Assist me

My plug-in will add a storyline. How can i make missions to appear in a certain order?

See the important links topic. There's a link to a topic about control bits which should have all the info you need.

Nevermind, i found how. 🙂

I know that it's probably bad manners to butt in with questions about this plugin of yours, but I have to admit my curiosity is piqued. Are you using the same ship graphics as in the original Nova for your plug (I assume from your comments that this is a TC)? I have some graphics programs suggestions/advice if you're not...

I'm not using any new graphics 'cause i dont have many experience. Its a very nice plug anway, besides im facing many problems so it shouldnt come out soon. Maybe around xmas time. Well if you could help me or something. You just got'ta have some time for me what i mean is that im not an expert on this.

My shipyard(which is soon to be redesigned) have a few ships if you need some.

Can i see them?

You got good stuff there. 🙂
What if i send you the progress of my plug-in and you have a look at it?
I've also a music for the beggining.

You are free to use those, no need to see any plugin. Just mention the creator.

I will not make new ships for you if that is what you thought, since I already have to much work on my hands.

This post has been edited by modesty_blaise_us : 22 September 2005 - 01:35 PM

When i asked that i didn't knew if i could use your ships. But thanks anyway :rolleyes:

Good, i have new ships now i need new weapons. Help?

Making weapons isn't overly hard. Just play around with the different things you can do with the resource, and I'm sure you can come up with a few ideas. Take a look at the Cool Nova hacks thread, too, I think there's probably a few interesting weapon ideas there.