Two fleets fighting, and you join in

"Help us! Oh no, flee now!"

After a question by Starbridge21, I came up with a solution, and now you see it put to work.

A sort of engine hack, I suppose.

Anyway, here's the basic idea:

View PostStarbridge21, on Apr 14 2007, 05:41 PM, said:

How about...if the goal is to jump into the system; when you jump into the system, two govs are fighting, and one is losing -- lets call the loser gov A and the winners gov B; so now the mission is accomplished, and the mission text will appear at the bottom, so I make it "Help us! We're under attack!" from gov A. I set the mission up to be immediately followed by another mission, such as, "Destroy Gov B ships" but that's not the requirement for completing the mission -- the requirement is govB = twice as many ships as gov A. Then when the situation meets those requirements, the end mission text will by my pilot telling govA to retreat and where to go. Also followed immediately by another mission, "land on planet X." Could that work? I hope so -- it took me a whole 10 seconds to think of it, and I wouldn't want that to be time wasted. 😉

And here's the solution, though I'd like your help to perfect it.
Attached File (1.51K)
Number of downloads: 7

What does it do?
Right now, I've got it to work pretty much flawlessly, i.e. it does what Starbridge21 asked, except that:

  • GovB ships do not attack the player, even after the GovA ships have fled

  • I can't find a way to get the GovA ships to attack the GovB ships all together Strange, eh? Check it out, you'll see what I mean. Perhaps that's just gövt/shďp/düde based. You guys can help out, I'm sure 😉

So, all suggestions are welcome. But in the meantime, let me assure you it works 😄

Excellent. I'm looking forward to utilizing this information when the time comes.
Here's to worlds of new possibilities thanks to all the creative developers out there who dare to try something different. 😉

This will be perfect for ESB-like "fighting retreats". Even to the point of chaos among GovA ships.

This post has been edited by Lindley : 20 April 2007 - 10:29 AM