Escape Velocity: Collision

Heh. I know who, and although I fit the bill it isn't me. πŸ˜‰

By the way, it's cool to see another TC for Nova in development. I'm working on one myself.

Not saying you will, though I did make my own logo. Just except to have to put the sprites into rleD format, create shans, etc. Not too hard really if you have Mission Computer, especially with it's rle generator.

@warlord-mike, on Sep 2 2007, 02:32 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

P.S.: It isn't me. It's someone else who's working on a expansion of sorts for the Nova-Verse.

I'll just leave it at that. πŸ˜‰

Darn you! Don't leave me hanging like that!

See bottom of post for more rant about Collision.

@shlimazel, on Sep 2 2007, 02:38 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

Heh. I know who, and although I fit the bill it isn't me. πŸ˜‰

By the way, it's cool to see another TC for Nova in development. I'm working on one myself.

(Dangit! Just tell me already, huh?!) Yeah, I've seen the post for your TC -- though I admit I haven't read through much of it. I do like the picts, though, and I also admit you seem to be more familiar with your plug-in program than I am.

@joshtigerheart, on Sep 2 2007, 03:52 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

Not saying you will, though I did make my own logo. Just except to have to put the sprites into rleD format, create shans, etc. Not too hard really if you have Mission Computer, especially with it's rle generator.

Darn my lame piece of crap Windows! Though, in its defense, Windows is much more customizable than Mac. See the silver window bars? I changed them from blue. Impressed with my versatility? ...What? You're not? You say you could do that on a Mac? While editing the feature-length film you made on iMovie and creating the musical score for said movie on Garage Band? ...DANGIT!!

( Collision rant)
Yeah...anyway, Collision isn't really a sequel to Nova, an expansion of Nova, or even a Nova TC. In fact, it only barely is able to maintain its claim to being some of these things because it picks up pretty much right where Nova left off. It takes place in the same Galaxy, with the same governments, ships, and technology. The similarities end there. In short order you discover that this is unlike any other Nova TC you have ever played in that it is not a Nova TC at all. Collision is much, much more than a TC. Much more than an expansion. So much more than a sequel.

Hey, that can be it's tag line!

Escape Velocity: Collision
Much more than a sequel.


This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 02 September 2007 - 03:12 PM

@starbridge21, on Sep 2 2007, 04:11 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

Though, in its defense, Windows is much more customizable than Mac. See the silver window bars? I changed them from blue. Impressed with my versatility?

Psh. Macs don't even need to be customized. Everything works better than it would if any of us messed around with it.

@cosmic_nusiance, on Sep 2 2007, 04:14 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

Psh. Macs don't even need to be customized. Everything works better than it would if any of us messed around with it.

Hence the next part of my Win vs. Mac rant -- which you conveniently left out. In short, Windows sucks. I wish I had a Mac. They're faster and all-around better. How do I know this? My best friend has a Mac, and I envy him for it.

Then again, my uncle is a computer programmer, and he uses Windows. I guess it just depends on what version you have, how much extra crap you've installed, and whether or not you take good care of it.

This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 02 September 2007 - 03:36 PM

Yes, it does depend. For example, a stock windows machine is known as a crappy computer. One that has been taken care of is still a crappy computer. One that has not been taken care of is a VERY crappy computer.

A stock Mac is Überly Awesome!!! A taken care of Mac with Nova etc. installed is a INCREDIBLY ÜBERLY AWESOME OMGBBQ Mac. A mac that hasn't been taken care of is a Great computer.

I hope this clears up any questions you might have had.

:laugh: :blink: Yes, most of them, thanks.

Linux owns πŸ˜„

@zapp, on Sep 2 2007, 09:36 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

Linux owns πŸ˜„


@zapp, on Sep 2 2007, 09:36 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

Linux owns πŸ˜„



Oh, wait, you are joking, right?

All you fools underestimate the power of Linux. One day, IT SHALL RULE ALL OF YOU WEAK-MINDED FOOLS!!!!!! I mean... err.. of course I was joking. Obviously. Heh. Heh.

Man that was close, almost gave away my diabolical plaaaaa..... nothing.

Haha. Funny stuff. When Apple rules the world, I'll make sure your death is quick and painless. πŸ™‚

Guys, can you at least try to make it look like you're making an attempt to stay on topic? Take your Apple vs. Microsoft vs. Linux war to the Banter and Brawl.

Maybe the nameless aliens can be Apple and Linux and be mortal death enemies? You gotta take your inspiration from somewhere.

Va'Hm the Apple warlord stood on the crest of a small hill, his gaze fixed on the puny army of windozians below...

Alright, Zapp, CN, that's enough.

On to relevant news...

I dunno if I asked this already, 'Bridge, but do you have any ideas for new ships? Or weapons?

I'd suggest you take a look at Kaoz's Weapons Plug, of which I am testing. It might give you a few ideas.

@warlord-mike, on Sep 3 2007, 12:35 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

Alright, Zapp, CN, that's enough.

On to relevant news...

I dunno if I asked this already, 'Bridge, but do you have any ideas for new ships? Or weapons?

I'd suggest you take a look at Kaoz's Weapons Plug, of which I am testing. It might give you a few ideas.

Infinite thanks, Mike. Oh, I've already got my inspiration, thanks, Zapp. As for the Aliens being 'nameless', they remain 'nameless' through the whole game. You won't ever know their true 'name'.

Hm, new ships/weaps? Yeah, kinda. As I said, most of the new ships will use beefed up graphics from EVO/EV. There will be more than 50 new ships, not counting variants. Of course, there aren't quite enough ship graphics in EVO to cover every ship, so the artists will have to get a little creative. (i.e., if one race uses Miranu-style ships, it will need new graphics for warships, as pretty much all the Miranu have are freighters.)

New weapons? Well, the Nova Galaxy will retain all of its technology from Nova, but all the refugees/invaders from elsewhere will bring their ships and weapons with them. But all the technology won't just come to you -- if you look far enough, and closely enough, you'll find wonderful new gadgets to equip to your vessel. Unlike the ships, the weapons will probably need entirely new graphics -- I don't think many of the weapons graphics in EVO were quite up to par, but I do like a lot of the weapons, so expect to see a lot of ships and weapons similar to those in EVO.

This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 03 September 2007 - 11:52 AM


@egroeg, on Sep 3 2007, 12:53 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:


I think you must be looking for this. To stop the spread of nasty, ridiculous rumors, I clarify that the aliens are not the voinians.

@starbridge21, on Sep 3 2007, 12:50 PM, said in Escape Velocity: Collision:

As for the Aliens being 'nameless', they remain 'nameless' through the whole game. You won't ever know their true 'name'.

Obviously, if they were the voinians, they'd have a name, no?
Please stop wasting my time and topic space with your insanity.

This post has been edited by Starbridge21 : 03 September 2007 - 12:38 PM

I never played EVO, so using the same graphics won't make it old hat for me.

Oh, by the way, I "met" the "nameles" aliens, and they're really "nice". They "told" me to tell you to "tell us more". :laugh:

EDIT: YEAH BABY! 600th post!!!!!

This post has been edited by Cosmic_Nusiance : 03 September 2007 - 12:49 PM