-1134, etc.)

:laugh: Yes, I have done a little of this too. System naming is pretty hard.

I have about 300 systems, all of them named. And none of the three-letters-then-some-numbers stuff either. It didn't take that long.


Sorry. I just combined some philosophy and some adjective-then-noun naming, such as Blackfish.

BAS actually stands for "Battle Arena System" with a simple identification number attached to the end. The first one was actually just called what the acronym stands for, but writing it out every time seemed redundant once I added more. There's also a couple of TAS systems, which stands for "Team Arena System".