Importing Sounds with MC

How do I do it? I have these sounds sitting around in my desktop and I cannot figure out how to bring them into a plug for use.

You need them in System 7 Sound format. Once you do, open the sound file in MC and copy/paste the 'snd ' resource to your plug-in. You will, of course, need to change the ID number to whatever is appropriate.

Oh... prepare yourself for a world of pain my friend.

If only it were that simple.

orcaloverbri9, on Mar 11 2006, 08:12 PM, said:

You need them in System 7 Sound format. Once you do, open the sound file in MC and copy/paste the 'snd ' resource to your plug-in. You will, of course, need to change the ID number to whatever is appropriate.

Therein lies the problem: Finding a sound editor that will allow you to convert to .snd format. There are a few for OS 9, such as sound effects 0.9.2, but as far as native OS X or windows editors... one is pretty much out of luck.

This post has been edited by Skyfox : 12 March 2006 - 06:08 AM

Sounds in Nova generally need to be 11.025 kHz, 8-bit, mono, uncompressed, .snd ("System 7 Sound") format. Requirements for some kinds of sounds (landing sounds, maybe?) are a bit more lax.

QuickTime Pro is a good app for converting sounds to these settings under OS 9; I'd expect that the OS X version would also handle it. I think I've also used freeware/shareware apps I found on, though now I've lost track of their names.

Edit: Apparently Sun's "AU" sound file format also uses ".snd" as its filename extension. At least on my system, OS X suffers less confusion if I don't put an extension on the names of my System 7 sounds.

Another Edit: Support for System 7 Sound export seems to have been removed from the final version of Sound Studio 2, one of the OS X programs I've used in the past. Very annoying. I can still do my conversions under Classic in an ancient copy of MoviePlayer 2.5, though, using a QuickTime Pro license that came with my previous Mac in 1997! 😄

This post has been edited by Dr. Trowel : 13 March 2006 - 10:41 AM

Ouch. I had been hoping it would have been as easy as just clicking some button I can't find to get these .wav sounds in. I'll just...go and work on other things for now. I'll save sounds for much later in my development.

Of course, unless by some miracle there is a simple alternative of just changing the extension. If there isn't, don't bother responding to this line then I'm betting there isn't.

Check the important links topic for free software to create system 7 sounds on both OS 9 and X.
(windows? don't be silly)