PC MAC Emulator

Is there a PC MAC Emulator for the PC so I can play EVO/EV on PC?


There are several, such as Executor ( (url="http://"http://www.ardi.com")http://www.ardi.com(/url) ), for example.

~Andrew M


Originally posted by Andrew M:
**There are several, such as Executor (http://www.ardi.com ), for example.


Thnx but aren't there any free emulators.


Not good ones.

"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."

Sure there are good free ones.... I played EV on a PC emulater and now am permenetly tramitized. the game moves frame by frame, kinda like sllloooowww Moootiooon it's really neat.

By a Mac, Moron

Weazle is Fed up with your ShĄt, and he's going to kill YOU!


Originally posted by Weazle:
**Sure there are good free ones.... I played EV on a PC emulater and now am permenetly tramitized. the game moves frame by frame, kinda like sllloooowww Moootiooon it's really neat.

By a Mac, Moron


Yeah macs are better. LOL we can even run a PC emulater with no problem, lol ten again who would want to????

Hail Odin,
where he gose victory and
glory follow. The old
gods are not dead and are
regaining rightful
places!! Hail the old Hail the new and hail the futur.

My MAC broke down and I have now only a PentiumIII 700 128MB RAM.
I think EVO/EV would work fine, I even can play playstation games and N64 games on my PC very smooth.


MAC Break down!!!! did you pour water on it? or did you throw some magnets inside of it? drop it outta a building? shot it with a gun? iam sorry iam not aware of a mac ever breaking down unless it pertains to the reasons abouve.

yea it is funny. we used an IBM emulator on are mac and it ran normal. but my friend tried a mac emulator on his IBM so he could play EV but it went so slow i almost cried.... the poor kid would never get the full EV exsperience :frown:

Weazle is Fed up with your ShĄt, and he's going to kill YOU!

Macs are better than P.C.'s, but they aren't infallible.
BTW, if anyone ever says that Macs are worse for gaming, just hit them with this nuclear comeback:
"Daikatana isn't out on Mac."
Works every time.




Originally posted by Weazle:
**MAC Break down!!!! did you pour water on it? or did you throw some magnets inside of it? drop it outta a building? shot it with a gun? iam sorry iam not aware of a mac ever breaking down unless it pertains to the reasons abouve.

yea it is funny. we used an IBM emulator on are mac and it ran normal. but my friend tried a mac emulator on his IBM so he could play EV but it went so slow i almost cried.... the poor kid would never get the full EV exsperience :frown:

Umm. Actually no computer can 'break down'. It is a matter of parts. However, some computers are so crapped up... you are better off buying another one.

As for broken Macs, we have several at work. Ones that me, nor any other tech could fix cheap. So we scrap 'em for parts.

Its funny though... one of my co-workers bought a 'fried' 9500 for $250.. fully loaded. All it really need was to have the mobo reset. One little button pressed was all that was need to fix it.


tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - gwii@excite.com - Rip the System!

You know what... hears a story about a MAC...

There I was, before I even knew of Ambrosia.. sitting at the slowest dinosaur that ever existed.. My old Mac performa 6000 {I tink...} when one day I tried to turn it on...

No response.. at all..

Check the connections, check the power, all fine, so off to the shop we go!!

"You've had a lightning strike!!" They say. "BullAUUGA!!." We say. "No, no, your logic brain and entire motherboard are fried..." They say. "What now then?" We say. "Insurance." They say.

Sure enough, our whooole house is insured!! Insurance company coughed a nice fat check for a new G4..

Went from 75 mhz to 350!!!!!!!!!


Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...