EVN: How to..

Disable loading of default systems.

I'm wondering whether I can just disable the loading of the original Nova systems. Can I just copy and paste everything in Novadata1 and set the visibility on the systems to some bit that will never be activated? Or is there a easier way?

Thx in advance. 🙂

Yes can can just replace the syst with null resources or just remove those resources from the Data files entirely.

But I don't recommend touching the Nova data unless you are just looking....

If all your new systems are numbered higher than Nova's, then you should simply be able to tell the char to start at one of your systems and you would never see the Nova systems.

Simply remove the "Nova Data 2" file from the Nova Files folder.

If you're into that kind of thing, you're doing a TC. And a TC is installed by removing all or some of the Nova Data files and replacing them with your own. Make sure your TC contains all the resources (or the substitue to these resources) that the Data file in question contains. Usually if you replace them all, you put a folder containing them all in the Nova folder, rename "Nova files" to something in the like of "Nova Files Nova", and rename the folder containing your files to "Nova Files".

Requiem, on Nov 7 2004, 09:59 PM, said:

But I don't recommend touching the Nova data unless you are just looking....
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Requiem it is fine to mess with the data files. As you can always replace them.

This post has been edited by The Real Darth Bob : 08 November 2004 - 10:58 AM

Still, locking them and working on copies will save everyone a fair number of reinstalls.

If I remember right, plug-in resources with the same ID as Nova Files overwrites them when loading and can TCs be loaded from the plug-in folder, or is that not the case?

BloodyRed, on Nov 8 2004, 05:44 PM, said:

If I remember right, plug-in resources with the same ID as Nova Files overwrites them when loading and can TCs be loaded from the plug-in folder, or is that not the case?
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Yes but sometimes resources in NOva that aren't covered up by the TC can interfere with the TC.