A straight answer, please..... (question for experts, sort of spoiler for newbies)

Alright... I've tried with before, with no luck.... I stated a new pilot the other day, hoping to try out the Adzgari string (never did it before)... well, my first action was to trade until I had several million credits... then, I did this:

1. the first UE missions
2. Travel to Mira, get trade relations
3. Travel back to Earth, one more UE mission
4. Travel to Emphalgha, start UE-emphalgha alliance
5. Did Anna B./UE cruiser mission & Voinian dreadnaught mission
6. Went to South Tip Station and started Aggy string (or was it North tip? I forget now) 🙂
7. Finished aggy string, (#1 Central Objective) went to Kitrak, started Nebula string
8. Finished nebula exploration (#2 Central Objective)

And now, I'm totally stuck. I went back to Emphalgha, because I was told here that that's where you can finish off the UE string. However, when I land in the bar, nothing happens. All I got to do for them was the alliance with UE thing.... and now, I am lost. I've been told to help the hinwar, but I still have no idea who/what/were they are..... Is there some big part of the UE string that I'm missing? The search for Anna B. and the Deadnaught one's seem to be the only one's I could find, with this new account, and my old one...... if there's a big one I'm missing, please, feel free to spoil me. someone, HELP! 🙂

And now, a question about ships.... when I was with the Iggies, it was easy to decide on a Igzara (sp?)... it's a great warship... but, now that I'm with the Aggies, I had to think about what ship I should buy.... and unfortunately, all I could come up with is the Crescent Warship.... it's not the greatest, but it works. Anyone else have any suggestions, in case I try it all over again? UE Cruiser is a maybe, but they're so god-awfully slow, even with the upgrades.... and, for their size, their shielding kinda sucks. I wish there was a wider selection of badass ships to choose from....

Thanks for your time. Peace.

"It's a boy! AND WHAT A BOY!"
"Mr. Simpson, that's the umbilical cord"

(This message has been edited by Flatulence (edited 07-23-2000).)

You're lacking the Hinwar missions. Unfortunately my memory has faded as to where to get the missions; somewhere in Voinian-turned -EU space, I think. As to the warship, I like take the UE Cruiser and add all the engine upgrades (engine, thrust, RCE, Azdgari), and you handle just like a Crescent Warship only with more shields and tons more armor. My 2˘.


-= Timinator =-

"I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it."

For the Hinwar thing-
Remeber that system that you helped the Emalgha take over? Go to the bar in that system, The Hinwar guy is in there.

"Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress and this administration will be remembered in spite of ourselves." Abraham Lincoln

web site-


You can still board and capture an Iggy. Very easy, since their crew is only about 52 strong. Get yourself that Iggy, if it's what you're hapiest in. Of course, you may struggle to sell off the SAE modules if you're not best buddies with the Iggy government. Potential problem, there.

The only real alternatives are:

  • Crescent warship (cheap, easily available, a bit on the light side for a
    capital ship)
  • Bolshova's Pushover (slow, lots of armour if you lick kicking crescent ass,
    lots of crew so easy capturing, some people like 'em)
  • Voinian cruiser (Now you've done some UE missions, you'll only be able to get
    one of these by capturing it. They can be quite fun, for a change, with lots
    of space, lots of armour and a ready source of sucky replacement fighters.
    I'm not kidding. As with the Iggy, you may struggle to sell off the fittings
    you don't like.)

Good luck, captain!

Thanks guys, but I still have one problem... I don't remember helping the Emphalgha take over any system.... I really think that all I did was the UE alliance thing and then I helped them defend their homeworld a few times.... am I missing something?

Yes, I'd like to use an Iggy, but the problem is, the natural enemies of the Iggies would then attack me every time they saw my ship.... and, since I'm working with the Aggies on this pilot file, that wouldn't do much good.

I did spend some time in the Voinian cruiser, but I have a need for speed, and the cruisers (voi & UE) just don't do it 🙂

One other question.... what's everyone's favorite primary weapon? I really hate the blaze turret, so I stay away from it..... the phase turret is the perfect "in between" weapon, it fires straight, semi-far, and does a decent amount of damage. The neutron turrets have huge range and great damage, but they are REALLY slow to lock on incoming fighters. Not good unless you wanna kick Voinian butt.

So, in conclusion... I need to find out how to get further with the Emphalgha.. I'm really having no luck with them. I get absolutely nothing when I land on their planets and go into the spacebars. :frown:

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

Go to the bar on earth... Your commander will say that the Elmalgia and the humans {What a brave species..} Are ready to team up against the Voinions.{Bastards}

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...


Originally posted by Flatulence:
**And now, I'm totally stuck. I went back to Emphalgha, because I was told here that that's where you can finish off the UE string. However, when I land in the bar, nothing happens.

