New Mission Strings Help?

Using EVNEW to make new threads...

Hey. I recently started making a new thread, but I ran into some problems. It works pretty well so far, but I've noticed that it usually doesn't play in order, and once I finish a mission, I can play it again (which I don't want to happen). Can someone help me out?

Thanks a lot!

I don't have a ton of experience but here's something you may want to try:

Make sure that your available bits are only given by a succesful completion of the previous mission.
- example - completing mission 1 sets "b50", put "b50" in the availability field for mission 2. This should keep your missions in order.

Now for the missions being played a number of times:
-Suppose that in the OnAccept Field you have "b100"
-In that case put "!b100" in the mission availability field. That should prevent the mission from being offered again if it has already been accepted.

*Note: the bits used in my examples are probably at use in the default scenario so you may need to use different ones.

@bootstrap_bill, on Nov 23 2007, 03:41 PM, said in New Mission Strings Help?:

Now for the missions being played a number of times:
-Suppose that in the OnAccept Field you have "b100"
-In that case put "!b100" in the mission availability field. That should prevent the mission from being offered again if it has already been accepted.

Thanks for your reply. Are you using EVNEW? Because I can't find the mission availability field! Do you mean Available bits?


Yes the available bits field controls mission availability.

A simple setup for mission availability and order control might look like this:

Available bits: !91 (makes sure this bit is clear to make the mission available)
On Success : b91 & !b92 (set bit 91{so you can't get it again} and clear bit 92{to make it available})

The next mission would be like this:
Available bits: !b92 (makes sure bit 92 is clear)
On Success : b92 & !b93 (sets bit 92 and clears bit 93)

And so on and on and on...
It can get much more complicated than this though. This is about as simple it can get.

I did use unused bits for the above example.

(edit) The Nova Bible (in the documentation folder) explains the meanings of the symbols I used above and others that are used for different effects. (/edit)

This post has been edited by Ant'Iglias II : 25 November 2007 - 05:47 PM


On Success : b91&!b92

Don't you have to put spaces in there? Or am I wasting time typing spaces in bit expressions?

Also, the way I see it, you should be careful for which bits you use since you said you added an additionnal thread, you should make sure those bits are unused in the main scenario, as was implying Ant'Iglias.

Even if you don't need spaces, you should add them in to make it easier to read.

Mumbling Psycho said:

Don't you have to put spaces in there? Or am I wasting time typing spaces in bit expressions?

Yes spaces are needed it seems :blink:. I didn't know that (or else I forgot). Fixed my first post.

I have a list of the unused NCB's if anyone needs them 😛 .