What's this about "Voinoins"???

Ive read 15 topics now and nearly everywhere there stands "Voinoins"! Its VOINANS! And the Igadzra is called Igazra. And Azdgari is called Azgari. Jesus!

From MarVin...

I sure as hell hope you're joking, 'cause if you're not then you're incredibly stupid. It's "Voinians", "Azdgari" and "Igadzra". The big Igadzra ship is the Igazra, but that's not the name of the race. Okay?



I always thought it was Vionians




{hoarking sound is heard}

{hoarking sound is heard}

{Spit sound is heard}

NI! we are the knights of NI!
Cut down the mightiest tree in the forrest...
I will not!
Oh please!
Right! I'll do you for that!
You'll what?
Come here!
What are you going to do; bleed on me?!
I fart in your general direction!
{hoarking sound is heard}
I fart in your general direction!
I fart in your general direction!
{hoarking sound is heard}
I fart in your general direction!
None shall pass!
Oh please!


Marvin, marvin, marvin, marvin, poop snap... Glasses, boy, glasses!!

And Fibblesnork... Please get rid of that long sign.......

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

did you notice i'm unregistered? 😄

MarVin, according to the game and documentation it's Voinians , not Voinans, the Igazra is a vessel that belongs to the Igadzra , And it's Azdgari , not Azgari or Azdara or whatever. It's also Zidagar , not Zidara.

Scientists have discovered that the leading cause of death is birth.

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 07-22-2000).)

If in doubt, do what the smart set do - abbreviate, and avoid looking like a fool.

Refer to the strand civilisations as the Iggies, Ziddies and Aggies.
Refer to the belligerent race to the galactic west as the Voinies.

(Note - this probably annoys the hell out of them.)

All I need now is a name for the UE folks. Humies? Ach, all you Earthlings look the same to me...

"I wear a helmet
But I've got a bare chest
I do some talking
My phaser does the rest
Don't like your tentacles
Don't like your face
Don't like your planet
Think I'll lay it to waste
'Coz I'm Rambo in Space
Yeah, I'm Rambo in Space"

hmmmm........ why should you care how people spell the damn races? As long as everyone knows what they're talking about, it doens't matter. I had no idea how to spell the races until very recently, but I don't recall any ******* yelling at me about it.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --


Originally posted by Flatulence:
**hmmmm........ why should you care how people spell the damn races? As long as everyone knows what they're talking about, it doens't matter. I had no idea how to spell the races until very recently, but I don't recall any ******* yelling at me about it.

BAH! the forum bleeeps out ******* ? good lord..... that kidna sucks. I wanted to get my point across. Oh, well, Marvin, you're an.... ĺsshole

there ya be. Pleasant dreams.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

My mother always said computer people were impolite and crass. I should send this post to her as proof. She always was right, the dear lady. It's too bad my father killed her in that drunken stupor of his...

So as I was saying I think a lot of thought went into the names of the Strands. I think it's so clever that they are all anagrams of each other, essentially, and that they all seem related in some way. Wow....

(just a little sarcasm)


Okay, just so you know, each of the strands has a unique ship with a name based on the name of the race. For the Zidagar, it's the Zidara. For the Igadzra, it's the Igazra. For the Adzgari, it's the Azdara. (I know the strands have other ships too, but these ships are totaly unique: not based on any other ship class.)

Knucklehead, Aeon Productions


(Insert witty remark here)