EVO Questions

Ah. Never saw any of the Monty Python movies. Or shows. Maybe I'm missing out. Maybe I'll rent it. Maybe I'll hate it. Maybe, just maybe, I'll stick with maybe and never decide either way. ponders

Edit: Found a clip of the scene. Oddly enough, on Apple's site. Yes, brilliant stuff. Couldn't understand that last thing though. Enlighten?

This post has been edited by U.E. Admiral : 04 January 2007 - 01:10 AM

@u-e--admiral, on Jan 4 2007, 04:18 AM, said in EVO Questions:

Your përs in Override was an Arada, yes. I also believe that your comm quote was "42." I could be thinking of a different Arada, but I'm certain you had an Arada yourself.

I don't have a pers ship (or at least, not one named after me), either an Arada or anything else. There is a 'Pete Hopkins' in an Arada, but that's not me. (If I did have one, it would either be very difficult indeed to take any cash from, or carry none at all! :))


Edit: Another question. It was never clear to me how Zachit and Zacha were pronounced. To my understanding of English, the "ch" could be either the sound we hear in the word "chance", or the one heard in "character". Both sound perfectly viable, and I don't exactly have a degree in language. Which is it?

Neither. It's 'Zashchit'.

Ah, that's interesting. I always assumed it was 'Zackit'.

Same. "Zashchit" would be a little hard to pronounce.

of course, it could always represent the hebrew ?

edit: letter will not show. its the chet letter, the ch representing the horking sound, as in channukah when pronounced properly.

This post has been edited by LNSU : 04 January 2007 - 09:03 PM

@warlord-mike, on Jan 4 2007, 03:38 PM, said in EVO Questions:

Same. "Zashchit" would be a little hard to pronounce.

Not if you're a Russian speaker. 🙂

For the sake of archives, maybe we should make a new thread with all the questions and answers? You know... So it's organized.

I second the motion. Is there a third?

Since pac showed up in the third post in the topic, I think we should just get VoinianAmbassador (or a Mod) to change the title of this thread. Unless things have changed with the recent webboard upgrade, all he has to do is hit the "edit" button on the first post in the topic, and he'll be able to change the title to "EVO Questions: A conversation with the designer" or whatever.

This post has been edited by Dr. Trowel : 06 January 2007 - 12:25 AM

@dr--trowel, on Jan 6 2007, 05:17 AM, said in EVO Questions:

Since pac showed up in the third post in the topic, I think we should just get VoinianAmbassador (or a Mod) to change the title of this thread. Unless things have changed with the recent webboard upgrade, all he has to do is hit the "edit" button on the first post in the topic, and he'll be able to change the title to "EVO Questions: A conversation with the designer" or whatever.

**Excellent idea. I've changed it.



What (if any) is the story behind the crystals on the crescent ships? Do they generate power, or propulsive force? Do they serve some other purpose? Does the technology have a name? (Hopefully this isn't something that has an extant in-game explanation that I missed.)

@dr--trowel, on Jan 8 2007, 12:37 AM, said in EVO Questions:

What (if any) is the story behind the crystals on the crescent ships?

Story? Crystals are just the way forward!


Do they generate power, or propulsive force?

Yes and yes. 🙂


Does the technology have a name?

Crescent technology? 😄

@bomb, on Jan 6 2007, 09:18 PM, said in EVO Questions:

**Excellent idea. I've changed it.



Aw. I've been away for a few days. Was just about to change it, in response to a personal message. Anyway, thanks to everyone for showing that interest in EV:O is alive and kicking.

Why not Cresent Crystalite Technology? CCT! Aghhh Watch out for his CCT Thrusters!

In addition to the name change, I'd think a sticky is in order. This is basically the greatest EVO topic ever.

Motion seconded, xak. Is there a third?



If the crystals generate power, why does the Lazira's targeting pic show a "Power Plant"? Is the "plant" really just a big crystal or something?

Fifth vote for sticky.

Also, Maybe the Crystals grow from a sort of space plant. So if a crystal breaks they can just grab another from the plant. 🙂 Just Kidding.

Well, so far, the count is:

5 votes for making this a Sticky
0 votes against.

Someone get a mod over here! :laugh: