
Woohoo! I think I'll love this job!

I'll hire on as the minion-in-chief.

@soitbegins, on Oct 7 2007, 02:50 PM, said in Idea:

I'll hire on as the minion-in-chief.


We also need to hire a few dime-a-dozen henchmen to secure the base, yet be taken out by the no-good, good-doing good guy. And we also need a giant robot with a laser gun.

@zapp, on Oct 7 2007, 08:55 PM, said in Idea:

We also need to hire a few dime-a-dozen henchmen to secure the base, yet be taken out by the no-good, good-doing goody-goody good guy. And we also need a giant robot with a laser gun.

Fixed. We need employees. Lots of employees.

The goody-two-shoes good guy 😄 That song is awesome.

I can join the company and assemble a task force to assist me in my TC. It might just be crazy enough to work. If all the people that are developing TCs joined, they could get insta-ranks, while 1337 graphics people would join and just help on everything, being able to see all the stuff before it's done. It just might be crazy enough to work.

This post has been edited by zapp : 07 October 2007 - 08:03 PM

@zapp, on Oct 7 2007, 09:01 PM, said in Idea:

If all the people that are developing TCs joined, they could get insta-ranks, while 1337 graphics people would join and just help on everything, being able to see all the stuff before it's done. It just might be crazy enough to work.

That's the basic idea. Everybody helps, everybody benefits. Kinda like Communism. 😉

So, volunteers?


Kinda like Communism.

Well since you put it that way...

Oh, for my job, I'm assuming that we can make up a bunch of things? Otherwise, my job is null, and all of my ideas go to waste. Such as the photo-voltaic cannon, the burst heavy laser turret, the super cooled plasma gun, the large assortmant of projectile weapons, the high power electric pulse cannon, and the inferno class heavy fighter that packs all of this weaponry.

@0101181920, on Oct 7 2007, 11:40 PM, said in Idea:

Oh, for my job, I'm assuming that we can make up a bunch of things? Otherwise, my job is null, and all of my ideas go to waste. Such as the photo-voltaic cannon, the burst heavy laser turret, the super cooled plasma gun, the large assortmant of projectile weapons, the high power electric pulse cannon, and the inferno class heavy fighter that packs all of this weaponry.

Idea-ify away! I can make most of the weapons/sprites if you want.

@cosmic_nusiance, on Oct 7 2007, 09:41 PM, said in Idea:

That's the basic idea. Everybody helps, everybody benefits. Kinda like Communism. 😉

Actually, Communism would be more like 'everybody helps, one or two people benefit, everyone else suffers.'

I think. Don't fail me now, History class....

Not to be a direct factor in the hijacking of this thread but

Applied communism has been what you essentially just described. What Cosmic_Nusiance meant was theoretical communism, which people usually call Marxism now, which revolves around equal ownership of the means of production as a route to social and economic equality.

Back on topic: Go Ares TC!

Actually, I do like making any weapon graphics, except for missiles. If you want, I can email you a package of weapons and sprites every week or two, along with a description of how I meant it to be employed. That would also solve the problem of where I tell you about these things, as we don't really want people knowing everything about this. (Evil Grin) If you want something in particular, just ask.

This post has been edited by 101181920 : 09 October 2007 - 09:05 PM

Do we want new graphics or are we just going to port the old ones?


Oh, for my job, I'm assuming that we can make up a bunch of things? Otherwise, my job is null, and all of my ideas go to waste. Such as the photo-voltaic cannon, the burst heavy laser turret, the super cooled plasma gun, the large assortmant of projectile weapons, the high power electric pulse cannon, and the inferno class heavy fighter that packs all of this weaponry.

You have to at least try to maintain some of Ares' spirit.

Otherwise it's just a standard TC in sheep's clothing.

@consul-bob, on Oct 10 2007, 07:02 AM, said in Idea:

You have to at least try to maintain some of Ares' spirit.

Otherwise it's just a standard TC in sheep's clothing.

I echo Consul Bob's statement. If you just throw every weapon and ship idea you have into this project, it won't be Ares-ish at all.

Also, there are plenty of ships and weapons that are actually IN Ares to worry about programming into Nova, not to mention graphics.

Is any of this actually done, or is it still in the claiming titles stage?

What's the scenario? Does it take place after Ares? Before?

All questions aside, if this project materializes into something cool that still needs graphics, I might be able to help with that. In the future.


I am going to note that Ares doesn't really have the role of an independant space trader done. You don't know what stuff their is for civilians. Also, if this is set after, who can say what advances in tech have resulted from 5 years of reasearch. Maybe they do have photo-voltaic cannons now. How can we tell? Answer: make Ares TC, which starts or at least includes times after Ares ends! Anyway, we can try to keep most of the origanal ships and weapons in it. Anyone got a platform where they can still play Ares?

double-posted, meh

This post has been edited by Consul Bob : 10 October 2007 - 07:28 PM

It seems to me that you're taking this from entirely the wrong angle.

Instead of making up loads of stuff, regardless of whether or not it fits Ares or not, and trying to retcon it in, you should take Ares as it was, and add new things as necessary, if necessary. "lol it r new tech" gets old after a while, particularly when it is that all this stuff, if it was so awesome, would logically show up to some extent in the Ares military campaigns. The lack of stuff for independents would indicate that there aren't a whole lot of them, not that "we can make up whatever garbage we want".

Besides, the "space trader" thing has been done to death, and I would hope for a slightly more innovative approach in an Ares total conversion.

You're trying to fill in "holes" to turn Ares into EV, instead of changing EV to suit Ares.

I am possibly the final active developer (though not player) for Ares, and so I have at least a small amount of interest in not seeing something like this totally messed up, so that Ares' name keeps some form of integrity.

(Also note: All the space technology used by everyone is virtually the same, just with varying degrees of power. There are a few exceptions, of course, but overall, do you really think that in five years, tech is just going to dramatically leap up around the board for no reason at all? Humanity doesn't make that much of a difference.)

@consul-bob, on Oct 10 2007, 05:28 PM, said in Idea:

It seems to me that you're taking this from entirely the wrong angle.

Instead of making up loads of stuff, regardless of whether or not it fits Ares or not, and trying to retcon it in, you should take Ares as it was, and add new things as necessary, if necessary. "lol it r new tech" gets old after a while, particularly when it is that all this stuff, if it was so awesome, would logically show up to some extent in the Ares military campaigns. The lack of stuff for independents would indicate that there aren't a whole lot of them, not that "we can make up whatever garbage we want".

Besides, the "space trader" thing has been done to death, and I would hope for a slightly more innovative approach in an Ares total conversion.

You're trying to fill in "holes" to turn Ares into EV, instead of changing EV to suit Ares.

I am possibly the final active developer (though not player) for Ares, and so I have at least a small amount of interest in not seeing something like this totally messed up, so that Ares' name keeps some form of integrity.

(Also note: All the space technology used by everyone is virtually the same, just with varying degrees of power. There are a few exceptions, of course, but overall, do you really think that in five years, tech is just going to dramatically leap up around the board for no reason at all? Humanity doesn't make that much of a difference.)

Actually, it can. Remember the A-bomb? Quite a step up from TNT. And then the H bomb?
Anyway, I will allow the part about not fitting Ares into EV. I would make suggestions, and then the developer, whoever he is, would have the right to reject or accept them based on whether or not they would advance the story.