SGN looking for help

Stargate Nova Developer Quest

Hey all,

Work on the SGN TC is moving ahead slowly, doesn't help that scienceguy8 has only got dialup so i'm most of the work. If anyone is interested in joining up and helping on this project we've got a list of required positions on the website... And although I didn't put it on the site if someone is interested in taking over the website design function it would allow me to do more work on the mod.

If interested send me an email which can be found on the website.


Good heavens, sir! This game looketh like it will kicketh much arse upon release!

I've never watched SG-anything, but I do have this to ask: How will we gain access to the Stargates? Are they going to be enabled by default, or do we have to do missions to gain approval?

Someone asked this on a previous thread.

In either season 9 or 10 of SG-1, we learn about the Supergate, a Stargate big enough for a battlecruiser to pass thru. The Supergates will be used in the game as a means of getting from one galaxy to another without having to wait 18 days in hyperspace. Stargates will be accessed in certain missions using an ability of the Nova game engine to send the player to another planet automatically. In the idea we have so far, you start off as a an SG Team leader with a ship, going from planet to planet performing missions for the SGC. You will have full access to the Supergates either emideately or soon after starting the missions. However, I am planning to add a civilian string, in which case you would either earn Supergate access thru a mission or an outfit (ex. Supergate Dialer).

Come on, guys. This is yor big chance: be part of the greatest thing to happen to Nova since Polycon! We are looking for all sourts of people. Are you good with 3D models? We need ships and weapon graphics. How about scenes? We need shipyard, planet, and outfitter pictures. How is your Stargate lore? We need beta testers (just not yet).

Please, we need all the help we can get!

Heh ARPIA2 is the best thing apparently, Polycon included. Anyway, if you really want help, try giving the developers/graphic designers here more to look at. That way, they might feel you guys have a chance of finishing, and then they might lend a hand.

I might help if you finish everything except for graphics. Which probably won't happen. And seriously, I probably won't play this plug, as I couldn't care less about SG. Ergo, it's not the greatest thing since Polycon (which wasn't all that great). Sorry for being cynical, but that's how we're required to be when someone announces a TC or begs for help on one.

You want more?

Oh-kay, we will give you more before we ask for more help, unless we need help to give you more.


STAR GATE: NOVA is currently being developed for Escape Velocity Nova by a group of dedicated Star Gate fans.

Forgive my impertinance here, but wouldn't 'dedicated Star Gate fans' know that it's actually 'Stargate'?

@scienceguy8, on Jan 19 2007, 08:45 PM, said in SGN looking for help:

You want more?

Oh-kay, we will give you more before we ask for more help, unless we need help to give you more.

Rule of thumb: The more you've got, the more people will be willing to help.

It doesn't hurt to ask in the early stages, but the most you're likely to get is ideas. Later on, people will be more willing to lend their time to actual content.

I suggest going to a Stargate board you're familiar with and asking the folks there to help you with planet descs (after describing what they are and how long they should be). You'll have to edit everything yourself to get a consistent voice, but it will greatly speed along the process. That's how I launched EVN Firefly.

If you like, I can even broach the subject in the Stargate forum of for you. I have some small amount of influence there; just tell me how you'd like the request phrased.

Looking for people to help at this stage was to get more voices and possibily more ideas on the job and to hopefully accomplish more.

For the guy who said that he wouldn't even play it... then why post at all? If you're not interested then thats your parogative but Scienceguy and myself are very interested and so far everything you have seen on my website has been me stumbling (graphically) in the dark.

I don't know what i'm doing when it comes to ship and weapon graphics but the descriptions, missions, programming and universe design i'm well into... just becuase you don't see it in the screenshot doesn't mean anything.

For those of you who may continue to ask how long will it take before release... alot sooner if there are more people working on it.

As I said before if interested email me.


@lostpinky, on Jan 26 2007, 12:24 AM, said in SGN looking for help:

For those of you who may continue to ask how long will it take before release... alot sooner if there are more people working on it.

Remember: too many cooks spoil the broth.

If the people you get aren't good enough, it won't matter how many of them you get.

@pac, on Jan 25 2007, 04:48 PM, said in SGN looking for help:

Remember: too many cooks spoil the broth.

Pessimist! Many hands make light work 😛

@gray-shirt-ninja, on Jan 29 2007, 09:45 PM, said in SGN looking for help:

Pessimist! Many hands make light work 😛

Okay then. You can have lots of hands doing what the cook tells them, just as long as you don't have too many cooks. 🙂

Then you really mean "Too many chiefs, too few Indians." (Or Native Americans or First Nations if you prefer.)

@flavius, on Jan 30 2007, 12:13 AM, said in SGN looking for help:

Then you really mean "Too many chiefs, too few Indians." (Or Native Americans or First Nations if you prefer.)

No, I was quite happy with the cooks!

('Too many chiefs spoil the broth' just wouldn't work :()

More like, too much real life makes teh vaporware. 😞

@gray-shirt-ninja, on Jan 29 2007, 09:45 PM, said in SGN looking for help:

Pessimist! Many hands make light work 😛

Never run with scissors....?

This is about a Stargate plug, right? So make the analogies Stargate-y.

So in this case, "Too many cooks spoils the broth" equals "Too many Goa'uld System Lords, not enough Jaffa."

"Never run with siscors?" Now that one will be a little trickier. Maybe "Never drop a Stargate dialed into a black hole into a star?" Naw, does not roll off the tounge quite as well.

how about: never run into black holes?

but then again, aren't we getting off topic?

I would be happy to help, but i'm currently consumed with my star wars plug, so I have a lot of work to do. Any not-too-hard or long side jobs, I could do for you.

This post has been edited by AlphaKiller : 31 January 2007 - 02:58 AM

@scienceguy8, on Jan 31 2007, 12:55 AM, said in SGN looking for help:

"Never run with siscors?" Now that one will be a little trickier. Maybe "Never drop a Stargate dialed into a black hole into a star?" Naw, does not roll off the tounge quite as well.

Clearly, it's been far too long since you last watched "Urgo".