New TC

Hmmmm........... These are all very good ideas.

@Edwards: Thats a great idea though I'm not sure I have the level of expertise to implement it so I might have to steal it from you

@Eugene Chin: There are hundreds of oppertunities for missions at the refuel option, like... or you could... hmmm....................... Hitchhikers!!!!

@Croikle: So I could only change the universal button of that type, like in the starwars tc, they've changed the colours.

btw, I've heard quite a few passing referances to something called the teacup tc? What is it?

@foreign-object-impact, on Apr 25 2006, 04:40 PM, said in New TC:

@Eugene Chin: There are hundreds of oppertunities for missions at the refuel option, like... or you could... hmmm....................... Hitchhikers!!!!

No, he means that there's no way for Nova to give you a mission by using the refuel function. With regards to landing, they can only be offered in the main spaceport, the bar, the outfitter, the trader, and the mission computer.

But, you can also get missions to run (without offering) when you take-off by having something start a special mission with a self-destructing dude that appears in the system. Have a mission you want activated by putting it in the OnShipDone field and it will run when the dude dies (20 ticks).

@foreign-object-impact, on Apr 25 2006, 08:40 AM, said in New TC:

btw, I've heard quite a few passing referances to something called the teacup tc? What is it?

Whistles nonchalantly

Anyway, I've gotten a mostly-functional version of the modified landing dialog. You can see a badly shrunken picture here, and I'll provide a plug once I've tweaked it a bit more (somehow- it's size is more than twice the limit on attachments here).

As for the refuel button, it doesn't strictly need to be in the column, but it provides a couple useful things there:

  1. Good spacing between the buttons- fewer would either be too far apart, or would have a gap at one end.
  2. Balance (or unbalance)- the only non-column button is the Leave button, which I have left in its original location. This leaves two nice, large panels available for artwork, or it might allow for easy expansion of the planet text area. If the refuel button was also down there, where would it go? Above the Leave button, it would make the screen look to unbalanced (IMHO), and opposite the Leave button, it would only sometimes be balanced (and it would also be several hundred pixels away from every other button).


Interesting image. I assume that the buttons may be placed in any location? Is the modification Windows-friendly?

Yes, buttons can be placed in any location, and yes, it should be Windows-compatible.


Hi again, sorry i haven't updated for a while, revising for my gcses is taking up a lot of my time. 😞

Anyway, I was adding more systems, and filling them with spobs and all was good. Then I saved it and went for dinner, when I came back to test it I found my brother's friend sitting infront of the computer, mid-save. In a panic I closed EVNew and loaded up nova. phew I sighed when it started loading. It loaded but then quit unexpectadly without getting to the title screen. No error messages came up either which was baffling. We've looked over it briefly but we're not sure whats wrong.

Edwards if you could send me a copy of the plug with the screens on the side I'd be grateful.

@foreign-object-impact, on Apr 28 2006, 09:09 AM, said in New TC:

It loaded but then quit unexpectadly without getting to the title screen. No error messages came up either which was baffling. We've looked over it briefly but we're not sure whats wrong.

Make a debuglog, and see how far the game gets before crashing. If needed, make a debuglog from standard Nova, and see what the next item should have been in the debuglog from the crash.

As for the file, I've uploaded it here. It contains the basic spaceport re-arrangement resource, one landing picture, and three forms of the background (to swap them, just set whichever one you want to RID 8500).
