EVO Questions

Ah, I see. Sorry I got a tad confused.
Well you can always alter the interface, can't you?

The Kestrel currently has no Info Render, is it possible that you could upload the old shipyard pics onto the info screen instead?

This post has been edited by Ictinike : 09 January 2007 - 02:52 PM

@ictinike, on Jan 9 2007, 07:46 PM, said in EVO Questions:

The Kestrel currently has no Info Render, is it possible that you could upload the old shipyard pics onto the info screen instead?

Of course. But that's not the point. 🙂

What's the story on the Lazira's arms then? You make it sound like they can open and close like those of an EVN Argosy.

Edit: Whoops, missed a page when I replied. my question was already answered.

This post has been edited by Nil'kimas : 09 January 2007 - 07:20 PM

@nil-kimas, on Jan 9 2007, 11:04 PM, said in EVO Questions:

What's the story on the Lazira's arms then? You make it sound like they can open and close like those of an EVN Argosy.

There is no 'story'. The model was designed so that they can open and close, but this was quite purposeless (like the Azdara's ability to flap its wings) because the EVO engine offered no opportunity for animation. So, there's no set of conditions saying when it opens and when it closes, because it's never been able to do it. 🙂

Flapping wings? Azdara.... Hm... Sorry but that sounds strange! Perhaps the wings come together (into 2) when you hyperspace of something, but flapping wings sounds, odd!

@ictinike, on Jan 9 2007, 11:44 PM, said in EVO Questions:

Flapping wings? Azdara.... Hm... Sorry but that sounds strange! Perhaps the wings come together (into 2) when you hyperspace of something, but flapping wings sounds, odd!

Azdgari and odd are words that tend to go together you know. 😉

Azdgari are the best race ever. First time I saw an Azdara in EVO I almost cried, out of love. 🙂

P.S. You've got PM!

@pac, on Jan 9 2007, 03:08 PM, said in EVO Questions:

There is no 'story'. The model was designed so that they can open and close, but this was quite purposeless (like the Azdara's ability to flap its wings) because the EVO engine offered no opportunity for animation. So, there's no set of conditions saying when it opens and when it closes, because it's never been able to do it. 🙂

That post reminds me of a section of Belthy's section on the Asteroid Miner in his Online Mining guide: he noted that apparently, the arms of the 'Roid Miner were supposed to open up in Hyperspace Flight (like the Argosy's wings), to which he posted the quote "I just flew in from (syst. name), and boy, are my arms tired."

Cracks me up every time I read it. :laugh:


My override port and pilot got corrupted. 😞

Who uses 'Riod miners though? =/ I always used a Pegasus!

This post has been edited by Ictinike : 09 January 2007 - 09:29 PM

If you're using the 'official' port then that's likely your problem 😉

Yeah, Guy I downloaded yours, trying it out now. Looks good, still more excited about Pac's

@pac, on Jan 8 2007, 07:08 PM, said in EVO Questions:

If you check the description, the Lazira is a design with heavy alien influences, so it does in fact have a non-crystal power plant. (Whereas the Crescent Warships says 'Power Crystals'.)

Crescent alien influences or...more interesting ones?

@qaanol, on Jan 10 2007, 05:56 PM, said in EVO Questions:

Crescent alien influences or...more interesting ones?

Miranu, minor aliens maybe they'd been spying on humans too. Really, it originated as a note to explain why the model wasn't as nice as the main Crescent ships. 🙂

@pac, on Jan 10 2007, 01:20 PM, said in EVO Questions:

Miranu, minor aliens maybe they'd been spying on humans too. Really, it originated as a note to explain why the model wasn't as nice as the main Crescent ships. 🙂


Helian + Lazira = ???

Heh, would be a strange ship, but is something a minor shipbuilding company might be tempted to put together, create a sort of cheaply armed merchant class vessel. Sort of a Cresent influenced Freight-Courier, perhaps?

