Review some of your favorite or hated plug-in's here!!!

The asteroids that chase you are killed in like two shots! But the black hole that moves? The virus is kinda cool! But i don't like having to sit in little ships......

Microsoft Works is a oxymoron


Originally posted by Obormot:

It totally changes the graphics to make them awesomely mad phat cool pupsiik. It rocks.

I couldn't agree with you more. But i would still give it a 9 - some of the ships are too dark. If you don't have this one, go download it. It's a prettly large download, but it's worth it. And Obormot forgot to mention that it also upgrades all of the sounds, the buttons(and replaces them with good buttons, unlike the boxed in Sabotear's realm). I still am looking for a really good non-TC plug that adds a lot. I haven't tried EVO Plus. Is it good?

"Don't worry - that red flashing light proably doesn't mean anything..."
"Then why did the escape pod just launch?"
"Oh s###!"