Quit hanging out with the civilian Emaghians. Do you really expect them to
have the initiative to hit the Voinians back, when they park their ships at
the bottom of a gravity well?

Try talking to their military folks on Gurado.

You know, if you get an Igazra you won't necessarily be attacked by the other species based on your posession of that ship. They know it's you (probably for some farcical transponder reason or other). Don't worry aboot it.



Originally posted by Captaintripps:
**You know, if you get an Igazra you won't necessarily be attacked by the other species based on your posession of that ship. They know it's you (probably for some farcical transponder reason or other). Don't worry aboot it.


It all depends on whether the Igazra has it's Inherent Government set to something somebody doesn't like. (which it undoubtedly does) Even then, there's a slight chance they'll ignore you anyway.

BTW, I was just thinking, it's a good thing none of the ships the renegades use have renegades set as their inherent government. It would be quite annoying having the whole galaxy mad at you for nothing...

Knucklehead, Aeon Productions


(Insert witty remark here)

well... this was strange... I landed on Emalgha's moon, and nothing happened... I was pissed, so I left.... upon leaving, I found a nice fat fleet of Voinian warships flying around and killing the poor Emalghans... so, I spent some time blowing up all the evil ships and then I landed on the moon again to regenerate shields... well, what have we here? I mission to save the hinwar? I'll be damned. Anyway, I just finished the UE objective, so now, I guess I beat the game.... is there any other fun missions I'm missing? And, can the council be messed with?

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

Ignore the Council guys. That was just a platform to let plugin makers let their little minds run rampid and wild. Dominate a few renegades, mess around with your enemies, that's all you realy can do.

This is why I need plug-in help...


On the matter of the ship, get a Lazira.

They have good speed and turning, so with an RCS (or you could try the Azdgari upgrade as your friends with them...) and engine upgrade, they have the speed elements to match most fighters.

Next, dump the phase cannons/turrets and go to Pareen Station and fit three Neutron Cannons as with this number, the speed doesnt matter as much.

Next you need to decide whether you want to trade or not. If you dont want to trade, and instead just want to kill, then buy two mass expansion kits before buying some pursuit missile launchers and missiles.

Finally top it all off with a good helping of freshly grated extras such as ECM system, afterburners, etc.

For me, this is the best ship available for all round ass kicking.


Oh and one last thing...

Straight answer? haha, you wish! 😛

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

Alien, I realized that after my first few responses 😄

Anywhoooo.... that's about all.. I'm having fun trying to take over the world.

Good strategy for free escorts:

1. hire 1 Crescent Warship escort...
2. release it
3. attack it
4. disable it
5. board it
6. capture it
7. rinse, reuse, recycle. (do it again, dummy) 🙂

Question.... how effective is that voinian armor upgrade? (the two armor plating, one takes up 20 space, the other 80)

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

Oh... one last thing..... has this ever happened to anyone?

I was taking over a planet and I got a huge force of UE ships (owned by the Voinians) sent after me. While it was kinda fun kicking shuttle butt, it was pretty weird... check out that image if you haven't already.....

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

If you do that capture-the-hired-escort trick, do the governments get mad?

"I like ice cream without chunky bits in it... they get stuck in my tubes." — Bungie's Soul

You probably have Quickdraw on. If your computer is fast enough, turn quickdraw off, because occasionally it gets screwy

You don't blow it up, you just, how shall I put it,
"Let the smoke out"-Jack

I want a doughnut. A doughnut as doughnutty as a doughnut made of flour, water, one large egg, sugar, a pinch of yeast, cinnamon to taste, and jam or jelly filling, depending on preference. Its not a doughnut as something in any way metaphorical. Just a doughnut.

Toothpaste -- no, they don't.... the escort crescents (or whatever ships) have no ties to any governments.

Jack -- is that it? if so, that's kinda screwy..... I'll fiddle around a bit, see if it happens with another pilot or something. either way, it's kinda funny 😄

Hmmmm.... and now I wanna figure out how to do all the damn smiles

🙂 😄 🙂 :frown: 😧 😛 😎 8-) 3) 😃 😉 ;D .... hmmm.. I'm fresh out. help? 😄

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

My suggestions for ships:

Igazra: moderately fast and maneuverable and can be upgraded in that respect and has a good amount of weapons space and shields.

UE Cruiser: although very slow, it can be upgraded to manageable speeds. In the meantime it sports heavy firepower, good weapons space and a large crew.

Crescent Warship: if you would like a ship from alien space but would not like one that has an inherent government, this one is for you. It is moderately fast and maneuverable and has sufficient weapons space and firepower and shields. Though it may be a little bit on the expensive side, if you are willing to pay to avoid automatically being attacked by a strand government, then this is for you.

