Java and C++ are worlds apart. I've learned both, and let me tell you, a port would not be a trivial exercise.
You're spot on there, C++ and Java do have a lot of thing in common but they do also differ a lot as well, in this case it will primarily be Memory Management and Windows interface implementation, I also have experience in both.
Well, they're close, so writing it in Java from C++ shouldn't be too difficult as far as porting large applications between languages goes.
I am not looking to port EVNEW, I want to build a utilities set that would specialise in certain things, system creation/mapping, port/weapon/ship creation, and then pull it together within a single app, I'm more looking at the challenge of building it from scratch, rather than ripping off what someone has alredy done.
Aside from the fact that Java is an interpreted language unsuitable for writing large applications...
Is there a Java compiler?
I don't like flaming people, so I won't....do you have any experience with Java, or other such interpreted languages?
A large application can be written in Java and, depending on the situation, may be best written in such a language, if you want cross-compatibility, more control over execution/security and running speed isn't an issue, this is the case for 75%+ applications.
Where running speed is an issue, in such processor intense apps such as Games, 3D modelling and scientific apps, C/C++ is the best choice as you have direct access to the memory on the machine and can use nasty things, such as pointers, to manipulate the data in memory in the most efficient manner.
Also C/C++ and Basic can also be considered a interpreted language, there are applications out there that allow you to run such apps from the source via an interpreter, Java on the other hand is in fact a half-interpreted language, the Java source is compiled into bytecode, which is platform independant, it is this code that is run by the Java interpreter, improving performance over most interpreted languages, eg. Perl/Python.
Yes there is a Java Compiler, a Java app can't be run without it being compiled first.
The reason I mentioned Java is that it is the weakest of my core languages, out of C#, Perl, Python, VBasic, Basic, PHP and JavaScript, I would be able to build a Mac and PC version at the same time and as I do a lot of my developing on Linux I can't really build a C/C++ app and then port it to Windows/Mac as easily.
Thanks for everyoneยs comments and help, if anyone else has some good pointers, or feel I have misrepresented something in the above text, feel free to comment.