A fighting strategy discussion...

During my 3 to 4 years of intense Escape Velocity and Escape Velocity Override playing, I developed some few strategies in combat. One of them, the "shoot the enemy in the face" manouver, you only keep a safe distance between you and the attacking ship and blast him in the face with your turret or you turn around 180 degrees and do the same with a blaster. Only negative thing about this one is that you need a reasonable fast ship to get away from the lock- on missiles the enemy ship shoots on you until he run out. Another one is to release 7 fighters, no more, no less and let them attack first on the enemy ship and when you're not the target anymore, go back and blast him, and then he will target you and your fighters can attack him, then he target them, you attack and so on until his finished. This minimise the risk of getting destroyed or being forced to use expensive missiles on him. Personally, I never use missiles. I have them, just in case something happens but I rather use these tactics than using them. Not that I never have any cash in EVO but I hate to waste' em. Finally, the way I often get rich is to decide which party I are going to support in the Strand War. If I choose the Igadzra, I demand tribute of the other part's planets, only the weakest ones, like the M- classified or else I will use to much time.

My quetion is, is there anyone out there with their own fighting strategy, their way to get rich fast except the "take missions from the mission computer, do them and get rich slower than my sister run the 100- meter sprint" without putting into use the "cowards" MAX- Cheater where you get everything for i credit and yadiyadiyada.......... Please let me know if you do!

From MarVin...

Yeah, the good 'ol monty python! So many people developed that independently, but I heard that the AI in an upcoming release of EVO was going to be improved to make it more difficult.
Also, the fighter thing works just as well with escorts.
And to make money, I've never actually tried this myself, and don't know how quick it would be, but a lot of ships get disabled in the UE frontier systems. So, you could probably board the UE ships, nick their rockets and sell them. Like I said though, I have no idea how well this would work.



Ah ha! I am one of those who developed the monty python on my own, I didn't evn know it's name till I came here.. I just knew there was a big flaw in the AI of the game {A distance to target varible and time to target varible were apparantly not getting along....} and I took advantage of it... My best money making technique?? Raiding pirates....

The UE trick? NO. The ships use up their rockets on each other and there is RARELY a draw... {The UE destroyer always wins in one on one.}

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

Well, the best way to REALLY get rich:

At the very beginning, I go into the spaceport bar, hire one shuttle, and go buy some equipment in the commodity exchange. I jump to Centauri, sell the equipment, buy food, jump to Sol, sell the food. And so on, back and forth, hiring more and more shuttles. Once I make enough, I release all the shuttles and hire a freighter, gradually adding more freighters until I have the maximum. Once I have a few million credits, I buy a scoutship, fly to Mirava, and buy a Lazire. A -lot- of money can be made this way. 🙂
Also, trading in the Miranu systems can be good; Miranu heavy freighters can hold a -lot- of stuff, but they cost a whole crapload of money, so you have to find a good route.


I, too, noticed the Monty Python maneuver before it had a name. Anyways, i have a great way to make money. It only works to its full extent if you're in a human or voinian vessel, but anyways. It's pretty simple, you attack fighters of the opposing force, take their cargo and make them your escorts. Selling 500 tons of medical good at rate, low to high can make a whole heckuva lot of money. Cha-ching! It works so well cuz it's all free.


-= Timinator =-

"I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it."

Another way to get rich: Buy a scoutship, go to the Grooz system in the crescent. The Zidagar and Igazdra are always shooting the hell out of one another. Most of the time a ship is disabled that you can board. STEAL THE CREDITS. This creates legal problems, of course, but you can work around it. The Zidaras carry about 100 grand a pop, while the Igazra has about 600 grand. Easy money.

yea, the cresent warships always got alotta money. I usually wait tell someone gets disabled or close to then I board them and take there cash. legal problems arn't usually that bad over in the cresent you just try to board equally of each race.

then you get bigger ship and then you can just take out whoever yea want

Weazle is Fed up with your ShĄt, and he's going to kill YOU!

It's kinda weird how aliens use the same currency as humans

You're unique, just like everybody else.

Those things, those things! They're all around, they hide in the corners until they see light...


That was the care factor going out the door.

P.S. Seriously though, ever heard of bank cards?


A good ballistic weapon strategy: Find an enemy ship. Don't target it, but fire rockets at it. For some reason, if it's not targeted, it won't register you as an enemy, and you can spend hours taking potshots at it without it so much as firing once in return. As for money, pirating always works.


what's all this crazy talk of waiting for ships to be disabled by others? When a computer ship attacks another, it goes for the kill, not the disable.

So, want a simple solution? Disable the ships yourselves, geniuses.... it's really not that hard. you shoot like mad until the enemy is at around 10% shields (unless they're voinian).. and then you use the monthy python thingy to shoot controlled bursts of fire, until they're disabled. Now, this is where it gets tricky: YOU STOP SHOOTING. Yes, you stop shooting. Then, you must spend many painful hours getting your speedy little ship to not only go slow enough, but also be close enough, to board the disabled enemy. Steal the credits, attempt a capture of the ship. And then you go home happy.

This has been a useless explanation from your gassy friend.

"It's a boy! AND WHAT A BOY!"
"Mr. Simpson, that's the umbilical cord"

I have a hard time pulling off the Monty Python maneuver. Does it only work at high speeds or what? I'm chugging along in my Crescent Warship, so maybe that's the problem ( :D).

I am also using v1.0.2. Does v1.0.2 make the Monty Python harder?

"I like ice cream without chunky bits in it... they get stuck in my tubes." — Bungie's Soul