The Interplanetary Wargame

I've just whipped up a description of the universe, so that we aren't too far apart in our assumptions. I'd like Team A and the judges to check it out, and see how it matches up with their assumptions. Remember- it can be changed easily.


Apologies are in order for failing to appear here for several days. Sorry if you felt abandoned, Koshinn.

Edwards: V. good idea, and pretty much matches what I had in mind.

On the subject of what would happen if an HG were shut down while some people where in mid-flight, I suspect that the fleet would be stuck in subspace (or where ever) for eternity. Or maybe just vaporised. Or something. I just doubt that they would get spat out into realspace. But its a moot point, as they can't be shut down. Due to being, as I think I said, wormholes, not HGs.

I think Sylvanus has a point about this being too long. We'll stick with this for this round, but create a new one for the next round.

I accept your terms on behalf of team A, and will have a formalised report probably by sometime tonight.

The hypergates are fine. We wont blockade them or do anything so close that it really matters. ######ing campers. You appear unhindered in around Martian orbit via whatever means, grouped on the far side of the star from whence you came. Good enough for us.

Once we finish this round, we can see if anyone wants to (re)join.

NebuchadnezzaR, on Oct 27 2005, 10:12 AM, said:

I accept your terms on behalf of team A, and will have a formalised report probably by sometime tonight.

The hypergates are fine. We wont blockade them or do anything so close that it really matters. ######ing campers. You appear unhindered in around Martian orbit via whatever means, grouped on the far side of the star from whence you came. Good enough for us.

Once we finish this round, we can see if anyone wants to (re)join.
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Can you put a wormhole into a wormhole? For example, have an open HG, then move another open HG (smaller) into it? Would that be bad? Big explosion? The universe dissolving? Or is it ok? Cause otherwise, every time you want to colonize a new system you'd have to launch HGs from each planet to connect there if they wanted a direct connection. Would take forever!


(canadian accent used to mitigate angered soundingness).

It doesn't matter. Ships materialise somewhere around martian orbit, clumped somewhat on the far side of the sun from the direction whence they came. This is the extent of our discussion of this aspect, it requires far more science than we have access to, and space fighting would be very boring without it. So lets file this under 'given' and discuss the space combat itself.

Thanks. 🙂

If this is ever going to get done, I say you develope as you play (so as to get things done and to keep things new in the game). Concider this, you start out at the basics, low grade wepons and ships. Then you can immagine them up as you go, and make them with resourses you gain over time. Think - Age of Empirors or - Civilisation.

Sylvanus, on Oct 27 2005, 07:40 PM, said:

If this is ever going to get done, I say you develope as you play (so as to get things done and to keep things new in the game). Concider this, you start out at the basics, low grade wepons and ships. Then you can immagine them up as you go, and make them with resourses you gain over time. Think - Age of Empirors or - Civilisation.
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In a few days, the first round will be done, don't worry. We're just waiting for the two teams to finalize strategies.

Neb: The question I have is valid, but I won't mention the tactic I'd employ with that question. Because I'm a judge. Sucks, doesn't it?

Oops, sorry. I didnt mean to be short with the judge.

Lets just say the hypergate system is set in stone. The openings are too large to blockade, and ships come out where ive said. The jumps are concrete in that ring thing, there is no way to close a gate, nor build new gates. Gates arent all that hard to enter, so long as you are going fast enough. This is mostly to prevent the enemies from just jumping straight to the homeworld. So this should be a good balance between giving the attackers, and giving the defenders and advantage. Theres no way to mine the gates, and I suppose the defenders can see just a little through the gates (just enough to see that there isnt an ambush on the other side. Its like an event horizon, a mirror you fly towards, that keeps getting further away, including more and more of space until the bubble contains the entire other system (and there is a mirror behind you that slowly dissolves your previous system).

Just so we're clear on this, where are the gates in each system (near/far side of star), and which way are they pointing (towards/away from star)?


Edwards, on Oct 27 2005, 11:37 PM, said:

Just so we're clear on this, where are the gates in each system (near/far side of star), and which way are they pointing (towards/away from star)?

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ok lets say * = a star and | is a gate, arrows showing which side you enter/exit from.

| * (add a few lightyears here and there) * |<

Is there a webpage for this, I haven't seen nor heard anything about teams planning for this. Unless I've been ignorent. :unsure: I haven't found out who to contact for this. <_< We need another team list. If anyone can anwser me, here's my Email to make things easier (for you and me), Thank you.

Sylvanus, are you on a team? My team has been PMing each other, and Edwards has his own page.

Anyone who wants to join can join after this round ends, which should be in a few days.

My team has been using Gmail and reply all as an ad hoc mailing list, its worked quite nicely.

I just have to compile everything into a real strategy now... Or qaanol can do it. But hes generally busy.

I asked to be put on whichever team was lacking players, If neither team lacks, I will go to A. Sign me up for the next battle, or tell me who to PM to get on a team.

Sylvanus, on Oct 29 2005, 09:58 PM, said:

I asked to be put on whichever team was lacking players, If neither team lacks, I will go to A. Sign me up for the next battle, or tell me who to PM to get on a team.
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Teams might get reorganised after this round, for one reason or another, so the best plan for the moment is just to keep an eye on this and then remind us to include you in a team next round.

You guys done yet? :blink:

Sorry mates, im typing up the final ... rough ... draft ... now. Ill submit it to you and my team at the same time, it will mostly be the same, with minor changes.

Whew... ok... I have a decent rough draft. Its too big to send in a PM, but i dont want to post it. What should I do with it?

NM, the boards were just being stupid. Ive PMed it. My team hasnt had a chance to look at it yet, thought, so expect a few minor changes. The bulk will be the same, so you can wrap your mind around the strategies.

This post has been edited by NebuchadnezzaR : 02 November 2005 - 03:59 PM

NebuchadnezzaR, on Nov 2 2005, 01:09 PM, said:

Sorry mates, im typing up the final ... rough ... draft ... now. Ill submit it to you and my team at the same time, it will mostly be the same, with minor changes.

Whew... ok... I have a decent rough draft. Its too big to send in a PM, but i dont want to post it. What should I do with it?

NM, the boards were just being stupid. Ive PMed it. My team hasnt had a chance to look at it yet, thought, so expect a few minor changes. The bulk will be the same, so you can wrap your mind around the strategies.
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oops. I should read all my PMs before responding to any. And the boards too.

So... Once Ed finishes his team's, we're in business!

Koshinn, on Nov 2 2005, 03:09 PM, said:

So... Once Ed finishes his team's, we're in business

'Twill be up by noon tomorrow. Hopefully. And depending on your time zone.

(EDIT)Make that "Ready!" and sent. Only a few hours late...


This post has been edited by Edwards : 03 November 2005 - 06:41 PM