Okay. I haven't visited in a few weeks so I've just caught up (at work) on a lot in a rather hurried manner ;). It's all sounding like progress!

Just a couple of things I want to comment on:

  1. Zashchit. I always thought of it with a sort of German pronunciation, and called them closer to Zuckit. And I think I will continue to do so, just like I can't bring myself to say Skolomance for Sholomance in WoW, even though Blizzard says that's how it is.

  2. Nova Override port. I've had a go with the better port from Guy, and it is a lot better - just the fix in the speed of things was quite welcome. But I still find issue with the basic delivery missions. The original EVC and EVO ones were for between 10 and 19 tons inclusive, but it seems now they go as low as 5 - it just makes it not quite right in my eyes 🙂 but I remember mentioning it before and finding out that the implementation was not as straightforward as I assumed. I haven't looked into the passenger missions much but in EVO they took either 2 or 3 tons, sometimes seemingly dependent on destination, but often seemingly randomly.

Looking forward to AotC for sure. Hopefully by then I'll be okay taking some time off WoW again ... damn game.


@martinz, on Jan 18 2007, 11:05 PM, said in EVO Questions:

  1. Nova Override port. I've had a go with the better port from Guy, and it is a lot better - just the fix in the speed of things was quite welcome. But I still find issue with the basic delivery missions. The original EVC and EVO ones were for between 10 and 19 tons inclusive, but it seems now they go as low as 5 - it just makes it not quite right in my eyes

Yes, I've noticed the same. I think Nova must treat negative numbers in that field differently than Classic/Override, but I haven't got around to checking out that yet.

Just a note to pac saying that EVO was/is a profound gaming experience for me, I hold the alias Incontrovertible as a testament to that.

Oh, you're still answering questions Mr. Cartwright? I don't mean to be a bother, considering the number of questions I have already plied and that you are busy at work with AotC (the very mention of which makes me slightly giddy). But, I did think of another question, mundane thought it be:

What exactly do each of the EVO Universe's respective species use for fuel? We know that the Voinians use some sort of heavy-element material to power their ships, and that it is different than anything anyone else uses (save, perhaps, the Emalgia and Hiawar), but its composition remains as much a mystery as what everyone else uses. Care to enlighten us, or is this one of your 'little secrets'? 😉

@incontrovertible, on Jan 19 2007, 11:45 PM, said in EVO Questions:

Just a note to pac saying that EVO was/is a profound gaming experience for me, I hold the alias Incontrovertible as a testament to that.

That's a very nice page. Thank you.

@-visitor-, on Jan 20 2007, 12:47 AM, said in EVO Questions:

What exactly do each of the EVO Universe's respective species use for fuel?

Well this is highly confidential … But I can exclusively reveal that they use 'fuel'. 🙂

Well, we know they gather it from gas giants, and scoops can pick it up in interplanetary space, so it could simply be hydrogen? Or maybe 'He3', as in the Peter Hamilton universe. But I'm not a believer in supplementing a space opera with 'Science of Star Trek'-type explanations of technology (which was usually invented by some scriptwriter at great haste, or even improvised). If it's relevant to the plot, then it may be 'explained', but otherwise I don't pretend that there are 'real' explanations for anything. Override is a universe built from the beginning around the EV engine, and not an existing sf concept which was adapted to it.

This post has been edited by pac : 19 January 2007 - 08:11 PM

More pronunciation questions. ... uh ... All of them. 😃

Voinian, Emalgha, Miranu, Zidagar, Zidara, Azdgari, Azdara, Igadzra, Igazra. And, heh, all character names and that of their Systems, Worlds, Moons, Planetoids, and Stations.

I've taken most for granted, but after a discussion with a friend I discovered that my ways were by no means the only ways. Specify, if you would. Want to make sure I haven't been doing to the others what I did with the Zachit.

I won't ask you for descriptions of the species. There are just some things that I'd rather not be disillusioned about. 😉

This post has been edited by U.E. Admiral : 20 January 2007 - 04:08 PM